
Chapter 138

"But what is 'Domain Expansion'?"

It was the day after the exchange meeting, a rare occasion when first and second-year students gathered in the same classroom.

During the meeting, while Shoko was tired from treating injured students and Zoro was inexplicably asleep on a classroom desk in the late afternoon, Haibara asked the second-year seniors a question.

"Yesterday, Senior Gojo did this thing where he interlocked his fingers and shouted 'Unlimited Void.' That's Domain Expansion, right?"

Haibara demonstrated by interlocking her middle and index fingers, mimicking Gojo's hand gesture from the day before.

Geto smiled kindly at Haibara and explained.

"That wasn't Domain Expansion, Haibara. It was an attempt at Domain Expansion that failed. It had no power or usefulness, aside from embarrassing Satoru."

"I thought it would work!"

"Satoru, that's arrogance. Domain Expansion is the pinnacle of sorcery."

Even for the strongest like Gojo, it was still too soon.

Nanami, like Haibara, not well-versed in the sorcery world, tilted his head in confusion.

"Is that technique really considered the pinnacle of sorcery?"

"Yes. Domain Expansion is essentially the flower of sorcery."

"What exactly is that technique?"

Hmm, Geto pondered, recalling the information.

"I don't know how to do it, and I haven't seen anyone use it, only learned it theoretically... but from what I've heard, it involves segmenting space with a barrier, then creating a native domain with sorcery within that space, and imposing a technique."

Even just the explanation was complex, and the actual technique was indeed very difficult.

According to the literature, it requires immense sorcery power, and after deploying a domain, there's a brief moment when techniques can become overloaded and unusable.

Nanami listened attentively to Geto's explanation and commented.

"So it's a technique worth using despite the risks."

"That's right," Gojo muttered, resting his chin on his hand.

"When you deploy a domain, every technique of that sorcerer will surely hit the target."


"Really, senior?"

"The moment someone steps into someone else's Domain Expansion, they're as good as struck by the technique."

Because the very act of Domain Expansion involves imposing a technique on the innate domain. Once trapped inside, you're essentially hit by the technique.

"Then, is there no way to counter Domain Expansion?"

"There's always a way."

Gojo lifted a long index finger.

"One, escape from the barrier."

"Is that possible?"

"It's usually difficult. It's designed to contain. Destroying the barrier from the inside is hard."

Not only are the barriers robust, but since the barrier distorts space, it's unclear exactly where you need to break to escape.

"It's essentially impossible, isn't it?"

"That's right. But there's not just the method Satoru mentioned. You can also counter it with sufficient sorcery power."

Since barriers, techniques, and domains are all made of sorcery, it's possible to counter them with sorcery.

"However, the efficiency is too low, so it's really just a way to buy time."

"...So it doesn't make much difference from the first method Senior Gojo mentioned?"

Ignoring Haibara's cheeky comment, Geto continued.

"Another method is to exploit the gap before it activates."

Since Domain Expansion is one of the highest-level sorcery techniques, even the most proficient sorcerers need hand signs and incantations to initiate it, inevitably creating a vulnerability that can be exploited.

Nanami made a face as if he was struck by the absurdity of the idea.

"Who could possibly do that... Oh, perhaps Teacher Toji could."

He pictured Toji, appearing here and there at an invisible speed. How much sorcery power would one need to enhance their physical abilities to match his speed?

...It seemed unlikely.

"Lastly, there's one more method left, the most effective way to counter a Domain Expansion."

"Oh! As expected from Senior Gojo. What is it?"

Haibara looked at Gojo with sparkling eyes. Gojo, unusually serious, clasped his hands and spoke.

"Deploy your own domain."

Nanami snapped the pencil he was holding. The veins on his forehead bulged as he ground his teeth.

"If that were possible, would we be discussing this?"

It seemed the bruise on his cheek from getting hit by Toji at the meeting was still sore.

As Haibara pondered, her face turned slightly pale.

"But if those are the only ways to counter a Domain Expansion..."

Does that mean Senior Zoro has no means at all to resist a Domain Expansion?


Dark poison like the deep sea endlessly dragged Zoro downward. The poison seeped in through his eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and skin.

It was a suffocating feeling he had experienced before, blocking all directions.

It felt as though every pore on his skin was being pricked with red-hot needles. It was painfully excruciating, yet he couldn't scream. His body was rigid, unable to move.

Zoro forced his lips to move, clenching his teeth.

This was neither the worst pain nor the gravest danger he had faced in his life.

Now was the time to think of a way to win.

'I've sunk too deep for my slash to reach that guy.'

From this distance, even a hardened arm swing wouldn't be lethal.

So first, he needed to get out of here.

His vision blurred. In the pitch-black sea of poison, a kaleidoscope of colors appeared.

'Is there a hallucinogenic effect on top of the paralysis from the pain?'

He's really got it all. Zoro strained to open his eyes wide, thinking.

...In the distance, a figure clad in a white shroud, holding a long scythe, slowly approached Zoro.

Death was coming.


Gojo gave a serious Haibara a flick on the forehead.


"Worry about yourself."

Why are you worried about Zoro? Gojo said with an incredulous voice.

"He'd slice up King Yama himself and come back alive even if he fell into hell."

He might as well rule hell. No, that's not it. He'd come back to this world worrying about his family.

Because, if Zoro goes to hell, the gorilla would probably try to follow. That kid pretends to be indifferent but is kindhearted, he wouldn't really want to throw even a trashy father into hell.

"His Armament Haki can counter techniques. He'd probably counter it that way."

"That feels similar to countering with power, doesn't it?"

Not incorrect, Gojo murmured, scratching his head.

"Zoro's Armament Haki is a bit different from just power."

It's not just about countering techniques, it's about nullifying them. Gojo hasn't directly said Armament Haki has a nullifying effect on techniques, but he has noticed.

"Well, he might have other means too."

Concealing one's techniques is basic for a sorcerer.

Or maybe,

"He might not even know what he has."


In the black poison, Zoro gripped his sword tightly. The approaching grim reaper suddenly stopped, and his sinking mind hooked and pulled itself up like catching a fish on a hook.

Blood burst into his whites, and his grey pupils flashed. Ha, a hollow laugh burst from Zoro's lips.

Not good swordsmanship, not good Haki, not good physical techniques, not good usage of sorcery or Devil Fruit powers.

Just with this trick,

You thought you'd kill me?

'There's a limit to arrogance.'


Even in the murky poison, his sword, the Black Blade, shone like obsidian.


Armament Haki surged as it was drawn into his three swords. With his will, the Armament Haki from his entire body was pulled to its limits.

Wooong. The three swords quietly cried as they absorbed the full brunt of their master's Armament Haki.

Using Armament Haki this intensely was a strain, not just on his young body but even if he were an adult. It could shorten his life or even kill him on the spot. But...

'Now's not the time to worry about that.'

The only thing to think about was extracting the power to cut down his opponent.

Ignoring the tearing pain in his arms, Zoro untied the bandana tied around his arm and wrapped it around his head.


His heart pounded. Not the fierce pumping to fight against the toxic venom trying to kill him, but the calm beating of wanting to fulfill his master's wish.

The first anomaly occurred right then.


Zoro's body began to be covered in a soft golden aura. Unlike the usual black Armament Haki, a greenish Haki wrapped around the Black Blade like flames.

It was Conqueror's Haki.

This was unexpected even for Zoro, who had not experienced wrapping Conqueror's Haki since his reincarnation. Truly, a state only a few strong individuals could reach.

But looking back, that's how Haki always advanced. In the midst of a life-threatening fight, suddenly.

The fear of the enemy before him, the overwhelming feeling that he might not overcome, the primal fear that his existence might end here, the weakness wanting to give up.

When he pushed through all that with his will, his Haki stepped forward.

Just as he was about to infuse the rest of the swords with Conqueror's Haki, Zoro noticed the second anomaly.

...Following the greenish Conqueror's Haki wrapped around the Black Blade, the black sea of poison began to part.

No, to be precise... it was being repelled.

As if it were a battle of domains.


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