
Capítulo 5 El Secuestro ------------------------------------

Somewhat worried, the Queen tells the King.

Queen Moon: That was not my Prince Yoshio's handwriting, he would not write letters to invite a snack, would bring them personally, something very dangerous could be happening My King, if they hurt Scy-Fy or Prince Yoshio, I sent guards with them to make it safer.

King Eerion: Don't worry My Queen, Scy-Fy always knew, I was worried too, but it will be okay, because that's what brought him here, lookdeeply at his Queen.

Queen Moon somewhat shocked by Scy-Fy's nature, still found it difficult to be calm because of the concern of her Prince and Scy-Fy, while she was thinking about them, Prince Yoshio and Princess Deisy appeared saying with some enthusiasm,

"We have some of the sweets left over from the evening and we would like to give them to Uncle Scy-Fy since he really liked them."

The Queen was somewhat frozen, understanding with more certainty that Scy-Fy was facing them he alone, so she made a great effort to remain calm and not show her concern, afraid that something would happen to Scy-Fy, her King. Realizing that he was trying very hard to maintain his composure, he was worried and hoped that the for his return he soon.

Princess Daisy: A little worried. ¿Is she okay Mother? She seems a little tired, maybe she should take a rest.

Prince Yoshio: Yes Mother Take a break.

Queen Moon: Thank you for your concern, My Prince Yoshio, and my Princess Daisy, wait for My little brother in the living room, he is coming, he went for a walk around the area.

Prince and Princess: They were speaking with motivation.

"Uncle Scy-Fy sure loves these candies".

"He probably eat them up like a squirrel hahaha".

And they went to wait for him in the room, while Scy-Fy went along with Prince Dareck's messengers towards the place mentioned in the letter, with an excited face to appear that emotion and make that information understood to those who were trying kidnap him, saying within himself.

Scy-Fy: <<¿When are these malicious people going to show their true colors? Surely if I start acting, the situation will accelerate, haha>>, out loud, how strange I don't see them anywhere, maybe they are hiding, If I shout to call them, they will surely give themselves away and I will find, I see, I see, that they want to play ee, inhale and exhale to speak louder, Prince Ys….

While one of Prince Dareck's welders covers Scy-Fy's mouth so as not to give them away.

Prince Yoshio: I hear something Princess Daisy, I think I heard Uncle Scy-Fy.

Princess Daisy: Excited Prince Yoshio, ¿who started hearing voices?, although I think I also heard something, ¿could it be that it is affecting me too?

The Prince and Princess didn't know what was happening at that moment, as the guards stuffed Scy-Fy's mouth and tied him up.

Scy-Fy: Inside himself he said <<finally his true intentions are known, I will try a little harder and start talking to get some information, although it be difficult talk with my mouth covered>> ¿Don't you think this is a very rude way to play?, This should be a red card, Prince Yoshio will not let something like this pass as a game.

While Prince Dareck's guards laughed evilly and said.

Prince Dareck's guards:

"Hahaha, poor Majesty, isn't his intelligence too little? he thinks it's still a game hahaha".

"Don't you know it's a kidnapping? Poor thing he, don't worry, you won't suffer much Hahaha."

Scy-Fy: ¡¿What?! ¿Kidnapping? Aren't we playing? ¿What does this mean? When Prince Dareck finds out about this, he won't let it go, you know that right?, while he trembled to act a little so that they would believe that he was scared.

Prince Dareck's guards:

"What a stupid boy, he doesn't know".

"Whoever you imagine told us to do this, your highness Scy-Fy, although he said it sarcastically, was his highness Prince Dereck, future king of the Celestial Kingdom."

"If he is obedient maybe he can be a lackey".

Scy-Fy: Inside his mind <<I see, I will continue investigating, and irritate them a little hahaha>>, nonsense My Big Brother, he is a great King, who loves his people, My Big Brother is not going to let them do these things that they are talking about and after he finds out about this he will use you as a mop, to clean the floors and leave the floor clean with you.

Prince Dareck's guards:

"Great words your highness, but the King will not be able to find out, by then it will only be the tragedy of the fact that his Highness Scy-Fy died due to his condition, trying to visit Prince Dareck and in his last words leaving a message to his Majesty the King, who gave his place to Prince Dareck, so the King and Queen will not be able to do anything since they will be very depressed by the departure of their beloved younger Brother, in the same way the Princes and Princesses will be so vulnerable, and busy caring for Prince Dareck's new orders to be neglected, thus taking the opportunity through them to turn against the King and Queen, ending the Celestial Kings, being the new king".

Scy-Fy: Inside himself <<how rotten they are, that explains some things, but it doesn't solve this whole situation, I will continue acting until the time comes to stop>>, shaking a little, saying, that's something. . . Terrible, ¿what did My Big Brother do to Prince Dareck, to do something so horrible?, so we can talk about it and everything can be resolved, showing some concern in his words in action, and we can all get along, right, ¿Are they supposed to be royal guards and knights? ¿What shouldn't stop these things from happening? Is it not your duty to show honor and brilliance to the people of the Kingdom? Isn't that the reason my older brother gives them cool names!? Talking and struggling to free himself from what was covering his mouth.

Prince Dareck's guards:

"Stupid, the King only says that but he has not given us any name and we only live as marginalized, and we have understood that this is the case thanks to Prince Dereck".

Scy-Fy: Inside himself <<I understand a little more, I'll keep investigating>> an outcast? ¡An marginalized wouldn't be a royal guard! In the first place, My Big Brother hasn't treated you badly, for what reason? Do they do this? I'm not smart, but I can understand that he's only using be them, and I am sure that he threw out those who were no longer useful to him

Prince Dareck's guards:

"Silence, somewhat furious, Prince Dareck not only promised us names, but great positions to rule alongside him".

Scy-Fy: Inside himself <<I see he's playing with their heads, that's horrible, I'll will act more>>, that doesn't seem too unreal to you, Prince Dareck is just fooling you waiting to get rid of you, they must realize.

Prince Dareck's guards:

"Furious he says, take him to the fleet I don't want to continue listening and inform his highness Prince Dereck that we have captured his highness Scy-Fy".

As Scy-Fy trembled, the other Guards who had greeted Scy-Fy upon seeing him tied up, the Guard she immediately ran and jumped to his aid, pointing their sword at those who had tied up Scy-Fy, while the others also pointed. With their weapons towards her.

Female Guard: What does this insolence mean to your highness Scy-Fy, he is the dear Little Brother of the King and Queen, put him down immediately or I will not hold back and attack you.

Prince Dareck's Guards:

"Saying sarcastically, look, you haven't seen anything, you understand, Prince Dereck's subordinate, if you attack it is considered treason against Prince Dereck, once Prince Dereck declares it, you will be finished and will be destroyed, for trying to assassinate his highness Scy-Fy, saying it haughtily, not even the King and Queen will leave them alive, so better how about you help us? Let's ignore it and we will rule together with Prince Dareck as the new king, ¿What do you think? Shaking his hand."

Female Guard: "somewhat trembling, more with determination, than I had understood and said" "If they are willing to protect us in that way, as Guards we will protect our protectors" "She Firm and willing to give everything even at that price, pointing her sword," she tells them, "Silence!" I will not tolerate this insolence towards his Scy-Fy highness.

Male Guard: Coming to help her she tells them, That's right, pointing her sword, ¡we will do what is the duty of a Royal Knight!

Prince Dareck's guards:

"Hahaha, look there are two of them, they seriously think they can take on all of us, I want to see them try".

"Saying softly to the other guards, hurt them but don't kill them, they will be perfect for Prince Dereck's plan".

And they began to fight seeing that a lot of commotion could be made, they put devices to inhibit the noise, so that others would not notice and an illusion around them to prevent any interference in the shape of a dome around them, while Scy-Fy said within himself.

Scy-Fy: <<How horrible, these knights of Prince Dereck are rotten by his lies towards them, although this is quite opportune to untie me at the right moment that illusory barrier and noise inhibitor, on part those Guards they pretty cool, well understand more I'll act a little>>, wait they're not the Guards I talked to earlier, don't hurt them!, showing concern being somewhat unrestrained in their words. ¡The Guards they must be wonderful beings full of honor who inspire people to be better!

Prince Derek's Guards:

"Silence that weakling, saying with disgust, and if he dies, we will blame those guards."

Female Guard: With fear and worry that something could happen to her, she says somewhat desperately, nooo! Please do not hurt his Highness Scy-Fy, being somewhat injured from the battle she says, we will rescue the his highness, with a firm voice, everything will be fine, do not be scared, addressing Scy-Fy.

Male Guard: We will not let them harm your Majesty's Younger Brother, somewhat beaten and badly injured.

Prince Dareck's guards:

"Then drop your sword and get on your knees and surrender then maybe we will reconsider."

The Guards with few options end up taking the request to surrender to save him, helpless for not having been able to continue, because they were fighting to protect Scy-Fy, they slowly dropped their swords, and got to their knees, but, the Male Guard unwilling to let him go. He wanted to try another maneuver, but another guard stopped him and took away his sword.

Prince Dareck's Guards:

"You know, very close to them and on my knees to say, I think I will not do such a thing, in the direction of the other guards, now they must beat them up and then they must tie them to these traitors who now have death waiting for them, laughing at his situation, like the rest".

The Guards who were fighting to protect Scy-Fy:

They said within them and within her the Female Guard with some tears, said << we are sorry your highness Scy-Fy, we have only been a nuisance and we have not been able to defend you >>.

And just when he was going to seriously damage them with his sword, they stood paralyzed at that moment as if they were trapped in that position they were in, while an intense pressure began to arise, strong enough, so that the others did not notice and Scy-Fy spoke with the mind.

Prince Dareck's Guards:

"¿What is happening? They got agitated and somewhat scared they say, it is not the same presence as that time, what is that voice? Where does that voice come from?"

The guards fighting to protect Scy-Fy:

"¿What happen? He feels heavy, ¿could it be the King? ¿Has he noticed?" 

"No, this presence is different from the King, it is something dense".

"¿What is this voice that circulates through our minds?"

Scy-Fy: He says inside himself about to speak with his mind, << well I see that the time has come to introduce myself, I will imply that due to stress I became different, to make Prince Dereck's guards and the others understand, the Guards who wanted to defend me, that I am someone different or that I have another personality, let's continue with this performance>>, speaking through the mind he says, mmm, with great intensity, ¡what does this behavior mean! ¿Why do they hurt others? ¿without coherent motive?

The others scared and confused say.

Prince Dareck's guards:

¿Who are you, what do you want?, scared they say, we were only following the orders of Prince Dareck, please forgive us and we will serve only you.

Scy-Fy: ¡Error, forgive them! ¿Why do they ask me to forgive them? ¿Aren't they wrong?

Prince Dareck's guards:

"Scared, they turn to the knights who wanted protect to Scy-Fy saying, tremblingly, we apologize Guards Royals, it was just a misunderstanding, ¿right?

The guards who fought to protect Scy-Fy:

"Somewhat scared she says, ¡no! dont It is true, it was not a misunderstanding, although we are not worthy of being called Knights either".

But he said this because they had already witnessed these actions by Prince Dareck towards others and had done nothing more than watch and abide by what he told them.

Prince Dareck's Guards:

"Trembling she says, don't believe what she says, this is just a misunderstanding, please let us go".

Scy-Fy: Eeee, let them go, ¿didn't they want to serve me? And now they want to leave? Make up your mind, ¿No? , I see, then why don't you look me in the face, and tell me that rotten statement again, while Scy-Fy releases them slightly so they can turn around.

Prince Dareck's Guards:

"With fear, they say, we don't understand what you mean".

So Scy-Fy, transforming his bracelets into armor that covered his arms completely, disintegrating the restraints that covered him in the process and levitating to show himself better, while Prince Dareck's guards look at him expectantly, In the same way the Knights who wanted to defend he.

Prince Dareck's guards could only remain scared and silent, being spectators of a mosaic of horror, in the same way the Knights who wanted to protect Scy-Fy.

¡Come on!

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