
The Letter's Contents

The night continued with no more unexpected challenges or additional portal openings. There was a large amount of Spirit Growth stage demons, which made things even easier to clean up.

As the final village was cleared of the Sun Sect's abyssal corruption, the Southern Continent fell into an eerie stillness.

The mission was quick with the Shadow Sect's vessel and team. They had fought tirelessly, purging the remaining demons that had plagued the region, but now it was over. The Sun Sect's lingering presence had been wiped out, and peace, fragile though it was, had returned.

Though, the loss of an entire sect and a massive amount of Day elemental cultivators across an entire continent was going to be a serious problem for the heavens to consider what to do in the coming days. How they would handle it was above Lassim's pay grade though, so he didn't waste any extra thoughts worrying over it. 

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