
The Magic School’s Protection Part I

Finally, the fight came to a pause when the headmistress of Porius Magic School got involved. It might look like Charlotte was just an impartial third party who came to stop the fight, but judging from where she was standing, it was clear that she was here to help Arias. Her eyes were on Stoker, but she was standing in front of the young man to protect him. It was clear whose side she was on.

And of course, that didn’t go unnoticed by Stoker. It made him grit his teeth in anger, knowing that the woman was here to help Arias. No matter how much he wanted to kill him, with Charlotte getting involved, there was no way he would be able to do it unless he’d got a valid excuse.

“Charlotte, you may be the headmistress of the magic school, but this has got nothing to do with you. It is a personal matter between me and that child. Please, get out of my way.”

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