
New body, old ghosts

As Reggie and his brothers continued their hushed discussion, an uneasy silence settled over the dilapidated safe house. Blake was left alone in the house with Nana, the weight of recent events hanging palpably in the air as he stood alone in the sitting room.

Blake's gaze drifted towards the grimy window, peering out at the vibrant tapestry of city life unfolding beyond the glass. People milled about, going to and fro with an almost frantic energy, blissfully unaware of the dark undercurrents swirling just beneath the surface.

He watched them, his newly heightened senses picking up on things a normal human could never perceive. The flutter of heartbeats, both steady and erratic. The rise and fall of anxious breaths intermingled with raucous laughter and gossips. Even his sense smell had advanced. A whole hidden world laid bare before him.

It was at once wondrous and deeply unsettling.

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