
The Stark Truce

*** POV Switch Tytos ***

The Stark's had arrived, their full force in all their glory. Thousands of men, ten thousand horses, and even more supplies.

They travelled in a long line along to road, close to 2000 rider riding in front, then some infantry then some supplies then some infantry then some cavalry again, and good defensive travelling formation.

Robb Stark was travelling at the front alongside his trusted war council and his mother.

The second they came into sight, the white flag was waved, and we rode out. The 500 Cavalry alongside 400 Stark prisoners, Lord Edmure Tully, an old Hoster Tully and Lord Blackwood.

Robb Stark, Lord Rickard Karstak, Rose Bolton and Catelyn Tully came to meet us with a guard. We all stay on our horses.

I bowed on my horse before saying.

"Your Grace, King Robb Stark. I am here as an envoy from Lord Alexander Bracken, Lord Paramount of the Riverlands and Master Of War." I said

"Puh! What can Alexander give us, perhaps we should just have your head then? You've taken control of the Riverlands by force." He said

"My Lord Alexander, had majority of the Riverlands Houses swear fealty to him, Lord Alexander has gotten every Riverlands House cheap prices for grain and resources from the Tyrell's. And I shall have you know, we currently hold the entire Tully remaining lineage hostage, along with the entire Blackwood ones, they shall be returned alongside your 400 men, if we can enter a truce between our houses." I said

"We are winning, why would I enter a truce with you?" Robb asked.

"Though you may be winning, the winter coming now will be long, and the Tyrell's will not sell you grain, nor Lannisters, nor Stannis and not me if we are at war. You have taken a lot of resources to wage war here, I do not know your plan, but the Lannisters have retreated out of the Riverlands and we shall not let you raid us, so unless you wanna siege every Castle in the Riverlands, you have to take this deal." I said.

"We are not required to do anything, tell your Lord he can just forget it." Robb said.

"Very well, but Lady Catlyn, do expect your father and brother to die soon enough. Their family has taken the black, as can they if you accept the peace deal. I wonder, how many will follow you if you don't even care about your Mother's family and your own men. Lord Alexander saved these 400 men from Lannister torture and slaughter, will you, Lord Robb betray them?" I asked.

"Fine! You shall have your truce. We will not attack your lands or any of your vassals lands, you will return my 400 men, Lord Hoster Tully, Lord Edmure Tully and Lord Blackwood." He said.

"Aye, but you alongside those 2 must swear on their honor that they will take the black. Lord Hoster Tully is dying, he will escape the wall but he won't live many more months. But Edmure and Blackwood is required to take the black." I said.

"Ugh, fine. I swear they will take the black. House Tully and Blackwood is gone either way, they won't help us much." He said. Then Edmure Tully and Blackwood came and did the same.

"Very good, I hope our alliance will bring peace to the always trembling Riverlands." And with thag I turned around and went back into Harrenhal before writing a letter to Alexander.

*** POV Switch ***

Soon a month has passed, Margaery had gained increasingly more results in manipulating Joffrey, it had gotten out of Cersei's control.

The Karstak left the Stark forces. The new wedding was between The Blackfish and Frey's oldest daughter.

The new wedding between Loras and Cersei was out into play while Tyrion sadly didn't get to wed Sansa.

I had continued my friendship with Margaery. We often went around in the gardens chatting about multiple things. I had met Oleanna numerous times and it was quite the relief talking with someone who doesn't beat around the bush.

Daenerys Targaryen had gotten her Unsullied Army. Joffrey was getting increasingly angry with his grandfather.

And like that, the first wedding shocking became, Tommen and Sansa. Though I expected them to wait, it seemed that Tommen had just recently become old enough and the wedding was being planned.

2 days before the wedding I entered Sansa's room.

"G'day Sansa, how is the preparation going?" I asked

"Ah! Alexander, the preparations are going excellent. Both me and Tommen is excited about this wedding, we have gotten to know each other a lot during this time." She said.

"Ah. Excellent! The wedding will signal the start of your entrance to the game. How is Jason doing? Have you gotten any economical surplus yet?" I asked.

"Jason is an excellent businessman, I have already bought multiple taverns, blacksmiths and shops all throughout King's Landing." She responded with a happy voice.

"Very good, very good. Well, I wanted to ask you something. Who will be giving you off to Tommen?" I asked

"Oh, I haven't though of that. Well as my father is dead and I have no family here, I guess I would go alone." She responded a bit sadly.

"Ah. Well, if you would accept it, I would gladly fulfill that role for your father." I said as shock showed throughout her face.

"Yes! I would be very happy if you could do that Alexander!" She exclaimed.

"Very well, I thank you for allowing me. Well I will leave you to your preparations. Good luck." And with that I turned around and left.

And sure enough, 3 days later the wedding started.

Cersei and Margaery had their usual little battle of words ending with Cersei threatening Margaery.

That's when from the entrance a figure appeared. She was wearing a long dress with the light behind her making her look like an angel.

That's when I took a step forward, one after another up the steps and soon enough I came close enough so I could see who it was. It was Sansa. She was outfitted with a beautiful dress, it was a yellow/green dress with multiple complicated details of the north, including trees, snow, flowers and stars, she also had gotten more tan recently and had a big of what I would call makeup on. Additionally she had a headware that fit her dress, hair style and colour perfectly.

"If I may, my lady?" I said as I held my hand out.

"You may, My Lord." She said as she took her hand out.

In the corner of my eye I saw Joffrey standing there with an ugly look, seems he didn't appreciate me stealing his moment of walking Sansa to Tommen. He turned around before leaving to Tommen's side.

This time the wedding was much larger than Sansa x Tyrion and the Sept was filled with people.

As we walked through I heard whispers of jealousy, all directed at Sansa, some for walking with me and some for marrying Tommen.

And at the end Margaery and the Tyrell faction stood at the left. I nodded to Margaery. While Cersei and her faction stood on the right, Baelish looked downright furious, great for me. While Cersei and Tywin had looks of accomplishments. Cersei due to getting Sansa away from Joffrey her favourite and Tywin for getting the key to the north.

And as we arrived in front of the septa I stepped away. I gave a quick pay on Tommens shoulders before I turned around and went back. I stood on a elevated platform above Margaery and on the same line as Tywin and Cersei.

I turned around just to see Tommen put a cloak on Sansa. He was taller than Tyrion by a bit so it worked but it was close. Then he began.

"Your Grace, My Lord, Lords and Ladies....."

And like that the wedding ceremony passed. And it ended with the party. Tommen and Sansa was sitting at the head of the table. They were enjoying themselves and chatting.

I sat beside Margaery.

"Exciting isn't it? The best day of a couple's life. Eh, for most." I said to Margaery

"Indeed, it's such a wonderful aura and presence. The one night that will definitely be remembered forever for the two brides." She said.

"Indeed, only yours won't be forever remembered for only two. It will be known in the history books for ages to come, and perhaps they will make a book out of these scenes and the actions." I said

"Perhaps…. That would be great, wouldn't it?" She asked excitedly

"Aye it would." I said with a smile and like that the wedding proceeded towards the end.

That's when Tyrion, decided to insult the king again….. without even being the groom. Idiot.

He got actually drunk this time and when Joffrey decided to torture the poor Sansa. Well let's say he got angry about the bedding, perhaps they were too young.

Either way he left after playing it off as drunk and we continued until everyone left.

Jonnel later informed me that Sansa went to Tommen's room where they engaged in a kiss, maybe a few kisses but she left happy and a virgin. Win-win.

It had now been 2 months since I had the deal with the Stark's. During this time the amount of small houses joining me had increased. 80% if the Riverlands have now sweared to me.

Only House Frey and their vassal houses are left, but they would follow soon.

That's when I was called to a small council meeting.

I was the 4th to arrive after Cersei, Tywin, Varys and surprisingly Joffrey, I wonder what this was about.

He was skipping around like a child who got his favourite candy and the smile on his face was truly disgusting.

Soon enough Tyrion arrived. As he sat down he sent a remark about his happy mood.

"Killed a few puppies?"

Joffrey turned to Pycelle

"Give him it!" He said

And pycelle did, however he sadly lost the paper and Tyrion had to bend down.

Either way the letter stated that the Frey's and Bolton had killed the Starks, Robb, his mother and their men.

"Ask the Frey's to give me Robb Stark's head, I will serve it to Sansa on her wedding." He said

"You will not." Tyrion said.

"I'm sure he was joking." Cersei put an input.

"No, no I wasn't." Joffrey said staring at Cersei.

"Sansa is no longer yours to torment." Tyrion responded with now getting angry.

"Every is mine to torment!" Joffrey said.

"Even Tywin?" I asked, deciding to fuel the fire.

This got Joffrey silent.

That's when Tyrion made his threat.

"I can have your tounge for THAT!" Joffrey said while bending over looking like a pedo.

"Let him make his threats." Cersei started with, trying to slow down the tensions.

"Lord Tyrion should apologise immediately! Unacceptable, disrespectful and in very bad taste!" The ever ugly Pycelle said.

"And you should apologise for sucking Joffrey's dick. Unacceptable, disrespectful and in very bad taste'" I said imitating Pycelle.

He got shocked and insulted at that but didn't dare say anything.

"I AM YOUR KING!" He said directing it at Tyrion.

"Any man who must say 'I am the King' is no true king." The ever alpha male Tywin responded with.

That's when Joffrey began insulting Tywin.

"My father killed Rhaegar while you were hiding under Casterly Rock!"

Oooh, bad move. I said internally.

That's when Tywin sent him away.

"The King is tired. Send him to his chambers."

Damn, Tywin is cold.

That's when he left. And we all followed and as usual, Tyrion was held back.

Well, let's start consoling Sansa for her mother and son.

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