
Mutant or witch?

Connor awoke gasping for air, his mutation? He doesn't even know what to call it now, was on his skin, pulsating, almost like a signal.

There are a lot of things he needs to think about. Connor looked out the window and saw that it was still dark, with no stars visible on the cloudy night. So to find the hour, he casted a tempus only to see it was four am.

Connor cursed under his own breath and made his way towards the bathroom, there was no chance he was going to sleep right now. He turned the faucet on and looked in the mirror.

Who was he? What was he? 

Connor splashed his head with water, hoping it would wake him up just a little bit more.

Returning to his room he made a quick list on his mind of what he should do, first watch if the witch did something to his mind, second try to learn occlumency, he was a dumbass for not learning it before, and thirdly, hope to God the witch doesn't come near him.

He was not being negative in thinking there was no chance in hell that he was gonna beat her, he was being realistic, he only had a rough understanding over both magic, and magic? Let's just call it witchcraft for now.

Connor sat down on his bed and closed his eyes focusing only on his mind, using his mutation to try and see inside of himself.

Inside of his mind and soul.

Unconsciously he started to float, as red wisps of magic flew out of him.

Meanwhile Connor found himself in his inner place.

A white place with absolutely nothing.

It seemed infinite, and the whiteness seemed to exist in every place.

Connor didn't know if he could walk in here, or if he could move at all, after all there was no law of gravity or sense of space, for all he knew he could jump down, fall up and walk horizontally.

Taking a cautious step forward, trying to stay as normal as possible, he found that there was nothing to step on, and everything at the same time, he could stop his foot at any moment, and be able to stand there, or go as down as his body let him.

So carefully he started to walk around, and without really intending to, found a couple of red wisps of what he assumed was his magic, he didn't need to even interact with them to know that they were there to block memories, so at least he knew it was possible to leave remnants of magic in this white space, so he could found if the witch left something, which he was sure she did.

He walked, for what seemed and mostly likely was hours, until he reached a big wisp of blue, it was taller and bigger than him. He with utmost caution put his hand on it.

"What the fuck" He exclaimed and then let go.

For a second he felt what the magic was, a spying spell, and a mind reading one. What it looked like she left a part of her magic to know exactly where he was and to know exactly what he was thinking.

Connor started to walk around the spell, trying to figure out what to do, when he remembered something, after his first class of charms, he tried to research what magic actually was, and if he was corrected, or the researchers at least, magic in a part was memories, so couldn't he just absorbed it, or read through it?

Tentatively he put his hand on the spell and tried to "read" it, hoping it could show some memories of the witch, so he clearly put the intention of "spells".

Seconds later he was launched into memories.

Memories of different times.

Memories of the witch learning blood witchcraft.

Of her learning basic spells.

Of her stealing books.

And the witch trials.

The fucking witch trails of Salem.

After watching the memories that passed on like a second he was launched out of them, and the spell that used to vibrate and spy on him was no longer there.

Connor's head was starting to hurt a lot and without really meaning to he was launched out of the white space of his mind.

A small grin started to form on Connor's face as he tried to cast one of the most basic spells he had viewed in Edith's memories.

"Ywsan" His voice came out broken, almost like a record player putting letters together.

On his hand a small flame appeared, completely black.

So I am a witch, Fuck.

Connor felt confused, no, angry, proud? He didn't really know how he felt, it was a whirlwind of emotions. And he got to share them.

Casting another tempus he realized it was nine am. So he went to grab Cedric.

The whole time Connor was dragging him Cedric had no idea what was going on since he refused to answer until "No one could hear us". Which to Cedric seems like code to, something about Connor's mutation.

Maybe he awakened another power? Well they were already at the doors of the RoR so he was about to find out anyway.

Cedric was expecting for the RoR to become a place where they could duel, or maybe fight, some dummies too, not just a table and two chairs.

Connor gestured to him to sit and they both sat in silence for a few seconds.

"Cedric, I" The words were getting up in his throat, this was harder than coming out as a mutant "Cedric I'm not a mutant"

"What?" Cedric was quite confused, what was this supposed to even mean.

"My powers I-" Connor swallowed hard. "I'm a witch"

"You are trans?" Cedric asked even more confused.

"No idiot, I mean" Connor said, exasperated only to be cut off.

"Holy shit you mean like old style witches, the ones that were hunted in Salem?" Cedric said, very clearly freaking out "Dude, that's, that's cool and all, but that's also fucking dangerous"

Now Connor was confused "What, what do you mean?"

"Wizards used to hunt witches too, they were scared of them" 

Connor and Cedric both stared at each other for what felt like minutes before Cedric spoke again "It's, it's fine, but no one can know"

"I guessed so from the start" Connor replied.

"I'm gonna leave, I need to think of somethings" Cedric said while leaving the RoR.

Meanwhile Connor's mind was replaying one moment, not stopping for a single second, the time that hydra attacked him, the time that agent claimed he was a mutant.

He was now sure he was a witch, but was he a mutant too?

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