
Chapter 22: The Search for Power by Seok Kang and Jaeha Han.

Author's POV (in Daegu)

In the city of Daegu precisely, three individuals could be seen asking something to several passersby.

"Are you sure Hanju isn't kidding with us?" Beomsang Jeong asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead due to the heat and humidity of the place.

"Hanju is a lot of things, but he has never been the type to joke around " Seok Kang replied before drinking some water.

"I confirmed it Haha" Taeho Cheon loudly replied.

"But I admit that I'm starting to doubt the existence of this famous Gongseob Ji," Seok Kang thought between gulps.

A few hours had passed since their arrival in the city of Daegu, but it seemed like an eternity had passed since they arrived.

This was surely caused by the extremely different climate from Seoul.

"Are you really sure following Hanju is a good idea?" Beomsang Jeong suddenly questioned Seok Kang.

Taeho had gone to the bathroom, so the two men were alone.

"I know we couldn't beat them, but couldn't we have just gone to another district and started over?" he said, looking towards Seok Kang.

There was a silence between the two men for a few minutes before Seok Kang could open his mouth.

"I understand your frustration, but I don't want that humiliation to happen again," Seok Kang said, gritting his teeth as he looked towards the direction Taeho Cheon had taken.

- Flashback (precisely at the moment of the destruction of Gangbuk South by Daniel)

"You're slightly stronger than Jeong-u Song, but that's it," Seonwoo Ha declared in a bored tone.

"Don't be too hard on him, at least he tried hahaha," Taeho replied, laughing loudly.

It was at Gangbuk South High School, and Seonwoo Ha and Taeho had arrived over there personally.

"They're too weak, but they can be used as cannon fodder in future conflicts," Seonwoo concluded mentally before wanting to leave.


"A message from Daniel. Oh! There's a little change of plans for them," Seonwoo mumbled as he read the text.

"Surprisingly, you're a little lucky, Seok Kang," he said with an amused little smile as he wrote a note before placing it on Seok Kang's bare chest.

"What does Daniel say?" Taeho asked curiously.

"He just informed me that Hanju wanted Seok Kang to search for a certain person if he wants to be strong," Seonwoo explained, slightly amused since he thought Hanju was mocking Seok Kang.

"Seriously? I also want to follow them when they leave, it seems interesting," Taeho said, nodding his head to himself with satisfaction.

"You do as you wish, my friend, personally I think Hanju is joking," Seonwoo said, shrugging.

- End of flashback

"HEY GUYS!" Taeho Cheon shouted as he ran towards Seok Kang and Beomsang Jeong.

"I found the location of our man," Taeho said once he got close to them.

"Excellent, I was tired of being under this sun," Beomsang Jeong expressed with joy, unaware of the hell that awaited them.


Jaeha Han's POV (in Hansu's dojang)

"What do you mean Mr. Hansu isn't present?" Jaeha Han said with frustration to the man in front of him who seemed to be around the same age.

"Yes, father isn't here, to be precise, he had an emergency, but I can do the registration and start your training," he said, stretching in a taekwondo outfit.

"You? Train me? Hahaha," Jaeha burst out laughing at the person's words in front of him.

"I've already participated in taekwondo competitions and even won some, so I doubt..."

Jaeha couldn't finish his words before he was hit by a spinning kick aimed precisely at his mouth.

Fortunately for him, after his defeat against Hanju, he had resumed training, and when he had to face Jeongdu, the number 3 of Gangbuk North, Jaehan could feel his strength evolving.

"If I had faced this guy before that muscle-bound freak Jeongdu, I might have lost," Jaehan estimated as he dodged the kick.

"You severely lack disciple, and you reek of problems," the man who attacked Jaehan declared.

"Before I enroll you, you'll have to answer a question now, or else, even if father returns, you'll never be enrolled here," he said, fixing Jaehan with a predatory gaze.

Although Jaehan was an intelligent man with a strong personality, he could feel the atmosphere had changed in the room.

"What do you mean?" Jaehan asked in a somewhat tense voice.

"You heard me, scum," he said with a small smile on his lips that seriously began to anger Jaehan.

"So, do you have 500 won?" he asked.

"What!!" That was the last word Jaehan heard before receiving a 1080° kick.

His last thought was wondering how this man could have shortened their distance with a single leap.

"I went a bit far, but I'm sure father wouldn't have wanted scum like him, right?" the man thought before remembering that their last promising disciple was also a thug.

"I'll give him a chance," concluded Taehoon Seong, the son of the owner of the dojang where Hanju trains.


Author's POV (on Hanju's side)

"What a beautiful day, haaa," Hanju thought, yawning tiredly as he walked in the park.

"I think she shouldn't be long," he thought.

Indeed, shortly after his arrival at the park, a young girl dressed in a reserved manner arrived.

She seemed a little lost at first, but when she saw Hanju, the expression on her face took a 180-degree turn.

"Hello Hanju, I hope I'm not too late," she said without maintaining eye contact with Hanju for long.

"Don't worry about that Soha Yang, I haven't been waiting long," he said with a gentle smile.

"Actually, I left home an hour late just to avoid waiting alone for too long," he thought with a mental fox-like smile.

"So, shall we go to the cinema?" he said, taking her by the hand.

Along the way, the two discussed many insignificant things, such as whether the rumors about his control over the district were true and various other subjects.

"I hope the movie will be interesting," Hanju said, slightly curious about the film industry in this world.

"My friends recommended this one," she said, blushing.

Hanju could easily see that it was a typical romantic movie about a mob boss who had fallen in love with her maide despite already being married.

"The plot seems interesting," he said, playing dumb.

He already knew, from his knowledge of the manhwa, that Soha Yang was a girl who took the initiative, but unfortunately, Suhyeon Kim was too dense to understand the signs.

"This time, I'm here," he thought mentally as he bought popcorn for the show.

"Jeanne, I don't care that I'm married now, I want you," the actor said, grabbing the hand of the actress playing the servant's role.

"Surprisingly, it's a good movie," he involuntarily mumbled.

During the show, Hanju put his arm around Soha Yang to initiate physical contact between them.

He had already noticed her hand approaching his.

"I had a good time, and what if we went to eat something?" he proposed.

"Yes, eating something would be good," she said, nodding her head shyly.

While walking towards a good restaurant indicated by the Gps app, Hanju surprisingly encountered a duo he would never have believed to meet by chance on the street.

"It's Vasco and Brekdak," he said mentally with a shocked expression that did not go unnoticed by Soha Yang.


Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the chapters, and yes, I decided there would be chapters showing the activities of the protagonist's crew members.

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