

"How far behind are they?" Nero asked as he considered the best plan. Jumping out the window, unfortunately, was out of the question. A fall from his current height would no doubt result in broken legs, waist, spine as well as a nasty head injury, at the very least.

He checked the edge of his blade, anticipating the fight ahead and was relieved to find that it was still sharp as ever, and without any nicks. It was fortunate that he had received his original knife back. If he had to rely on the one he bought from a vending machine then it would be uncertain how well it would last against so many vines.

"They're slowly closing in, but they have us surrounded," Isa managed to say without stuttering. Upon discovering the lack of panic in Nero upon hearing the news, he was able to muster up some courage as well, though he was still heavily influenced by the emotions he was sensing.

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