
Chapter 345 Your Romance Collapsed My Fairytale10_1

He was in the middle of speaking when his voice suddenly caught. Immediately after, he was unsure whether he had heard something wrong. He skeptically wanted to move and turn around, but Chenxing was holding him too tight, making it impossible for him to move.

Chenxing felt like a thunder struck on a clear day. Her nose tingled, her lips trembled. "You dislike it?"

He... he dislikes it...

Then why did he forcefully make her say she likes him just now?

She really did not understand what he wanted. She just felt ridiculously absurd. Despite knowing he disliked her, she still ran towards him, held him, and said those words that set her heart racing.

Her hands, which clung tightly onto his waist were quickly let go. She turned and ran, her hands covering her face.

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