
Friends' Concern

Luna's POV

Luna sat in the Room of Requirement bawling her eyes out. She came here because she felt closer to Harry in this room. It was where she spent most her time watching him. When he was working, he gave very little attention to any observers. No, he concentrated on teaching those he was sparring with. He was hardly ever caught unawares, making her wonder how he got caught in the first place. She knew that he had some kind of alarm system in his head that let him know who was around him. He had showed her and Neville the first time they came into this room.

Another reason he relaxed here, was that and he was surrounded by friends. There no manipulative men running around this room, no Dark Lord lurking in the showdown, or vindictive Potions Masters sneering at them. The amnesiac was quite at home here. She looked around and saw places where he let go and just be a teenage boy. Laughing and teasing his friends, and generally pulling those that knew about this room into his very ridged circle. It was very hard to get close to Harry, but once you got there the companionship of the teen was a wonderful feeling.

Right now, she drew that feeling of closeness around her like a comforting cloak. She wanted to embrace the fact that he was strong, and powerful. She was hoping that by thinking those thoughts they would waylay her fears. However, she hated the fact that there was nothing she could do to save Harry from whatever he was facing. Not that she knew exactly what it was, only that he had to go it alone.

She had no idea if it was going to be tragic, complicated, or simple. All she knew was that she wasn't going to be standing by his side, which was devastating her. She hadn't felt this way since her mum died in front of her. It was distressing then, and it was overwhelming now. Not matter how safe she felt, she could stop the tears.

She damned her sight for not giving her more to work with. She had told Sirius all that she had seen. It did little good, because Harry was gone before she could get help. She couldn't even tell who had kidnapped him. All she saw was him tied to a large stone object. His head was lolled like he was drugged or knocked out by a blow. She truly hoped it was the first, since a head injury might aggravate his amnesia. Of course, if what they thought about Snape was true, a potion might as well.

Luna had been crying for about a half an hour, when Hermione, Neville and the twins joined her in the Room. They had made their way here when they couldn't find neither her, or Harry. They started when the group noticed the couple was missing at lunch. Worried, they looked for them, first they searched for the missing male in the dorms. Then they looked in the Shrieking Shack for the couple, when no one was there, they came here.

The jovial group didn't expect to see one of their friends crying. They thought they would catch the two snogging. The twins had even planned a joke to break them apart. It would have been great. They had put their money on those two getting together. No matter what Harry says, there was a great deal of tension between the two youngest members of their group. The others really hoped that it wasn't something Harry had done to the girl that was making her cry. Because they, like Luna, treasured the tightness of the friendship they all shared.

Upon seeing her friend in tears, Hermione marched straight to her, sat next to the blonde and hugged her close. "What's wrong? Did Harry do something?" she asked but got a shake of the head for an answer, which made everyone sigh in relief. "Oh? Did those bullies start up again? Do we need to have a talk with them?" she asked as she stroked the blonde's hair.

Those damn girls started up again when they noted they weren't getting hurt by Luna's pranks. It had then taken all of them to get the girls in Ravenclaw to back off. Not even the twins' pranks helped, since they had to keep them non-harmful. It wouldn't do if they got expelled. Unlike Harry, everyone else was expendable to the Ministry and the Board. It wasn't until Harry threatened to do damage to their looks that they finally did. The Ravenclaw bullies knew that he meant business when one of the girls in Luna's dorms came down with a cast of bright orange skin and green hair, which Harry admitted Sirius had been the inspiration for. It had taken her giving back his friend's schoolbooks for him to turn her back.

"Yeah," said the twins. "We'll talk to them," they offered as they cracked their knuckles. They were tired of being held back by the rules. And no one messed with people they cared about. Besides if they were smart about it, it would never be pinned on them. The new magic that Harry had taught them, would make it impossible to get caught.

"No one messes with our friend," added Neville, echoing the lookalikes' thoughts as he sat on the girl's other side. He didn't hug her, but he did run his hand up and down her arm in a comforting gesture.


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