
Chapter 381 Something Happened to Rose 2

When Sparrow saw what had happened to Rose, he was utterly stunned, grappling with disbelief. Her body was encased in a thick layer of crystal ice, resembling a chilling coffin that enveloped her completely.

The transformation had occurred so rapidly that even Evelyn, who had been tending to Rose, hadn't had a moment to react before the ice sealed her in seconds.

That's why she and the others in the back of the truck became frantic, pounding on the small window to get the attention of the driver and the passenger.

They urged them to call for Sparrow's assistance. With the base so close, they were terrified about what to do with Rose in this state; they didn't know if they could bring her back or if it was even safe to try.

The sight of her in such a condition filled them all with worry and dread.

A thick layer of frost coated the metal floor of the truck, and an unbearable chill swept through the back, transforming it into a freezing chamber.

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