
Bloodbath Spider

Karl looked down at the egg. The Bloodbath Spider was an urban legend. They were an invasive predator from a nation to the East, and survived entirely on blood, like a mosquito. But unlike the common mosquito, they grew to the size of a small car and had mandibles that could tear through steel to get to what they wanted.

They were supposed to have been hunted to extinction, but it seemed that there were still some hiding out here in the wilderness.

Karl was still admiring the soft egg when the truck made an abrupt turn, circling back the way that they had arrived from, and Jodi increased his speed.

"You know that it is an egg, right? It's not hatched." Karl reminded the playboy.

"Yeah, you say that now, but where is mother Bloodbath? They lay their eggs on the strands of their web. If Hawk came back with a spider egg on him, he broke a strand of the web as he flew over to get the other egg.

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