
Enemy Camp

Also as a heads up their will be future pals that will be familiar to you guys at a glance, but I can make it make sense to the story thanks to Lovanders making it possible, example being a Lovander and Direhowl got it on and laid an egg and what pops out is a Direhowl that looks like a certain Hellhound from a certain series, if you know what I mean? :3

But that makes sense in the context that she would look like that alright? But this will let me give you guys a chance to give me suggestions for pals that can be born between a Lovander and various other pals to make your favorite characters from other series to show up, but as I said it needs to sound like it's possible to happen like the example I gave above alright? I can't just pull in ones that won't make any sense if they were just plopped into this world.


"It feels like Autumn when coming into this place." I mutter as I enjoy the beauty of the northern part of the windswept hills as they call this part of the island.

(Area where he's currently in)

I had a sufficient amount of Mega Spheres in hand and my crossbow and spiked baseball bat along with my newly made metal axe and Pickaxe I had everything I needed for me and my pals along with some cooked up and dried meats for the road.

"I need to find some wheat seeds sometime, I can make a wheat plantation soon and a mill too and with flour I can make much more things than just cooked meats and berries." I'm just lucky that Chikipi's are like weeds, you could kill a whole swathe of them and twice as many that died would come and take their place.

'Though this set of Mk. 2 Pelt Armor makes me feel much safer to wear while I'm way out here.' I think as I readjust my gauntlet on my right hand as I kept going forward.

(Current Look)

'And not only that but I was able to build this basic protective shield for myself too' I think as I see the light blue barely visible film that surrounded my body as I began to scale a cliffs edge as I climbed higher and higher.

The main reason why I was in this area is that this is where the highest mountain/hill on this side of the islands and thus I could use this as a vantage point to see the various areas around me.

"Hmm? Smoke?" I say as I look up in the sky and see a smoke pillar not far away.

I pull out my pal sphere and called out Nellie, "Let's take to the sky and check it out girl." I say patting her head before hopping onto her saddle before she lifted off into the air.

"Now, let's see what's going on?" I say pulling out some binoculars and looking towards the smoke pillar in the distance.

What I saw was a somewhat fortified small base with syndicate members watching it over, they were low rank from what I could tell as none of the heavy hitters were there as they only had shoddy guns and spiked baseball bats.

The ones with the bats were beating the shit out of any pals around their base while three of them with guns stayed inside to guard their 'products'

"Damn, they must have caught those girls from somewhere to sell them off, although I don't know the third one." I say as I see the three pals in the cage in the center of the camp.

Vixy the Idol Pal: The idol of Palpagos Island. If you bully a Vixy, you best be prepared to become enemies with the whole world.

Cremis the Fluffy Pal: Compared to Lamball, it has finer wool and a temperament more suited for domestication. However, it has historically been kept as a pet. Cuteness is considered a virtue.

Dazzi the Oni Pal: Often kind to lonely pals. However, the moment a Pal mistakes this for actual companionship, it seizes the opportunity to blast them with a thunderbolt.

"Huh, guess Dazzi's normally look like that." I say after I finish looking over the paldex on the info of the three pals that were currently captured as they were all anthro though Dazzi just looked like how there race should look like.

"Bring me close by to there girl, can't leave them like that after all." I say patting Nellies side before she began to fly closer before descending towards the ground.

I looked towards the horizon as the sun was starting to set as I pulled Daisy and Neeko out, "Let's wait till night fall, when most of them go to bed we strike them down." I say to them as they nod before we hid in the thick bushes and waited.



"Good, looks like they went to sleep, when we get close Neeko use phantom peck on the outlooks while Daisy you put them all into an even deeper sleep while I finish them off." I say as I pull out my combat knife that I made recently with some of the smelted ores turned into ingots.

They nodded as we began to sneak our way on over to them, luckily the outlook was half awake and was falling asleep while leaning against the camps walls.

Like a ghost in the night, Neeko appeared at his side in an instant before he could react before stabbing her long beak straight into his throat.

I grabbed his body before he fell to the ground before quietly placing him on the ground, while at the same time Daisy was sending all of the Syndicate members to the lands of deep sleep and making the other lookout fall over asleep in the process.

I walked in and brandished my knife, "Just think of the Nazi's Zeke, your killing Nazi's and the worst of criminals, they don't deserve any mercy." I said Psyching myself up as I went up to them with the knife as I knelt down by one of them as I held up my knife.

My hand was trembling a bit, but I knew what needed to be done more than anything so I placed the tip over the man's heart before grabbing it with my second hand as I forcefully stabbed it into his chest and straight through his heart.

He didn't move as he was in a deep sleep but after I pulled out my blade he breathed no more so I went and moved onto the next one while Neeko helped out and killed some herself so the burden didn't fall all on my hands.

Soon enough the camp was cleaned out of syndicate members before I looted them of their goods and then went to a nearby chest they had.

Inside was some gold, more coarse ammo and even a map outlining the islands of Palpagos island, it had the locations of all villages marked and even a few areas where the Blackmarket merchants could be found which weren't that far away it seems, "This will be useful." I say before putting it away along with the rest of my loot in my inventory before I went over to the cage and with Neeko's help, broke the lock as I pulled the door open as I looked at the three girls who were waiting for a hero all this time.

"Want to come along with me?" I said with a smile as I saw them look up at me with teary eyes before they smiled and nodded as they took my hand altogether.




So with that I got three new pals of my own, now I have other plans I should do as instead of heading to the north like I planned.

It's best I head southwest from here, it was time to meet some new people and get some supplies in a nice small village nearby.


Vanilla the Vixy

Cream the Cremis

Ibaraki the Dazzi

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