
Arias, the Master Miner

Finally, Arias and his companions reached the end of the passage. The end of the tunnel opened into a cavern, not too large nor too small. Inside the cavern, there were a number of crystal ores. When the light from the lantern hit them, the crystal ores sparkled with a beautiful radiance. However, hidden within this beauty was a lurking danger. Surrounding the crystal ores, the floor was teeming with hundreds of venomous scorpions scuttling about. Some of them clung to the cavern walls. All of these scorpions had similar features: their bodies were jet black with dark purple stingers at the ends of their tails. Upon sensing the presence of intruders, they began raising their tails in preparation for a fight.

"What should we do next, Your Majesty?" Farcia turned to ask Arias.

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