
Chapter 15: hanju vs gangbuk north and transcendence

Author's Note: I know my words may seem strange but after rereading my later chapters, I started to better understand some mistakes I may have made.

In short, I feel like Vegapunk after having created the artificial version of Kaido's devil fruit.

And please, go read my Sukuna fanfic 👍


"Come on, I'm going to beat you up. Afterwards, you'll be my lackeys to help me reach the top," he said in a serious tone.

"You piece of..." before the young man holding a golf club could continue his words, Hanju hit him with his belt.

"You know what? I had a shitty dad but he taught me a thing or two," he said, hitting again with his belt but this time on the metal buckle side on Baekgi Hong's face who dropped his golf club.

"Don't think I'm forgetting you, Cheon Taeho," he said with a little anger in his voice towards the person who tackled him.

Hanju kicked him violently in the stomach.

If there's one thing Hanju understood thanks to the newtube videos from the Viral Hit channel, it's that if your opponent is armed then find a way to have better range and if your opponents are numerous then...

"You have to make the place inadequate for group combat," he thought while observing around him.

He knew that thanks to the "Tooling" ability he's the strongest and even without it, Hanju is confident he can take care of all this trash today.

"My only problem is that Yun Jo can use his brainwashing card," thought Hanju while dodging a kick from Jintae Heo, gangbuk's number 11.

After dodging the kick, he grabbed him to violently throw Jintae Heo's body against Minu Do who seems to be recovering from the belt hit.

Hanju didn't stop there since he took advantage of the psychological shock of seeing him throw a man with one hand to gain momentum and launch a 1080° kick to Eunhyeong Ji's face who seemed to want to stay back.

"You should have taken off your glasses, idiot," he said looking at Eunhyeong Ji on the ground.

"Always get rid of the intelligent people during group fights," he thought while searching for his next victim while beating up the poor guys coming his way.

"Hanju, I've heard a lot about you in the past," said a man calmly with long hair and sunglasses.

"No matter if you can beat us, you won't get out of here easily since I brought all my men," he said with a large smile.

"So what? 100 or 300 ants, it doesn't matter to a human, right?" said Hanju walking calmly in the room littered with bodies of the delinquents he knocked out.

"I hope this golf club will be enough to finish you off," he said waving it around.

All the delinquents in the room felt under pressure because of the golf club and the sadistic smile Hanju had on his lips.

"At this rate, we're really going to die," thought all the delinquents looking towards the sweating Yun Jo.

"Damn, I was keeping this for Johan Seong but you leave me no choice," said Yun Jo gritting his teeth in dissatisfaction.

[Alert! Alert! Alert!]

[An unknown energy is trying to interfere with the host's energy]

[Attempt to stop the intruding energy underway....]

[Attempt to stop the intruding energy identified as mana has failed due to lack of data on it]

[Launching mana analysis and identified attack as a card underway]

[Estimated time ..... 1 week]

[While waiting for the analysis to finish, the AI will transfer to the host all of its memories of Hanju and Mikoto Suoh on loop to try to help the host]

"I'm feeling dizzy," said Hanju with head pain, he was feeling strange.

It was as if someone was trying to change who he is.

"I am.... Hanju Gu, a member of the gangbuk north," he said in a low voice.

"Excellent, it worked! Get away now, Hanju is one of ours," said Yun making his way through his subordinates who were keeping him away from Hanju's reach.

"I knew you would succeed darling," expressed the woman who had strangely disappeared from the room after Hanju threw gangbuk north's number 3.

"Yes, I really underestimated this guy," thought Yun grabbing Hanju by the throat to activate his "drain mana" card.

"He's too dangerous for me to keep him and I prefer his strength to be mine," he thought while activating his card but out of curiosity Yun wanted to see Hanju's stats except...

Name: Hanju Gu

Height: 1.88m

Strength ???

Speed ???

Potential: in transcendence phase

Intelligence: A+

Resilience: ???


"What's this?" said Yun trying to get away but Hanju stopped him by the wrist.

"Little shit, you really DARED TO TOUCH MY FREE WILL," said Hanju furiously before knocking him to the ground using his wrist with an aikido technique.

Hanju's POV

When I underwent Yun Jo's card, it was strange.

I wanted to be useful to him, I wanted him to recognize me but strangely, I knew there was a problem.

It's when I saw the IA's notifications and my memories that I started remembering everything. If before, my goals were like a fog and serving Yun Jo seemed obvious.

Now, the fog has lifted and I see Yun Jo as what he truly is: trash that will end up under my feet.

"Little shit, you really DARED TO TOUCH MY FREE WILL," I said furiously before knocking him to the ground using his wrist with an aikido technique.

The moment Yun Jo fell to the ground, nothing else mattered. Be it the AI filling me with unknown notifications or the woman crying trying to stop me or even the people touching their heads for an unknown reason.

"I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him, I'M GOING TO KILL HIM," was the only words repeating in my head like a loop as I beat Yun Jo under me with a golf club.

When my rage subsided, Yun Jo was on the ground, unconscious, with an unrecognizable face.

"This bastard isn't the only injured one huh," I said observing my bloodied face because of the hits the young woman gave me trying to stop me.

"I got too carried away," murmured Hanju lighting a cigarette to try to regain his lost composure.

"What happened?" asked Euijin Kyung touching his head, completely lost.

"It's simple, this piece of trash here present brainwashed you and sent your former boss into a coma," I said exhaling the smoke from my cigarette.

"Are you serious, Hanju?" said Euijin Kyung, shocked and angry looking at Yun Jo who is probably dead.

It was predictable. Yun Jo brainwashed numerous influential members of the gangbuk north. Now, they must have believed he drugged them or something like that.

Getting up, I walked towards them calmly exhaling smoke.

"I know you're someone intelligent Euijin Kyung. So, I'll be straight: you all work for me now," I asked looking at his conflicted expression.

"Anyway if he refuses, I'll just have to beat him up and ask again," I concluded mentally looking towards Euijin Kyung.


Author's Note: So there we have it, gangbuk north has fallen and Yun Jo is dead 🤷‍♂️.

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