
Chapter 53 : "A-Ah, found 'em at a thrift store,"

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Cracking his neck, Vin glanced down at his phone: a little under three hours left. With all the ground to cover, he was going to be cutting it close.

Oh well, time to get to work.

Vin looked into each and every store, scanning every shelf, every rack, every box and bin. Yet, he found nothing.

Vin could easily say that Xenovia was the hardest person he'd ever gone gift shopping for, and Lisa was a bitch to shop for…

Looking down at his phone, Vin scowled when he saw the time: twenty minutes left…

He spent over two and a half hours here, and had nothing to show for it.

No, there had to be something here! There had to be someplace he hadn't gone into. Vin scanned all over the market, every store he saw was one he already went into. Vin took one last scan, resigning himself to going back into stores all over again to try and find something, at least.

But that's when his emerald eyes landed on a storefront he hadn't seen yet. Barely in sight, tucked right at the end of the street, practically down a sketchy alleyway, was a little hole-in-the-wall store. Vin would have missed it, if it wasn't for the garish neon-lettered sign casting a slight glow from the shade of the alley.

Vin walked up to the store, glancing up at the sign.

A and V Electronics, huh? Clever play on words.

Nevertheless, Vin opened the door, stepping into the darkness of the store, cautious hope in his heart.

The very first thing that Vin noticed about the inside of A and V's was that the place was a bit of a shithole. The ceilings were low, the pot lights too dim and spaced apart to properly cast an adequate light anywhere, and everywhere he looked, Vin saw shelves and stacks of numerous electronics.

Loose boards and cables sat piled up in open-topped cardboard boxes, video games and movies ranging from retro to modern were haphazardly slotted into shelves with no true rhyme or reason, it had everything, and yet nothing was organized.

Vin smirked, this was his kind of place.

Eventually, a voice called out to Vin from the back of the store.

"Hello kiddo, how can I help you?"

Vin walked over, finding himself standing in front of a glass case filled with electronics, from handheld systems to the newest mp3 players and phones. On top of the glass case was a cash register, and behind it all sat a man.

"Hey, I'm looking for a gift," Vin opened.

Vin looked at the shopkeeper before him, in the dim light, he couldn't quite make out any details. It was a little spooky actually… It was like the shadows themselves were willing themselves to never give Vin a full view of the man in front of him.

Still, there were a few details the darkness let him see, the man must have been middle-aged, maybe around forty-five, if Vin had to guess. He had some sort of goatee covering his chin, and had an odd hair color, the back being a raven black, and died blond in the front.

Definitely an odd choice, but he seemed to pull it off.

The man chuckled in his deep, husky voice, "Looking for a gift on Valentine's Day, huh? Who's the lucky girl?"

Vin scratched the back of his head, "A-Ah, birthday present, actually."

"Oh, I see," The man shifted in his seat, "So what sorts of things is she interested in?"

Nothing, Vin wanted to say, but instead decided to go with something a little less flippant.

"Working out."

"Hmm, sporty girl, huh?" The man stroked his goatee, "Does she have a way to listen to music while exercising?"

Vin's eyes went wide, why didn't he think about that?

"No, actually, she doesn't."

The man smirked, before getting up, and walking over to a shelf going along the wall behind him, "Well then, I think we just found your gift, kiddo."

As the man rummaged around for some things, the sound of the door opening drew Vin's attention.

"Oi, old man, I'm back."

A teenager stepped into the shop, he looked about a year or two older than Vin himself, with a head of spiky silver hair, and wearing a pair of jeans and a leather jacket. All around, the guy had a very 'punk' vibe going for him.

"Ah, Vince, welcome back, how was your day?"

"Work was boring, nothing interesting happened," 'Vince' walked over, leaning his back against one of the walls, "Your little errands were boring too."

"Well, I'm sorry, but they needed to be done. You have my thanks," The man chuckled, before grabbing something off the shelves.

"Here we go, check this out kid," The man brought over a box, laying it out into the dim light, Vin saw it was a sealed iPod Nano, the exact one that was released a few months back in October, and as if it wasn't perfect enough, it's shell was a brilliant green. Her favorite color.


"It's got everything you'd need, kiddo, earbuds are already included in the box."

Vin began to reach out his hand towards the device in question to check over the box, before he winced back, feeling a familiar burn in his fingers. Looking down, Vin saw that his Sacred Gear had been summoned without his permission.

Huh, the first time that's ever happened before. Yeah sure, it reacted to danger, but that was it.

Vin stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking around. Nah, there was no way a stray devil was here, that was a bit too hard to believe, and he couldn't just interrogate two innocent people about magic and devils and all that shit, they'd think he's crazy.

"I didn't see them before, but I dig the rings," Vince called out from his spot leaning against the wall, "Where'd you find them?"

"A-Ah, found 'em at a thrift store," Vin lied, as he grabbed his wallet out of pocket, "How much do I owe you for this?"

The man held his hand up, "It's all good kiddo. Tell you what, you can have it for free if you take a business card and let me know how it goes."

Alright… Weird business practice; but with his time running out, Vin wasn't about to turn away a free iPod. So graciously, Vin grabbed the iPod, placing it in his backpack, along with a business card that he stuck into his wallet, before he turned for the door.


want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters


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