
Bad Dad (2)

Phoebe for a time enjoyed playing in the park and playing with the other kids present but she looked quite sad and mildly jealous when those kids ran to their parents. She looked back at the two foxes, both as big as the adults watching the children, huffing in slight anger that the constellation did not follow them. She was currently playing in the sandbox digging a hole to make a cave. 

"Hey, freak where is your dad" A taunting voice rang behind Phoebe, she whipped around to face a chubby boy with beady eyes and a cruel expression. 

Phoebe ignored the provocation turning away from the boy to continue her digging. The boy didn't like Phoebe ignoring him, so he kicked her cave destroying it in the process. Phoebe turned back around to face him glaring at him, her gave her a similar gaze. 

"My momma says that you're pretending to be a fake rich girl because your dad doesn't love you!" The boy bellowed pointing behind him at a lady who was gossiping with a small group. 

"No! My dad loves me!" Phoebe choked out, her voice quivering. 

"No, he doesn't!"

"Yes, he does!"

"No, he—"

The boy's speech was interrupted by a small palm smacking him across the face. Phoebe looked at the boy, angered by small tears forming in the corners of her eyes. The boy quickly grabbed her arm in retaliation.

Soon a fight formed between the two children, they were punching, scratching, screaming at each other, and pulling each other's hair. Noticing the grapple Kiki, Min-Min, and the boy's mother came running to the pair pulling them apart. 

"Look at what that wild child did to my poor baby boy! You're going to pay for this!" A shrill scream ripped from the boy's mother. 

"I'm sorry madam we will of course compensate you. Please forgive us." Min-Min said. 

"How! Just because you help that wretched girl pretend to be a little rich miss doesn't mean you can afford to compensate my son!"

"Madam don't worry we can compensate you." 

"Ha! Stop trying to protect that wild thing she isn't worthy to clean my son's shoes! That wretch's father couldn't be bothered to watch her I bet she will be hanging off the arm of a rich fat man when she grows up!" 

Phoebe began to shake in the protection of Kiki's arms sobbing silently as the woman continued to yell and accuse her. Kiki growled slightly in anger feeling Phoebe shake in her arms. Her maw began to open to swallow the vulgar lady whole and silence her shrill screeching. Kiki's sharp teeth began to peek from behind the veil when she made eye contact with Min-Min, shaking his head to dissuade her, this wouldn't be a good thing for Phoebe to witness. Begrudgingly Kiki closed her mouth and glared dagger at Min-Min to deal with the woman before she did. 

Min-Min lifted the veil slightly as a pinkish vapor escaped from his lips. As the lady and her son inhaled the vapor their eyes went glassy, the angry words dying in their mouth. 

"Forget it! Just keep that wild child away from my boy!" The lady said as she walked away with her son. 

Min-Min and Kiki swiftly took Phoebe away and stopped at the edge of the park. Phoebe began to cry, thick tears streaking down her face. The two foxes bent down to be at level with Phoebe and gently patted her on the back to calm her down. 

"Dad does love me! He gave me his name! He…must love me!" Phoebe sniveled as she hid her face in her hands.

The two foxes looking at the scene and deeply affected by Phoebe's sadness and loneliness stared at each other formulating a plan. 

"My lady we have a plan. We want you to hide and while you hide you need to shut yourself off from the world. You must keep hiding until your father can find you." Kiki whispered. 

"If you can do that you can see how much your father loves you. Can you hide sweetheart?" Min-Min asked. 

Phoebe looked up at the two foxes with tears and snot dripping down her face. She meekly nodded. The pair of foxes smiled wiping her face clean. 


Aurelius ran to the park with a small fear in his heart. As he ran, he kept trying to connect to Phoebe through their bond, but he was still being blocked by Phoebe. When he arrived at the park, he began to look around wildly hoping to catch a glimpse of Phoebe's form somewhere in the park. He had to push back his hair from his hair that had gotten all messy and sticking to his face during his mad dash. 

Looking around he didn't see Phoebe anywhere on the playground or in the sandbox nearby. He started walking past the park infrastructure and deeper into the park towards the lake and trails. He ignored the stares from the other humans, especially the many ladies giving him flirtatious gazes. 

"Phoebe where are you!" Aurelius shouted as he walked. 

The lack of response was deeply alarming for Aurelius. His nerves grew as he failed to find Phoebe. 

"Hey, handsome are you looking for someone? Can I help?" A coquettish voice sounded as a very sensual woman walked towards Aurelius. 

Aurelius turned his head slightly to meet the woman's gaze, she had purposely bent her body slightly to give him a better angle of her cleavage. Aurelius grunted in disapproval as the lady in question attempted to link arms with him. 

"Don't worry sir even if you can't find this Phoebe, I can be here for you." She whispered. 

"Leave now!" Aurelius hissed allowing a bit of his true voice to come through as he glared at the lady. 

The environment responded to Aurelius' voice, the sky darkened slightly, the wind whipped violently, and the plants lost a bit of their luster. 

The lady grew pale and seeing the constellation's anger immediately untangled herself from him and rushed off without another word. With the nuisance gone, the park returned to normal as Aurelius stopped channeling his rage. 

That's when he saw Phoebe curled up next to a park bench near the end of the lake. Aurelius ran to Phoebe as soon as he noticed her. 

"Phoebe it's time to go home. Come on get up." Aurelius urged. 

Phoebe ignored Aurelius turning around so that her back was facing him. When Aurelius walked around to be in front of her, she just flipped over again. He could tell that she was upset but he didn't know what to do. He looked around for the two fox servants, but he didn't see them anywhere, he would have to lift Phoebe's mood on his own. 

"Phoebe please look at me. It's time to go home." Aurelius pleaded once more bending down slightly. 

"Only my dad can take me home. You said you are not my dad so you can't take me home." Phoebe mumbled. 

Slightly exasperated Aurelius tried to grab Phoebe's hand, but she slapped it away and curled in a tighter ball fully ignoring the constellation behind her. 


[The Constellation, Ethereal Avian of Fiery Skies, says that as your dad it's time to go home.]

Phoebe jumped up from her ball with a big smile on her face. Quickly climbing down from the bench, she grabbed Aurelius' hand and began slightly dragging him out of the park. 

"Phoebe is a good girl so if dad says it's time to go home then we must go home. Ok, dad." Phoebe giggled shyly. 

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