
Chapter 4


To say things have changed for Kings Landing and the Targayen family would be an understatement. Deamon had taken measures to make changes as much as possible, First, his relations with Rhaegar were better than he had hoped. He and Rhaegar were inseparable, Dameon had dragged Rhaegar to watch the king's guard spar and run through drills in the yard, and Rhaegar would drag him to read books and tell stories. Rhaegar had tried to read a book about the prince that was promised and other prophecies, but he had the book burned and told Rhaegar, telling him to never believe in bullshit like that and adding that if he ever pursued nonsense like that, then he would never allow hugs from him again. Rhaegar, from then on, never mentioned prophecies again. 

Daemon used the knowledge of his old life to convince his father of his plans, His father was unsure at first, but he swallowed his pride and used his cuteness to make his father bend to his will. These plans included brining bravos sewage and city workers to help with the plumbing lines through the city, adding canals near Blackwater Bay, a plan for bathhouses and taxing brothels and giving the women that work them security, and redoing the streets and making them wider, but he also had plans for tearing down flee bottom. But of course, all these plans would drain the Treasury drastically, so he came up with a plan to sell two Valyrian steel swords, Over these three years, he had stockpiled four Valyrian steel swords, two for his family, one to sell to Tywin and On the other hand, he had a Smither from Qarth he requested him to come to King's Landing; he made him his loyal servant; he had him set up shop, he gave him enough coin to expand his shop and hire more apprentices; he had him reshape the sword; and he had him make two crowns fitted with rubies and mini dragons decorating the crowns.

He set up a meeting with his mother and father and had them bring Tywin before he left for Casterly Rock for the birth of the twins. He told Rhaegar about his two gifts a year prior; his reaction was shocking, as his brother expressed his wonder and declared to never betray or say anything, he only asked to receive a sword as well, which he would get. There were times when Daemon saw an unknowing glint in Rhaegar's eyes when he caught him staring at him when he thought he wasn't looking, but all he saw was love, which he understood he loved his family as well, his mother, Rhaegar, his father kind of, and Ser Barristan, whom he thought was a second father even though he was his loyal servant, Barristan still gave him sound advice and will be training him in a few months.

 But Rhaegar's eyes showed almost possessive love...'Eh could be nothing' he thought dismissively. 

He met his father in the throne room in a closed meeting, Present were his mother, Rhaegar Ser Barristan, Lord Commander Gerold Hightower and the Lion Lord himself, Tywin Sideburns Lannister, dressed in his house colors, paying no expense with the finest leathers. Behind me were four long chests. "My son, what have you brought before us today?" he asked, his eyes showing interest in the chest behind me. 

"Father, I have something to confess." His father raised an eyebrow at that, and his mother looked a bit worried. 

"Oh, well, my son, what have you been withholding?" He asked, keeping his playful demeanor, because he didn't think it was an immediate matter. 

Daemon walked to one of the chests and spoke, "I have an ability to make something that has long been lost since the doom." This time, the faces turned interested and serious; his mother spoke first. "And what is that, Daemon?" she asked earnestly. Daemon simply opened the first two chests. Aerys walked forward and inspected it closely, the ripples in the steel made his eyes widen.

The first blade was a longsword or a bit longer but not a great sword, and the blade was broader than a normal longsword, the handle was black and had a black dragon pommel with ruby eyes, the cross guard was long with spiked tips, the second sword was a proper longsword with a red handle, a red dragon head with black gemstones for eyes, the cross guard was simple black but curved upward a bit.

Everyone showed shock, Rhaegar was told to act surprised when the weapons were revealed. Aerys looked at his son, His son has always been special to both of them but more so to Daemon, His growth and intelligence were one thing, but this was a different matter entirely, he had to make sure. 

"Daemon, how did you acquire these Valyrian steel swords?" he asked, meeting his son's eyes. 

"I'll show you." As he brought his hands out and thought of a weapon he would train with from now on, a longsword came to mind or perhaps a great sword....no I GOT IT. 

A bright red light, lit up the room, forcing everyone to shield their eyes, until it dimmed, and as Aerys looked back, he saw a black pole, with mini three headed dragons decorating the pole, and at the end of the pole was something that sent a shiver down his spine, it was a giant Warhammer head, both ends studded with mini spikes, the head had familiar grey ripples showing throughout the metal, Aerys had seen men used Warhammers before but this was no Warhammer, its hammer was much longer and bigger and it was made entirely from Valyrian steel...the damage it could do. 

Aerys looked at his son and back at the monstrosity of a weapon, until his sister wife broke the tense silence. "Daemon, you can make these weapons on a whim," she asked, as she gently placed her hands on his shoulders. Daemon gave her a smile and nodded. "I can make one weapon or armor of whatever I can imagine but I can only create every six moons (not familiar with the calendar system). "And i have a gift for you and your mother along with a proposition for Lord Hand here," he said as everyone reeled from this revelation that he can practically make Valyrian steel weapons with a thought. 

Daemon moved to open the last two chests as Rhaella pondered. 'My sweet boy possesses magic, and the kind that will have every lord and anyone with power to try and get to her boy to try to pull him in different directions, but her boy was very gifted, he can write, read, and relay information perfectly, both her boys were smart, and both had the potential to be warriors, no more so than Daemon, he was already bigger than most nine year olds, he desired to begin his martial training; and she was adamant on waiting, but he pleaded with her with those beautiful eyes of his, and he will most likely drag Rhaegar with him' she thought with a hint of sadness at her boys growing up so fast, she had to announce that she was with a child after this meeting. 

Daemon brought out the crown from the chest and motioned Rhaegar over to crown their parents, The brothers motioned their parents over, and they did so without hesitation. "I had them reshape a sword into two crowns," he said as he moved to crown his mother and Rhaegar his father, They both bowed and were crowned. Of course, no one was there but it did not matter, as Aerys and Rhaella hugged their children and kissed their heads. 

After numerous hugging's and fluffy words, they relented.

Daemon turned to face Tywin, 'forgot he was even there' he thought as he met his gaze, not willing to lose to some blonde dude in a staring contest. Tywin relented when he saw Aerys raise an eyebrow at him. "Now that House Targaryen has three Valyrian steel weapons, we will hold court and present them, Daemon, I suppose you intend to wield the Warhammer?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at the monstrosity of a weapon.

Daemon turned to his father, "Yes, the weapon will be mine, I know I am too young to wield such a thing now, but I will grow into it." he said, with a grin. "Very well, I will hold you to that," he said as he turned towards his heir. "Rhaegar, you will train, and when you are ready, my son, you can pick from these two blades to call your own." Rhaegar's face broke into a smile, and he bowed to his father. "Thank you, father, I will strive to meet your expectations." 

Aerys nodded and looked over to his sister to see her standing straighter and holding herself with pride at the new crown, so he did the same. 

"I have one more gift so to speak, for Lord Tywin," Daemon said, cutting the silence. 

Tywin raised a brow at this, He cooled his features to not show surprise at the possibility of his house finally having a Valyrian steel sword, as they rightfully should have, He was prepared to offer whatever the prince wanted to gain such a prize.

"As you know, Lord Hand, me and my brother presented plans to improve Kings landing, but the Coin needed is a bit much at the moment, I have plans to improve the income, but I am prepared to offer you a sword, in exchange for three million gold dragons.

What do you say?" Rhealla gasped at such a price, but Aerys merely gave an amused grin at his son's boldness. Tywin didn't reply, instead looking at the young prince and thinking, 'The boy is a genius; there is no doubt about it; Rhaegar is very bright as well, three million so there was no way to haggle a price, and it is a hefty sum, but a Valyrian steel sword is too much of a prize for his house to give up.' he thought.

"Very well, my prince, I accept your proposal, May I see the sword?" he asked. 

Daemon nodded and opened the last chest to reveal, a long sword, with a golden lion with emerald eyes, the handle was gold; and the cross guard was gold as well, with the words 'Hear me Roar' in white markings in the center. For the first time, since the dawn of the new ages, since the first castle was built, Tywin Lannister smiled. 

Tywin and Prince Daemon agreed on the price and Tywin left with the sword back to Casterly Rock to prepare the transport of the money on his return. He questioned the prince on why he would let him take the sword without payment, but the prince merely gave him a bored look and said, "I trust you will pay your debts to me so I am not worried and you have my thanks for being a good hand and friend to the family, as well as congratulations on the birth of your children." The prince smiled at him, but his smile did not reach his eyes as he looked at him like he knew something he did not. Those eyes made his spine ache a bit, 'that's not the sweet prince from before,' he thought. Tywin knew from that moment on that House Targayen would have an iron lock on the seven kingdoms with Prince Daemon around. 


Pairings for the future???

Sorry for the long wait, I had Exams this week and had to lock in for them, Let me know what you would like to see in future chapters.

writingoutofbordemcreators' thoughts
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