
Volume 0 (32): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 32 : Half week later.

The demographic development of the Hûrngöth in just another 4 Standard Days (200 human hours, 2½ hours less than a Hûrngöth Day) with the few millions of D'Kin that accept living on Hûlfhednär has been absolutely astonishing.

The fastness with which both Species assimilate all the obtained knowledge, added to the ability to use it practically, allowed the planning, design and construction of the buildings and facilities to be extremely consistent.

Starting with the sowing Structures for the Tubercles and Osmidium Cactus.

The former was an irregular yellow brown ovoid, but after absorbing Orange Prio Plasma, Red Pyro Plasma, Yellow Amber Plasma, and two Pure Offensive Energies, Blingzt and Pierkzt, it became a big capsule in shape.

Growing from two fifths of a Vul (20cm) and being Quality 3, to transform into a 2 three fifths Vul (130cm) and achieving Quality 9, forcing the rebuilding of the structure because of this little unforeseen event.

The latter thrives with higher Gravity pressure Blingzt and Pierkzt, the change wasn't as notorious in size, considering it was massive from the start with 57 Vul (28.5 meters) tall and wide, still grows up to 62 Vul (31 meters).

The spherical thorny plant improves its Quality too, going from Quality 4 up to Quality 12, and this parameter is going to keep rising up with the gradual increase of Gravity as a precaution for those who illegally were guarding weak and or hybrid Hûrngöth that are dead by now.

Another Structures are the new type of Energy Reactors, capable of producing even more energy that the already exaggerated amount theorized by Alaney and Etessa.

Shipyards are another addition, followed by Residential Rooms, of course, this includes the creation of a more efficient Synthesizer and replacing all their Old Vehicles.

The new Hûrngöth and D'Kin infrastructure are made with Bio-Organic Irlw'Thek Materials with no exceptions, including the substitution of the already new design of the previous Suit and Slaidt showed by them on the Confederation Meeting.

This was not only because the intel gathered by the Delegation, it is necessary in order to acquire full access to their own evolution capabilities, Zionez and Keizer.

The "Exile Energies" were finally identified by Etessa, and Alaney discovered how much better it is to employ this type of energy along with Bio-Organic technology.

Replacing the previous ways the Hûrngöth had and refitting the Oldest Structures like the "Torpedo and Ballistic Ammunition Factory" near the Sun.

A sigh goes through Emprey, the Ark Duke is inside the New Chief's Cabin laying on a leather bed, accompanied with the presence of his passionate Lover Myryam, who is hugging him tightly while kissing his chest.

Both are naked after an intense intimate steamy session, they have tried to conceive a child for almost a year now (14 human years) but there is no signs of this event occurring.

—Are you preoccupied?. Ask Myryam and Emprey nods kissing her on the forehead —A little bit, Bverxkka is quite ruthless using the planet as a bait.

—I was referring to our descendants; Said promptly Myryam »—And giving us more Singularities of what the quantity stolen doesn't make us a bait, he is just proving we are part of our new civilization.

—He is being careless, a few times give me the sensation that he is ready to die, the Skyfallen could return and take more D'Kin to who knows where, and he knows they are going to come again after detecting the Singularities …

Myryam gets near him, interrupting the Ark Duke with a short kiss on his lips —I didn't like how he threatened my people when we met, i was ready to fight him, you stepping in front of me makes me understand the danger he can represent, in all our time together you never attemptey to protect me or limit me at all, he is different, of course, there is no doubt, but he is not like you are thinking, the way of his actions is always having the necessities of everyone as his priority, and that now includes us D'Kin …

Myryam voice turns scolding »—And i can't believe you are calling him careless when you were so reckless to fight alone a pack of more than 2,000 DarKill.

—I got a great incentive to do it … ; Replied the Ark Duke, Myryam gets embarrassed —I was joking about getting pregnant, and the Singularities not only feed us, it makes us stronger, the DarKill are affected too, they are faster, more powerful and resilient than ever before …

Emprey expression is caring but shows his amusement —You still believe this result was not foreseen by Bverxkka or the Academic Eminences, that are supporting him?.

—I don't see it as a bad thing; Commented Myryam nonchalantly »—The weaklings are dying, the more apt keep improving and the D'Kin who decided to live on Hûlfhednär regularly visit, which is encouraging more to leave or to go and learn skills to be better, and maintain our life style.

Emprey smile and kiss Myryam shortly while fondling the soft and large breasts of the D'Kin Chief —Bverxkka is manipulating all of you and obtaining the outcome he decided …

—He is influencing us, yes *ahh* , but we make the decision *Mmhm*. Myryam struggles to maintain her focus and not moan openly with the caressing of the Ark Duke.

—There is no decision to take; Mentioned Emprey, massaging with more intensity the breast of his Lover »—Is similar to your first meeting, but this occasion he can feign plausible ignorance …

—*Ahh* As everyone on charge should be capable of … ; Myryam right hand borders Emprey's left cheek while her left hand runs over the muscular torax of the male in direction to his virility —He learned from you to be a great leader; She remark with difficulty due to the groping she is receiving.

—I was never so good when i was the one commanding the Hûrngöth several hundreds of thousands years ago, and when the Assembly was established i no longer had the need to insist on certain situations, that eventually lead to the catastrophes that we experienced now days.

Emprey is serious about his statement, however, Myryam has a different thought with what she has learned about Marshack —He analyzed your failures to not repeat them, is a commendable attitude that not everyone are willing to partake or accept …

Emprey ask with a teasing tone —Are you sure i am the older one on this relationship?.

The pink grapefruit skin of Myryam turns a shade darker on her cheeks, and not by the sensation she is feeling by the touch over her breast.

Because there is no female that likes that kind of implie, and the Ark Duke use the opportunity to kiss his Lover with extreme passion to placate any retaliation.

Myryam is about to get carried away by the pleasure and unconsciously uses the [Bicromy], she is still improving, but her sight allows her to see everything in the inmediations of her Solar Sistem, observing an unknown Vessel of dark grey metal heading towards the Planet.

*—Intruders!*; Scream the D'Kin using the new Bio-Organic Slaidt, across the planet everyone runs inside of the new constructions to seek shelter and prepare for a possible hostile incursion on the surface.

While some are wearing or appearing their new Bio-Organic suits, because this new technology can be stored inside the users body with enough practice, as the Slaidt, the Traits or the new Evolution Branches does.

The warning is transmitted to the Hûrngöth in Hûlfhednär as the next sentence from Myryam *»—The intruder's Vessel has altered the course, and is advancing in direction to the location of the Natural Tubular Connection!.*

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