
The True Horror Of The Rigel Continent [Part 2] 

"Do you see that?" Benedict angrily asked Marion and Viola as he pointed at the monster-infested island. "Did you think that we're here to play games with you idiots? Did you come here thinking that you'd be taking a nice, relaxing vacation?

"Do you finally realize what you have done? All of you only needed to do one thing and one thing only—follow the rules we have set. Aren't all of you soldiers? Aren't you supposed to be good when it comes to following orders? Then how come you can't even do that one thing right?!"

Benedict's anger represented the anger that the members of the Dvalinn Federation felt at the moment.

Due to the emergency evacuation, they were forced to leave some of their important equipment behind. 

The monsters were bound to destroy everything they had left behind, which meant that their hard work for the past year would all go down the drain. This was a big waste of their efforts in trying to reclaim the Rigel Continent.

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