
Chapter 66: True Ninjutsu Talent

The second day's practical exam was still conducted on the training ground, just like before.

After all the students completed the drawing of lots, Mutsuki announced that the practical exam was officially beginning.

"Please, the first examinee, Hagani Kotetsu, and the second examinee, Koji, enter the examination area."

Kotetsu knew that being the first number, he would definitely be the first to take the exam, so he had already warmed up in advance.

"Let me take the lead, remember to cheer for me." Kotetsu bid farewell to his two good brothers and walked into the exam area.

"Kotetsu, don't lose in the first round." Izumo encouraged Kotetsu with a supportive face.

Koji and Kotetsu entered the field together. The two did not exchange much conversation. They waited for Mutsuki to shout "begin" and immediately started the battle.

Although they were supposed to drive away the Taijutsu sensei, it wasn't about acting in the practical exam but demonstrating their own specific qualities. They wanted the supervising sensei to see the gap between the students' Ninjutsu and Taijutsu levels.

In the early stages of the battle, both of them engaged in Taijutsu, probing each other.

In the first wave of probing attacks, Kotetsu temporarily suppressed Koji with greater strength.

Then Koji started playing tactics. First, he used the Substitution Jutsu to confuse Kotetsu and create distance. He then split into two Clones to confuse him and find an opportunity to attack.

Koji's mastery of the Three Basic Jutsu was decent, but Kotetsu played it more creatively.

First, Kotetsu created a chair Clone, followed by two normal Clones.

He used the normal Clones to confuse Koji, then took the opportunity to replace the chair Clone with a normal Clone using the Transformation Jutsu. Finally, he transformed himself into a chair.

Naturally, Koji didn't suspect a peculiar chair that could move, and Kotetsu seized the chance to defeat him with a single blow.

"Hey, isn't that Kotetsu, one of the three major Ninjutsu talents that caused such a stir in school before? I didn't expect this Confusion Jutsu to have such ingenious applications," Ueda Aya exclaimed, praising Kotetsu's tactical brilliance.

"And both the Clone Jutsu and Transformation Jutsu are already very proficient, even more impressive than the students in my class," exclaimed Ueda Aya.

She teaches second-year Ninjutsu classes, and even the best in her class in basic techniques doesn't match up to Kotetsu before her.

Strictly speaking of Clone Jutsu proficiency, Ueda Aya believes that Kotetsu has already reached a level sufficient for graduation.

It's truly a very good Clone Jutsu.

Kotetsu's opponent, Koji, also performed exceptionally well, easily outclassing most students in her class.

While praising, Ueda Aya was also assigning grades to Kotetsu. For the Ninjutsu portion, she directly gave Kotetsu a full score of 10 points.

Not giving full marks for this level of Ninjutsu in the first year seemed a bit unfair. As for the physical aspect, Ueda Aya only gave 7.1 points, which, compared to Ninjutsu, could be considered just above the passing line.

As for Koji's physical abilities, there's not much to say. Ueda Aya only awarded 5 points.

In Shuriken throwing, both performed averagely, and Ueda Aya only gave them 5 points each.

However, their hand seal proficiency was decent, with Kotetsu scoring 8 points and Koji scoring 7.5 points.

In the end, when Ueda Aya calculated the total score, Kotetsu's score reached an impressive 30.1 points.

This score is considered quite high; the Academy's practical assessments are very strict. Generally, exceeding 20 points indicates a good level, and surpassing 30 points is considered excellent.

"Kotetsu works hard in his studies on a regular basis," nodded Mutsuki.

Although it's unclear whether Kotetsu practices at home, it's certain that he dedicates himself to studying. When collecting the test papers, Mutsuki glanced briefly and knew the score would be high.

"The second round of exams is about to begin. The third examinee, Kamizuki Izumo, and the fourth examinee, Koizumi Yuki, are ready to start the exam," Mutsuki announced after finishing the scores.

"This time, it's my turn to shine," Izumo said with a smile, exchanging a high-five with Kotetsu, who was approaching.

"Izumo, go for it!" Anko raised a small fist to cheer for his good brother.

Izumo's fighting style is more steady compared to Kotetsu. Instead of disguising as a chair like Kotetsu, he found an opportunity to use the Confusion Jutsu, transforming into a three-meter-tall, blue-faced, fanged monster that frightened Koizumi Yuki and easily took down the opponent.

"Izumo, is he also one of the three major Ninjutsu talents? Indeed, he's quite talented," Ueda Aya felt that both Kotetsu and Izumo could be considered talents, in a positive sense.

Izumo's showcased Ninjutsu skills were also outstanding. Ueda Aya gave Izumo a full score for Ninjutsu, with a total score of 30.5. Izumo's hand seal proficiency was slightly higher than Kotetsu's.

Ueda Aya initially thought that the quality of students was high in the first two rounds, but as she continued grading, she realized she was wrong. By the fifth round, she hadn't given any student's Ninjutsu a score below eight.

The performance of all students in the Three Basic Jutsu was excellent.

"The eleventh examinee, Mitarashi Anko, and the twelfth examinee, Shima Keiji, prepare for the exam."

"Both of you watch closely. Let me show you what a true Confusion Jutsu is." Anko expressed that Kotetsu and Izumo's Confusion Jutsu were not up to par.

"What's wrong with using a chair? As long as it wins, it's fine," Kotetsu protested.

"Can yours be scarier than my illusions?" Izumo also believed his approach was the best.

Anko didn't respond to the two; real combat was the best demonstration.

Shima Keiji's Taijutsu was not as good as Anko's, and he was initially suppressed by Anko.

Anko, seizing the opportunity, quickly performed hand seals, creating seven or eight clones resembling Shima Keiji. Then, she used the Transformation Jutsu to turn into Shima Keiji's appearance.

In an instant, the exam area was filled with Shima Keiji running around, and Anko's figure disappeared completely.

"Yumi-sensei, your student is indeed talented," Ueda Aya exclaimed in amazement. Having been a sensei for several years and having proctored countless exams, this was the first time she had witnessed such a situation.

"Her approach is unconventional," Mutsuki thought for a moment and said.

Watching his own duplicates running everywhere, Shima Keiji felt utterly confused. He was cautious of each one of himself, but in the end, he couldn't defend against Anko's attack and was swiftly defeated.

Anko's Ninjutsu skills deservedly received a perfect score. Ueda Aya even remarked that Anko's perfect score was due to the limit of a maximum of ten points, and Anko's Ninjutsu proficiency surpassed that of Kotetsu, Izumo, and others.

In the end, Anko achieved an outstanding score of 36, receiving full marks in everything except Taijutsu and Shuriken throwing.

Ueda Aya felt like she wasn't proctoring a first-year exam but rather supervising third and fourth-year students.

The Ninjutsu proficiency of these students was exceptionally high, beyond her expectations. She had previously supervised a first-year class, and while they were excellent, they were not as remarkable as the current situation.

At that time, she even mentioned that the first-year class's level was almost comparable to the second-year class she taught. Now, she felt her own class didn't measure up.

"Yumi-sensei, the Ninjutsu proficiency in your class is truly exceptional. All the sensei in the entire Ninja School should learn from you on how to teach Ninjutsu," praised Ueda Aya.

"One or two outstanding students might be due to their innate talent, but if the entire class excels in Ninjutsu, it's definitely a result of good teaching from the sensei. There can't be that many prodigies."

"It's all due to the students' efforts; I just do my best to teach," Mutsuki humbly replied.

Being proficient in the Three Basic Jutsu and having the teaching skill, not only could she not find a school sensei, but the entire Konoha couldn't find anyone better at teaching these three Ninjutsu.

"The thirty-eighth participant, Uchiha Shisui, prepare for the exam..."

Upon hearing Shisui's name, Ueda Aya also became alert. He was the student she looked forward to the most, having demonstrated strength comparable to Kakashi at the same age last time.


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