
Dear Mother, useful death.

In the darkness of the night, there lay a cremation centre. It was old and dingy, and because the building was hidden in the far end of the fields, she did not notice it. 

Something clicked inside Penelope's head as she noticed the cremation centre. And the more she looked at it, the more theories started to bubble and forth in her head. 

"They must have come here to bury that woman," Penelope knew that Mrs Harlow was missing and even though she knew that the woman was her mother, she refused to call her as one. 

For Penelope didn't wish to admit that she was related to a woman as disgusting as Mrs Harlow. 

However, as much as she looked down on that woman –Penelope was overjoyed when she thought of how Mrs Harlow might just become the key to her successful marriage to Nicolai. 

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