
Chapter 5

[|||| =LEVEL 5= ||||]

*Ding!*A new spell has been created! - Soul hearth

"I was kicked out of my parent's house so I'm going to live in Jellal's soul for a while. I hope to see you soon."

-Letter from Freya Earnest, apprentice spatial wizard to her friend

Title gained: Passenger

-You and your host may share all of your mana and/or aura or just a portion of it. This must be consensual.

-The host shares all of your stat boosting effects from skills (other than aura) and you theirs should you and your host wish it with no dampening to your own stat boosting skills. Physical based trait buffs on INT and WIS possessed by the host will be shared should the auras be shared.

-You will slowly gain your host's affinities as well as your own and vice versa. This process is accelerated by sharing aura pools

-With mutual consent you may share physical senses with your host

-Increases INT and WIS by 20% while in a host

-Should the host die you will be ejected from their body and every physical object in their soul space, should there be anything, will transfer to yours

I immediately set on that amazing title and wondered at the effects for a moment. Getting Summer's affinities? Yes please. The extra INT and WIS were also very nice. I'm cool with sharing my stat boosting skills as well. I'll keep my pools seperate for now. I'm pretty sure Summer's doing something with her aura and mana pool growing but I'm a little miffed that mine aren't growing too. I want the INT and WIS buffs from her eyes and the insanity of her aura. I'd gladly share. Summer and I working as one would be OP. Like a dragonball fusion. Just annihilate everything.

Summer's aura and mana, and I could only feel her aura before through aura sensing; now I could feel her mana as well, were instantly expanding under the effects of the title. By almost seventy five percent. There was a lot more space here now! It's only going to keep expanding as my space affinity leaked into her as well. I put that all out of mind and looked around.

I wasn't really seeing. It was a lot like mage sight. I was looking in all directions. I immediately concluded this was Summer's soul. It was a pure white in every direction but I knew there was a wall over there somewhere. It was just as pure a white as the rest.

I set to the second part of the experiment. I tried shifting the space in the soul. As soon as I could I felt Summer's soulscape recoil. "Abyss! You're… in my soul?" I inwardly cheered. "Oh, you're… happy? That feels weird. I felt like I was happy but it was really distant. Weird."

"Summer can you hear me?" I thought.

"Yes! I can hear your words! Wow this is an odd experience. Definitely one of the weirdest I've ever been in. Now Abyss… Why is my soul almost twice as large?! I feel like a goddess!" Summer seemed positively elated by the the boost in power. I felt the same. If my plans go through… Mmm…

"Our souls seem to be augmenting each other. There's a sort of mental switch to turn them off if you want." I turned them off and I could hear Summer gasp over the link and I turned them back on.

"Please don't do that! I like the super aura! Taking it away and giving it back feels super weird and uncomfortable!" Summer pleaded.

"Sorry. I just wanted to show you that I could. I could merge our aura pools - not our souls - and you could draw from mine and I could draw from yours. I'm not going to do that now though." Only because of Summer's artificial mage trait though. If my mana leaks to hers her core will start the road to working properly. Sorry Sum but that can't happen yet.

I reached for my inventory and felt all the items I had gathered. I materialized a book as an experiment and saw it appear in front of me. "Whoa! What was that?!"

"I tried placing an item from my inventory in your own, which I'm inside of, by the way. Do you mind if I change your soulscape? It's just a pure white square at the moment." I heard nothing for a moment before a feeling of agreement came from Summer. I sent a feeling of appreciation back and tried changing the soulscape like I did before.

I tried briefly to merge our soul spaces but I could immediately feel that we had to be sharing our auras to do that so I didn't push it.

There was a little resistance at first but it gave quickly as Summer pulled herself back. In a few seconds the soul space changed to the hotel mirroring what we were in. "Whoa… this is kind of trippy. I don't think there's a word for how I'm feeling but it's kind of like being petted and molded like clay at the same time. Super weird." I didn't respond but tried a few things. Right now the room was brightly lit. I tried making a few shadows to make it more realistic. Summer's soul gave and the room grew more realistic as I made more details. I made the lamp light up when the cord was pulled. The fridge was stocked with sodas and there was a door right there.

The difference between the book from my inventory and the other items was easily apparent. Not in how it looked but in how it felt. I could see with my weird 'seeing' that it was full and real in a way that the fabrications in Summer's soul weren't.

Trying out something a little different I activated my mage sight skill for real. For a moment I had the splitting headache of two three dimensional spaces being seen in my mind at the same time.

"Ow! What was that?!" I groaned over our mental link.

"I have a sort of spell that lets me see through ambient mana around me. I can see about a mile normally but I'm getting a three dimensional of your soul space and with the miles of busy Vacuo on top of that…" Summer sent a pang of sympathy my way and some slight irritation at having to experience an echo of the headache.

I tried this time to make a body for myself. It was really easy actually. My soul was easy to change the form of. I do it all the time after all. I just made myself as I appear under the illusion. I just added my ears. Suddenly I was confined to the experience of seeing in a line again. I activated my mage sight and started small with just what Summer was seeing. Then I expanded it to see the hotel room and then the whole hotel. I could always filter out most of the useless information thanks to my high INT and practice but now it was easier since I didn't have to focus on walking or anything like that.

"Ahhh, much better." I sighed. Summer rolled her eyes.

"I can see you rolling your eyes you know." I commented dryly. She rolled them again and I tried sending an image through our link. She giggled and I think she got it. This is pretty fun.

I suppose I could have asked to share her senses through my title but this allows me to see better than her eyes. I might try seeing through her eyes to experience the amazing eyesight she has from the aural sense enhancement she taught me and all of her insane stats. Her eyesight must be insane.

"Alright. Just one last thing. Could you please touch my body?"

I realized how bad that sounded. "I'm not a pedophile." Summer immediately snarked. I sent the eye rolling image again and she poked my body's cheek. I inventoried my body and immediately deposited it on the bed in Summer's soul and used supplement on my body. I inspected my body closely but could find no asphyxiation or anything of the sort. I was fine and my aura regenerated plenty fast enough to keep myself full of oxygen. I could technically stay in here forever so long as Summer would let me.

I pushed my aura into my body and I went in fine. A majority of my aura was based in my body rather than spread throughout Summer's soul. Summer's soul filled in the gaps of aura my soul wasn't filling. I shook my head around and tried moving. Yup, this was my physical body alright. I entered and exited my body a few times and found that I was in no danger. I put myself into and out of my inventory as well with supplement on and I was fine. Good! I could feel my aura connected strongly to my body as well. I wasn't a bodiless entity of aura. I was more like an astral projection… I think. Well, my aura is rooted in my body. I'm just sort of branching out a little.

"Alright. I just have one more thing to do." I told Summer. I then tried to materialise a dagger of projected mana from Summer's hand and she nearly dropped it as she jumped with a tiny "Eep!". Well, that's what I think she said. I can only see with my mana sight. It looked like she said "Eep" though. That's what my lips reading skill said. It disappeared when it hit the ground.

"... really Summer?" I asked incredulously. "Were you just scared of a knife in your hand?"

"Shut up! I didn't know what you were doing!" Summer retorted. I sent the eye rolling image again. Is it just me or was it like we were texting and using emojis as images? Weird. It's kind of fun what with how intimate the link is. Nothing can really be misunderstood.

Now I tried something I hadn't really considered until I got in here. I made a string of mana and made an exo skeleton. Summer shot me with curiosity in our link and I gave the feeling of patience. Say, that was a pretty complex emotion. Huh.

The exo skeleton fully formed and I tried controlling it autonomously from my mana string. It moved easily. Now for the real test. I filled the skeleton in with mana to look like a person and moved it a little. Then the spell changed a little and I heard the familiar ding.

*Ding!*A new spell has been created! - Remote avatar

"I make remote avatars for plenty of things. I and my friends use them to fight each other, I make one into a mouse to scare Lily, when I don't want to deliver a message I control one to do it for me, and a hundred other things."

-Uriel Welsh, apprentice golemancer

-Warning! The Avatar takes 2500 AP capacity from your pool to function. The AP capacity will return when it is dispelled. From there on out it takes MP to retain itself.

I felt a few small changes. I found that I could see through the avatar's eyes but I didn't care to. Mage sight FTW. I could also control it regardless of the mana string. To finish the test I tried putting something in my inventory from the avatar. A pamphlet on the table. It appeared directly in my inventory. So our auras were still linked. Interesting.

Just to see if I could I tried to tap into the emulate skill and some wind manipulation to speak through the wind. "The dogcrossed the street." the voice came out warbled and with an odd intonation in parts.

*Ding!*A new spell has been created! - Wind whisper

"I chat with my friends from the other side of Vale with this."

-Adept wind mage Carell Wispus

Good! I'll practice that. It's a useful spell for certain and I can't be bothered with a scroll. Come to think of it, could I replicate a scroll with light beams carrying an image and wind whisper supplying audio? I'll consider it for later.

I cut the connection between me and the avatar and I tossed the pamphlet out of my soul space and guided it to the table with some wind.

Finally I made two strings of mana and aura from Summer and connected them to two random chairs and tried to put them in my inventory. I couldn't do it with either of them. I suppose to go into my inventory they had to directly meet with my aura and, by extension, my soul space. The avatars were connected to my aura, as evidenced by the shared inventory and being able to return to my aura pool. Useful. I'll try to just use things that Summer touches mostly. Making an avatar for everything would just be kind of wasteful.

To make up for the strings I tried bringing the objects closer to me rather than getting closer to them. I casted warp on the pamphlet again and stretched it's space towards me. I then easily put it in my inventory. That's probably as close to a pickup from range as I was going to get.

I popped my body out and used wind on myself to hover my body to the futon. I then exited Summer's aura and felt a brief lapse in consciousness as I reappeared in my body. "Uuuugh." I murmured. My head kind of hurt. I rubbed it and sat up. "Alright. So a successful test. Thank you Summer." I looked to her. She was lying on the floor unconscious.

… I think the shock from her losing all of that aura from my buffs suddenly deactivating knocked her out. I used a little mage sight and wind manipulation to lift her into her bed, undress her, and tuck her in. Vacuo was hot. I didn't want her to get heatstroke.

I let my aching head rest and fell asleep without much trouble.

[|||| == ||||]

"What the?!" I heard a voice that sounded like Summer's cry out. I blinked blearily and looked at the clock. Six forty eight. A normal time for us to wake up at. "Abyss! Did you undress me?! How did I fall asleep?!" I groaned a little and sat up.

"You were knocked out from the sudden change in your aura after I stopped augmenting it. I'll be more careful next time. I used some wind manipulation to get your clothes off. It was not easy but I figure you'd have preferred that to me touching you with my hands."

"Oh. Thanks little wizard. I'm going to take a shower. You should too. We both kind of stink from the sand and road." I groaned a little more.

After a nice shower and dressing myself in some casual clothes that I stole I made my way out of the shower. "Where did you get those clothes?" Summer asked with some suspicion. She was stuffing some laundry into a sack. Probably to take to a laundromat. She was in her casual outdoor clothes, as I called them. A loose white T shirt and jeans.

"They were in my inventory." I half-lied. Summer narrowed her eyes. "I don't remember where I stole them from." I said honestly. Summer growled angrily.

"I dealt with plenty of this from Qrow and Raven. Even Tai joined in sometimes. Just don't steal anything really expensive or just because you want to."

I paused. Well… those metals I stole while invisible were marked as 'Extremely valuable under my observe… then there was all the furniture I thought I would like… Summer doesn't have to know. If she does find out I'll bribe her with super metals. That should work.

"Alright. I won't steal anything I don't need starting now." Summer stilled but seemed to force herself to relax.

"What. Did. You. Take?" I stopped my walking away… I took an ingot of something called blue steel, apparently extremely light and hard. Also very flexible if forged right. Summer's eyes widened and narrowed. "You owe me some of those. Don't take any more than somebody can sustain and don't take when you don't need it for something. Deal?"

"What about bad guys? Or what you would consider bad guys?"

"They're fine."

"Deal."Summer smiled at me and returned to sorting the laundry.

"So it there anything you're doing today?" Summer asked. I thought for a moment. I would need lien in case I need to go it alone. I'll take from the local gangs and underworld, I think. Just stealing from gangs was fine. They were totally bad guys.

"I'll need to go out and handle some things."

"Would you mind if I come? I only have to go to the laundromat and call my kids and I'll be done with everything for today. I'm happy to help you you know." I thought for a moment… No. I would be killing the eviler side of the criminal underworld's gang members. The ones who killed and ruined families. I would spare the ones that just extorted and stole but the really bad ones with innocent blood were fair game.

On the other hand, playing passenger with Summer might be good for the future…

"No. Sorry but you can't come along." Summer pouted.

"Alright. Meet me back here at night though." I nodded and blinked away.

[|||| == ||||]

It didn't take long to find a gang member. I simply observed people and looked at their biographies. I couldn't do that for people a higher level than me but lower levels offered a bit of a boost to observe, thich let me see their entire stats sheet and all of their deeds. It took a half hour before I found one. I waited for him to be alone and out of sight, which was when he entered a house, probably his, and locked the door. He wasn't guilty of much. A few robberies, extortion, and wounding a poor fellow but that was an accident according to his bio.

I blinked behind him and kicked his knee. He buckled and screamed in fright. I stilled the air around his mouth and the sound sounded more like a high pitched cat's meow than a scream. I knocked the man to the floor and put a hard light knife to his neck.

"The locations of the Frenzy kids. Now." The emulate skill made my voice rough and intimidating. The man spluttered in fright and I pressed the knife a little harder. "East quarter! 3rd street and I! Please! Don't-" I blinked out and started making my way to east street and K.

The building wasn't hard to spot. It was rowdy and masqueraded as a small casino. I wondered if they had a licence but brushed the thought away. It didn't matter. I put on a black mask I stole yesterday and went in invisibly with muffled footsteps. With my sneak and muffled sounds I was silent to just about everyone. I strided past the false front. Nobody in the front was really guilty of anything bad. It was small stuff. Mage sight revealed a basement where the gang was. It was not a pretty scene.

Two men were having their way with a woman. Observe revealed that they were taking advantage of her gambling debt. Lucky me, a meeting was going on. The boss was there smoking a cigar and meeting with other gangsters high in the gang. A cork board on the wall of the boss' office showed a map of the underworld and the headquarters and what information they had as well as a list of their manpower and such.

I made my way down the stairs and blinked inside the first room. Three men were playing poker. One had three counts of rape, one murder, and petty crime. He had aura as well. The second had murder but nothing else too bad. I might have even let him leave if it wasn't a little boy he killed. He had aura as well. The third was clean enough. He was a spare bartender that was taking a break. Only counts were extortion, some taking advantage of women when the real gangsters were done, and a little forgery. No aura. He wasn't a good person by any means but he wasn't unredeemable.

I readied twenty hard light and wind arrows and stilled the wind in a dome around us. I released invisibility and released the arrows at the same time. I also choked the bartender with wind. The two gangsters had their auras shattered with fourth and sixth arrows and died on the fifth and sixth. The bartender's eyes bulged and I went up to him and knocked him out with a projected hard light club.

Two humans level 26 and 28 killed! You gained 13590 XP! You leveled up 3x! 15 points awarded.

The door was soon locked with a key on the bartender and the lock broken. Just in case.

There were six other rooms around. First I would deal with the thugs taking advantage of the woman. One had plenty of crimes including pedophelia. No murder though. The other had plenty of murder, ten exactly. They died and I knocked the woman out.

Two humans level 24 and 36 killed! You gained 17300 XP! You leveled up 2x! 10 points awarded.

Level thirty six now… humans offer a lot of XP. Strangely enough I don't feel bad. I don't mind killing those that I know are guilty of terrible things. I'm not doing this to clean the streets or anything though. This is a small time gang. It's pretty clear from the territory map that there are three major gangs with professionals in charge. Huntsman level opponents. These guys were similar to preliminary hunter school dropouts that went a little farther in strength and found crime.

Anyways, I feel strangely alright with this. These are bad people. Killing them isn't really bad or good. Perhaps I've grown desensitized to violence from the grimm, fighting for my life, and that first kill early on. Whatever the reason… I'm alright with this.

I moved to next room. Three members. Two of them were mostly innocent. Well, one was having relations with his cousin but it was apparently consensual. It weirded me out somewhat but I dismissed that. Only one guy was guilty. He was seemingly the guy to go to when you wanted to kidnap someone. Children included.

You have killed a level 27 human! 6170 xp rewarded. You leveled up! 5 points awarded.

The last room was going to be the hardest. There were seven seats around a pool table filled. The boss, who was a toughie with some actual aura to break, was guilty of plenty of extortion and such but surprisingly no actually terrible crimes himself. However, he knowingly ordered many of the serious crimes the gang had committed.

Nobody around that table was actually innocent. Two were like the boss. No serious crimes themselves but plenty of crimes ordered and some lives ruined one way or another. The rest? Totally bad guys.

To do this I actually needed to be crafty. And for that… well there was one room left. An armory of sorts. The others were the bosses office and a bathroom. The armory had some pistols, a silenced scoped rifle, and some sub machine guns. None of them had alternate forms. There was also some gasoline, a generator that was running for the whole building, and a workbench to fix things and tinker. Most importantly, though, were the explosives. Dust grenades with burn and energy to make them explode, some flashbangs with light dust, three incendiaries, and a remote explosive. Observe said they were extorted from a military gun runner with the rifle for his rather sizable debt.

I took the incindiaries and three explosives and, after some consideration, I left the rest. I then proceeded to silence the door to the pool table room and lock it before breaking the lock. To go a little beyond I tried out a new skill. Runes. I wrote the rune I knew meant durable on the door and felt it take hold. I then tried enchantment. It was a moment's work to push some mana into the door and enchant it to be more heavy. I made the hinges more durable as well.

I abused my inventory a little to carry furniture to the door and barricade it. I got a level in the build skill along the way. That got a chuckle out of me. I locked every other door and did the same rune, enchantment, and barricade scheme on the entrance door to the basement. I also coated the doorframe there in ice to keep smoke in.

Before leaving I grabbed all the hard lien I could from a safe in the boss' office. I didn't count it but there was plenty.

I soaked the barricade outside the pool room in the gasoline from the armory and popped an incendiary grenade on it as I teleported out. The fire would wipe away the evidence and asphyxiate the gangsters. None of them had a semblance as well so they would certainly die.

*Ding!* For an effective use of skills and a solid plan of exit you gain 1 WIS and 1 INT

I made my way across the city to the next minor gang. As I was making my way out I got the confirmation.

Seven humans and faunus levels 25, 27, 29, 31, 34, 36, and 47 killed! You gained 69050 XP! You leveled up 6x! 30 points awarded.

… People offer so much XP…

By the end of the day I had killed off plenty more humans and faunus in four other gangs. I was very careful to make sure the mostly innocent ones were safe. One gang was small time, for example. Only some muggings, blackmail, extortion, robberies, and a murder in self defense. They were all fine. I didn't even touch them. That first gang I killed was one of the worst ones around actually. There was one bigger and equally as nasty called the Djinn that I had to kill off. I stayed away from the major gangs though. They were too large and powerful for me to risk getting found out by.

By the end of the day I had gained forty two levels in total. I had lost count of my kills somewhere along the way. My first words were "Holy shit". Maybe having three hundred fifty two points was a little absurd. I should splurge a little and buy some stuff pretty soon… or relax for a while.

LIEN – 201, 692 L

Ah, right. There was also that. Not an insane amount of cash but since I had no taxes or anything I was set for a long time. I got some dust too… does beacon have a tuition? Hm, I'll ask Summer if it ever comes up.

Gangs won't be really active out of fear for a while. Possibly even a year or two. I'm not sure if what I just did would be seen as extreme vigilantism or terrorism but I don't think I really care either way. I truly do think what I did was good for a fair number of people. Vacuo crime will spring up later though. Crime is just something that happens. That doesn't mean I can't stop it for a minute though.

[|||| == ||||]

After bathing the blood off of me with extra strong soap I blinked back into the hotel room. When I saw Summer casually clipping and painting her nails I knew she hadn't heard the news about the culling I had done. "I'm back!" I said with faked happiness. Summer glanced up with a small relaxed smile.

"Oh hi! How did whatever you were doing go?"

"Pretty well. I may have gone a little overboard but I finished what I wanted to do. I'm ready for Vale now by the way." There you are. Misdirection.

Summer shot up at that. "Really?!" She exclaimed happily. I nodded. "Great! I actually checked the flights a while ago out of boredom. There's a flight at midnight to Patch! We can take a ferry or a bullhead to Vale after I see my family. Do you have everything in your inventory?" I glanced at the clock. It was ten o'clock. Mage sight revealed nothing around the room.

"I'm ready." I confirmed. Summer looked about to grab me and run but she stopped and looked thoughtful.

"Actually… the flight is kind of expensive… do you think you could stay in my soul again? It's also easier to get through security when you don't have a child with you. I get to use my huntsman license that way. I smiled. I pulled up a chair from the table in the other room, set the passenger title, and went limp with my head on the table as I possessed Summer.

I set up the mage sight in a flash and was pleasantly unsurprised when I saw that Summer's soul was as I'd left it. Summer was already poking my cheek so I threw supplement on and kept my body in the inventory.

"Do you mind if I change your soul a bit? I just made it the hotel room last time as a test. I'd prefer something more comfortable."

"Go ahead. Just don't screw with anything important." I sent the rolling eyes image and went to work. Before I could really start, though, Summer asked me something.

"Could you augment my soul, muffle me and put me under invisibility? There's something I always wanted to do." She said a little nervously. I thought about if for a moment and decided on a compromise.

"I'm pretty sure we can share senses. I've got a sort of mental trigger here. Do you mind if I share them all?" Summer was silent for a few seconds.

"Oh there it is! It feels kind of like my semblance. Is this it?" Suddenly I received a burst of unfamiliar senses. I could see in detail even more accurate than mage sight. The wind against my skin was easy to keep track of. The lightest shift in it was discernible. My limbs felt filled with a raw strength and lighter than mine have ever been. I gasped in shock out of reflex and broke away from the connection a little and the details blurred a bit and became duller. I eased myself into the new senses slowly.

"Summer you did the exact same thing I did last time to knock you out. I'm pretty sure I'd be unconscious from information overload if I was in my body."

"Sorry! I thought it was like a sort of slider I could slowly ease you into! I didn't mean to give it to you all at once!"

"It's fine. Now that we both know how much that sucks I'll augment your aura. If you care to augment mine it should be a similar mental switch. Keep a firm hold of it this time." I then augmented her slower than last time. It was kind of like slowly turning a light switch. You could do it but it would only ever be on or off.

Summer's vision went blurry and adjusted between blurry and really sharp. It made me nauseous as much as it did her. I pulled back from the connection a bit to lessen the effect on myself. "Coward." Summer accused.

"You're just jealous I don't have to face the nausea." I said with a smirk image. She pouted. It was weird to feel Summer's lips pout through her. "Wow your lips are soft." I mused. Summer gave me a smirk and I could feel something happen to my aura.

It wasn't like activating my aura. It was more like giving me access to what made her aura strong in a weird way. I could my aura multiply in size by two and a half times. My magic pool multiplied by half. I immediately opened my stats.

Abyss Mavros

Title: Passenger

Level – 77

HP – 239.85/239.85

AP – 8712 (+435.6/min)

MP - 6120 (+306/min)

STR - 28 (+95%)(30%)= 16.38

VIT - 39 (+105%)(30%)= 23.985

DEX - 44 (+110%)(30%)= 27.72

INT - 60 (+20% + 50%)= 102

WIS - 66 (+20% + 150%)= 145.2

LUK - 32 (+0%)= 32

POINTS - 358

LIEN – 201, 692 L

Oh! That wisdom! It's so beautiful! My aura's more than doubled! It's almost a third of Summer's aura at it's base! But… with my magical soul augmenting her buffs it grew about a fourth and her mana grew far more. Actually it's probably her mana that caused her to pass out. My mana isn't leaking into hers but the strain from her screwed up artificial magical core probably has more debuffs than just a quarter of her true mana. I'm pretty sure aura isn't just as described as well. It's more complex than that. Other skills are probably similar.

"Uhh, are you going to make me invisible and stuff or…"

"Oh! Sorry. My aura grew about twice and a half as big as before. It's because of your eyes I'm pretty sure."

"Oh sure that makes perfect-WHAT?!"

"Yeah. Your eyes are helping out my soul to grow. I mean, my soul is composed of mana and aura. Your eyes have a huge affinity for purity. They'd likely hurt me if I had a corruption element but I don't so they're helping me so long as you keep that switch flipped."

"... fine. Totally not fair that you get so much more of a boost. And I thought my boost was impressive."

I sent the eye rolling image at her annoyance at being shown up and gave her a muffling effect and invisibility. I was confused when she ran around the hotel to a ladder and when she climbed it I was working on reconstructing her soul space. When she reached the top She looked to the edge, where there was a several story drop to the next building on the other side of the street. Beyond that a few miles away you could vaguely see the sleek and small airplanes of remnant. They actually called them airships but whatever.

Suddenly everything clicked and I felt like an idiot for not figuring it out sooner. Summer took a running start off the roof FAST. Not top speed but really really fast. "Now wait, Summer, don't you thi-AAAAH!" Summer ignored me as she jumped off the roof.

The air howled in our ears as we fell. Summer tucker her feet in and as we dropped onto the building Summer's semblance flared and Summer made a portal. She dropped into the portal and we flew back upwards and were airborne again. "Woohooo!" Summer screamed.

"This is… really nice actually. Mind if I make us go faster though?"

"Be my guest. Just keep it simple so I can predict out landings easily. I don't want to stress about it."

I tried out my new aura and mana to blow a strong wind behind Summer. I mean a really strong wind. Added up I had about 750 mana and aura regeneration per minute. Only about six hundred eighty were available because of my sustain aura technique and the invisibility and muffle combo. I went over that to roughly a thousand per minute and pushed us along. Summer whooped in happiness and performed some acrobatics in the air. She flipped, twisted, and dived towards the ground. I stopped pushing with the wind as she skydived down into a portal to emerge the other way around into the air, where I helped push us along again.

Summer played around with various poses. I dropped the still winds to muffle her to save some mana. some people looked around in confusion as they heard Summer's cries of joy. She was still invisible though so we were fine.

After maybe ten minutes of this we arrived. Summer was laughing and looking thoroughly windblown. She straightened out her long hair as best she could and I casted an illusion to make her more presentable after dropping her invisibility. I used my spare regeneration to grind my buffs and spells on my body in Summer's soul.

"Now… this shouldn't be too hard." Summer said out loud. I sent a feeling of agreement. We had no luggage after all and a huntress licence, which Summer implied got her through security or sped up the process somehow. My bets are on no security.

Summer strided up to a clerk handing out tickets and showed her licence. "Patch please for midnight. No luggage." The clerk took the licence and swiped it wordlessly. It beeped and he passed it and a slip of paper that was printed out of the machine. Summer took them and checked the ticket. It looked pretty similar to a plane ticket from earth but some of the terms were different. Terminals were called roundabouts and a few other quirks like that. We were at RAB (roundabout) 12, which Summer found with an experienced traveller's eye. That is to say, she read the signs.

In my experience the food and random shops in airports were always behind security. In remnant, though, the food and stuff were first. People could mill about and go through security when they wanted to sit and wait in a less crowded area or they wanted to catch their boarding flight.

Summer went right to security and showed her licence. They let her through without fuss so long as she informed them about any explosives she had on her. Summer showed her thin shortsword and a pouch of dust she had on her and they let her through. I didn't bother to let her know about my dust. I had no intention of scaring anybody or letting Summer know about that unless she asked.

The time was around ten thirty and we had nothing to do so I thought of something fun to try. "Want to see what I've done with your soul? I can probably pull you in if you meditate and let me. I've got some board games I made from hard light."

"What?! Yes! Do you have chess?"


"I'll start meditating now. Try to pull me in! "

[|||| =Next level= ||||]


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