
Chapter 230: The Movie Universe

"Are you going to 20th Century Fox?"

Despite Murphy having previously discussed this with Kara-Face, the news still came as a surprise. "When did this happen?"

Kara-Face picked up her glass and took a sip of water. "Just these past few days."

Gal Gadot glanced at Murphy, then at Kara-Face, and asked, "Kara, are you going to work in something related to movies?"

"Yes." Kara-Face nodded. "The group company wants to transfer me there, and I think it's a good opportunity to take on a new challenge."

"Which department will you be in?" Murphy asked with interest.

20th Century Fox is mainly associated with film and television, but it's also a massive group.

"The film department," Kara-Face began, but was interrupted as the waiter brought their ordered dishes. Once the waiter left, she continued, "I'll temporarily serve as the first assistant director of the film production department."

"Not bad," Murphy said, nodding lightly. This position held significant power. "You'll likely become the head director in the future."

Kara-Face smiled confidently. "With my qualifications and abilities, if it weren't for my lack of relevant experience, I'd have that position already."

Murphy understood that this position was just a stepping stone for her.

"Oh..." Gal Gadot, not as naive as an ordinary eighteen-year-old girl, quickly connected the dots. Noticing the close relationship between Murphy and Kara-Face, she spoke as if to remind, "What about the current director?"

Kara-Face glanced at her, sensing Gal's goodwill. She nodded slightly and said, "No one willingly gives up their position, so..."

She gestured towards Murphy and smilingly said to Gal, "I'm asking your boyfriend for some guidance."

"Me?" Murphy shook his head. "I'm not very familiar with 20th Century Fox."

To others, Murphy might just be a talented director, but Kara-Face knew better. She recognized him as a person with meticulous thought and unique insights into the film industry.

Kara-Face took out a document from her bag and handed it to Murphy. As he began to read it, she explained, "20th Century Fox's film department looks good, but the situation isn't very optimistic, especially in recent years. Aside from Blue Sky Studios' 'Ice Age' and the comic adaptation 'X-Men,' there haven't been many standout successes."

Murphy read the document while listening to Kara-Face. "The second part of 'X-Men' is about to be released, and Fox has high expectations. The third part is also being planned, but it faces many troubles, such as the actors' high salaries pushing the production cost over $200 million, and Bryan Singer considering leaving..."

"Are you in charge of this project?" Murphy asked.

"How could I be? This project has been around for a long time," Kara-Face shook her head. "It's a project personally overseen by Director Dave Scola."

"That's for the best."

Hearing Murphy's words, Gal became curious. She had seen 'X-Men' and couldn't help but ask, "Why do you say that? If it were me, I'd definitely seize this project."

"Now is not the time," Murphy explained, seeing Gal's confusion. "The second part of 'X-Men' will be released this weekend. Whether it's successful or not, it won't be related to Kara."

He tapped the document in his hand. "According to the information Kara has, the third part is facing many uncertainties. Director Bryan Singer is almost confirmed to go to Warner Brothers to direct 'Superman Returns,' which will necessitate a change in director. Then there's the actors' salaries. If the second part achieves the expected success, the actors will certainly demand a raise, maybe even double. Don't forget, this is an ensemble cast. Just the actors' salaries are a terrifying expense, as Kara mentioned, the future production cost will be over $200 million!"

Murphy shook his head. "Including marketing and distribution costs, how much box office revenue is needed to break even? It's nearly impossible to rely on box office alone for profit! To make a profit, they can only rely on merchandise, and there's Marvel Comics' cut from the merchandise. How long will it take to make a profit? Two years or five years? Fox will inevitably face huge cost pressure. If the film's reputation also suffers, it will drag on even longer. And the person in charge of this project..."

Gal Gadot realized, "So you mean the risk far outweighs the benefit?"

Kara-Face nodded. "Murphy's analysis is very reasonable, and I think the same."

In a business company, especially a film production department, performance is very clear. Those without performance will find it hard to maintain a high position.

"To secure your position and advance further," Murphy spoke candidly, given his relationship with Kara-Face. "You must find a suitable project soon, and it needs to be as successful as possible."

He knew Kara-Face wasn't impulsive and asked, "Do you have any plans?"

"I received a suggestion," Kara-Face pondered before speaking. "Someone proposed combining Alien and Predator. What do you think?"

These were two famous monsters under 20th Century Fox.

"Find a reliable director."

Hearing this, Kara-Face nodded. "I plan to give up competing with Dave Scola for the 'X-Men' series and focus my main efforts on this project."

"Give up 'X-Men'?" Murphy shook his head. "That's not a good idea."

Kara-Face looked curiously at Murphy, knowing he would explain.

"You'll indeed find it hard to take 'X-Men 3' from Dave Scola. Even if you do, it may not be worth the effort." Murphy thought aloud. "If I remember correctly, 20th Century Fox got all the movie rights to 'X-Men' from Marvel Comics?"

"That's correct," Kara-Face confirmed.

"There are many famous characters in 'X-Men', not necessarily limited to Professor X, Magneto, and Wolverine. You can aim for relatively obscure yet distinctive characters." Murphy handed the document back to Kara-Face. "My advice is not only should you not give up on the 'X-Men' series, but you should also keep a close watch on it. As soon as there's a problem with the third part, your opportunity will come."

"If there's a problem with the third part," Gal Gadot asked doubtfully, "will the series still have value?"

Kara-Face seemed not to hear her, fully immersed in thought.

When she came back to reality, Murphy continued, "This series has immense value. Even if the third part doesn't meet Fox's expectations, they can completely reboot it after a couple of years."

"Do you have any good ideas?" Kara-Face began to understand.

If it were anyone else, Murphy wouldn't share these thoughts, but Kara-Face was different. He recalled some memories and said, "For instance, they could focus on the young stories of Professor X and Magneto. Characters like Wolverine, with huge influence, could also have their own series."

As he spoke, Murphy suddenly thought of Marvel Comics, the creator of 'X-Men'. An idea came to him. "20th Century Fox could produce independent movies about some popular characters. Once they gain some influence, they could make a super blockbuster that brings these popular characters together to fight a common enemy! Just like DC Comics and Marvel's parallel universes, they could create a unique movie universe belonging to 'X-Men'!"

"That's also possible..." Kara-Face was stunned by Murphy's suggestion. "Movies aren't comics; can it really be done like this?"

"I'm just throwing out ideas and suggestions," Murphy shrugged. "You'll need to research and prove how to actually do it."

Kara-Face was seriously considering Murphy's words. "Do you have any thoughts on 'X-Men'?"

Murphy shook his head. "Not at the moment. Such a film requires huge investment. Until I've accumulated enough experience and can gain more authority, I won't consider it."

Not to mention having the final cut right, at the very least, he wanted a significant say in post-production. Otherwise, being excluded from post-production by the production side, who knows how they would edit the film?

There are some movies he believes could be a huge hit and has witnessed success, but the producers might not think the same way.

As for being naïve enough to expect the production side to follow a director's vision without any notable reputation, Murphy wasn't that immature. Not just any director, Ridley Scott's 'Kingdom of Heaven' was a prime example.

If 'Sin City' turned out to be a big success, he would have the capital to break into the mainstream film industry.

After discussing work, the conversation shifted to life. Kara-Face and Gal Gadot seemed to enjoy talking about fashion and cosmetics. Murphy, knowing nothing about these topics, contentedly played the role of listener.

"Let's call it a day," Murphy glanced at his watch; it was nearly 7:30 PM. "Gal has a body sculpting class at 8:00. We should go. Kara, call me if you need anything."

"I will," Kara-Face nodded, then said to Gal Gadot, "Let's go shopping together sometime."

The two had already exchanged contact information.

"This weekend sounds good. I'll give you a call," Gal Gadot stood up with Murphy and waved to Kara-Face. "Goodbye, Kara."

"Goodbye, Gal," Kara-Face waved back.

Watching Murphy and Gal Gadot leave, she sat back down and continued to ponder over the suggestions.

The success of 'Sin City' had strengthened her confidence in Murphy. Kara-Face also remembered some professional analysis suggesting that as long as the film's marketing was on point, the box office could break through $80 million, or even $100 million.


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