

"I have been trying to reach the shore,

They tell me its useless and drag me to core,"


She stirred in her sleep and got up jerking her head remembering she has a husband to gaze at. Clicking her tongue she muttered few prayers under her breath as she thanked Allah for blessing her to see the morning, again.

She frowned finding her room empty.

Removing the tangled duvet from herself she looked for her husband in washroom but found it empty. Deep frown settled on her face. She softly padded to the library door with confusion settled on her face but decided to look in it. Dusting her maxi dress she settled her hair which looked more like a nest. She wanted to look presentable on the first morning of the wedding.

Walking with slow and steady steps she entered the library and found her husband sitting on the leather couch with round glasses in front of his eyes and the Al-Quran in his hand. She almost drooled over the heavenly sight of her husband but soon composed herself and cleared her throat to gain his attention.

His attention broke from the Al-Quran and he looked at her. Removing his glasses he stood up, straightening his crinkled white shirt.

"Assalamualaikum!" She wished with forwarding steps towards him.

"Wa'alaikum assalam" he greeted her back with a nod.

"You are an early riser" she commented on his habit of waking up early.

"Well, you are also the same" he said not breaking the eye contact. She felt as if someone was pulling her, towards him.

"That makes the two of us." she agreed with a nod trying to act like him.

"Let's pray the fajr" he advised and fixed his clothes to perform the wu’dhoo.

She hurriedly followed him back in the room and snatched whatever clothes came in her hand. Her movements were fast as she took ghusl, coming out she again performed the wu'doo and laid the prayer mats for him and her.

His was slightly more forwarded and inclined; her's been a little behind and followed the same direction.

They stood on their position and all worries and stress flew away out of the window as they were bathed in the blessed tranquility in the starting of the day.

Their movements were in unison as they talked to their lord. Paying their Salams, their fingers moved as they performed tasbeeh on their fingers, raising their hands in air, and cupping them, they asked for forgiveness as for every sin they have done and asked Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to bless them with His hidaya and a good future.

Silence settled between them as they completed their salah. She took the sit on the same leather seat where he was sitting, earlier. Picking up the Al-Quran she started reciting from where he left.

He went behind that one seated leather couch, standing behind it, he kept his hands on the arm rest of the couch and bend towards the Al-Qur'an which was in her hand. Reciting it with her.

When they completed reciting she closed the Al-Quran and kissed it. He took it from her hand, kissed it and kept it on the highest shelf.

She picked up the book she was reading last night before he came. Still, no words were exchanged between them. It was new for them and they didn't know what to do. Surely, few glances were exchanged between them with redness rising on her cheeks and on his ear tips.

He again came behind her and again started reading with her. Word by word, pages by pages.

"What a nerdy couple we are?" She commented when he turned the page getting her nod.

"Indeed, we are." he agreed and they both got lost into the world of fictions.

His warm breath hitting her head making her froze on her place. But, soon she gave up and leaned into his warmth. Every time she would nod he would turn the page.

Suddenly, she jerked her head backwards just to meet his eyes. Her lips moved on its own accord but noting came out of her throat. He chuckled making her cheeks go read.

"Umm- I-i was asking about your back, wouldn't it hurt if you keep standing like that." her eyes went down, eye lashes cascading long on her cheeks and she moved back uttering her worry.

"I am good." he said his own heart fluttering with the closeness.

She raised her eyes, to meet his forest green eyes, light stubble covering his jaw and his perfect tan skin making him look perfect, just for her. His jet black messed up hairs completing his morning look. Her eyes met his; she looked at his perfect nose, neither too fat, nor too long. Her eyes went down more and stuck on his Adam's apple, it bobbed down making her comeback to the earth.

Astagfirullah, she chanted that in her mind but soon realized he was her haqqi shohar. She has the right.

Her ear tips and cheeks turned red realizing she got caught. Deep chuckle hit her ear making her bow low her head.

"That's your right." he said admiring her regular brown eyes and dark brown loose tendrils flowing down till her waist. Her cute oval face with little chubby cheeks and Asian skin making her look beautiful.

"What?" She asked her eyes still down on her lap.

"You, gazing at me. I am all yours" he said, his voice slightly teasing her.

Her face went red with embarrassment, it burned more and he chuckled deeply. She heard his steps fading away in the room but she didn't dare to look in front for him.

Gathering all the courage she looked for him and found him standing at the big window. It was morning but still the sky was covered with dark, heavy clouds.

"I like this weather, a lot." she murmured standing beside him.

He gazed at her with a soft look and again turned to look at the view ahead of them.

Heavy wind blew making the trees dance with winds.

"Do you see those trees dancing with the wind? Surely, they are happy, meeting after a long time." she whispered loud enough for him to hear.

His heart thudded loudly realizing she is not normal. He already knew she was mentally ill. But, he didn't know why she was not admitted in rehab.

Composing himself he called out her name, she didn't even flinch and continued to stare at the view.

"Zohra." her name rolled softly on his tongue but loud enough to bring her back from her day dreaming.

She turned towards him with blank eyes and he closed her eyes with his hand dragging her into his chest. Rubbing her back several times, he somehow made her comeback into the real world.

"You should take some rest. Soon, we will be leaving." he said gently to her making her nod at his words and she went away without saying any word.

He walked out of her room and made his way toward her father's library. He knew this place, after all this was the same house where his runaway bride lived. Not any more, now.

He pushed the gate open and was met with her father, pacing back and forth.

"I was waiting for you." her father informed.

"How this happened?" He asked with deep frown on his face, stress lines forming on his forehead.

"She witnessed something very horrible, but she denies opening up. We have tried all the way." her father shook his head informing him about her past. Stress clearly appearing on his face.

"No sane person, in his/her right mind would say they like gloomy weather." he was worried by her words. "Ya Allah".

"Why didn't you admit her in rehab?" he asked pinching his temples.

"Most of the time she stayed quiet and tried to be friends with another patients there, she was growing attached with their environment, and they needed her out of their place, immediately. Or something would have happened, because when a person starts to find peace in a very unbalanced state, he/she becomes the most dangerous person.

And you out of everyone knows this very clearly." her father told him everything he wanted to know.

"This is so horrible." he hissed sitting on a couch, his head in his hands.

"I need all her reports." he demanded, closing his eyes and breathing deeply.

"I already have them ready. Do whatever you want but bring her back to her life, I request you Waqas Rehan!" her father requested him making him nod.

"I'll try my best." he sighed rubbing his face roughly thinking every solution for his patient.

"You will, I know you will bring her back." her father positively declared patting his back wand walked making Waqas narrow his eyes on his words.

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