



John looked at the people how had followed him and he killed them. He was not allowed to be followed. The world had started to move as he had stepped into international disputes. The androids were taking care of his profits and he just had to take care of the war. He just had to show that he cannot be killed and has higher level weapons. They cannot hit him and he can hit him. They are the weaker ones, once they understand the truth.


John decided to go to Skalacion to given them more chance. The Elthia was stronger in terms of the espionage and he was not attacked much. He decided to give them much chance. He went through his private jet and he got out at the station. He smiled and gave his passport and walked out. He was happy and it was time for the war. As long as they are able to harm him even a little, he will have to accept the fact that he can be harmed and has to play by the rules. Once they fail, he will be strongest. This is a war without firepower, a war that is not seen by the people, a war only challenged by the superpower who has enough power under their control. 


John looked at the gangsters and smiled. He had got inside the taxi and the taxi interestingly drove to a isolated building. John got out and looked at them. All the items were dirty. He could not allow them to hit him and make his clothes dirty. He smiled and looked at them and let some knives fly to out of his pocket. He smiled and let it harm all the people at their legs. He smiled and hit the leg of the taxi driver and looked at all of them.


They were crying while clutching their wounds. A proper fighter would be able to fight despite these small wounds. He walked away as he did not care about such people. He went after taking the car and drove to a hotel. He smiled and ordered some food. The poisoned food was interesting and he ate it as the food did not have some change in taste. He looked at the people and found that they were looking at him. He let the knife hit all the people had direct relationship with the poisoning effect. Many of them were injured. He looked at the waiter who had fallen and down and went and stepped on him. The waiter kept shouting, "It was not me. They said they will kill my mother."


John looked at him and killed him. He walked and went to the police station and looked at the officers. He took an gold rod and walked inside and started beating all the people. The bullets could do nothing to him and he kept hitting them. He beat them all down and went to the next station. He found that some military soldiers came and he beat them down too. The bomb could no harm to him too. He understood why the common sense of innate beings said to fight against the world if we need to live a happy and smooth life. They were really weak.


John went to the military compound and looked at them. He smiled and laughed at them. A person talked with the speaker, "Mr. Metal. It would be better if you leave right now. Otherwise you will be named a terrorist."


John looked at them and said, "I will leave for now. I declare war on you as the king of Metal. You are the one who asked for this."


John rose to the air and flew to the international waters. He looked at the land and created a huge landmass made of metal and let it be filled with robots and machines. He let it have a huge defense mechanism and let it have more fighting methods. Each gun could be modelled to change to destroy a country and so was the tanks. He declared war on the country of Skalacion and he will destroy them. There is no idea such as parley. Only dead enemies are good enemies.


The robot machines and the tanks kept attacking their countries and attacking their people. The land was better to be taken by him. Their lands were being destroyed and so was their people. He got a call from Grayson. John took the call and asked, "Why have you called me?"


Grayson said, "Do you want us to join the war?"


John said, "Do you want a world war?"


Grayson said, "Why attack them?"


John said, "They broke the rules. They were supposed to test me about my strength but they questioned me and my intention."


Grayson said, "There is no such thing. There are many things to take care of but there was no such person as such as you in this game. They might not have thought that you have come to show off your strength."


John said, "True. But the fact remains that I am angry and I am a monarch, not a president. The country shall bloodbath and shall be destroyed. It is better to have them destroyed than to let them try to develop better things to fight against me. if there is something that is worse than ants it is those mosquitos who try to bite you."


Grayson said, "Hope you are careful. They have some strategic weapons. "


John said, "True. I have to take care of it."


John released the rods of heaven in all the land areas. He kept releasing multiple rounds. He smiled and released a lot of tracking bullets to kill the ones that had the access to release all the strategic weapons. He smiled and looked at them and let all the people be killed. Countries that died ever since the modern times are low since they are not killed to the last ones. In ancient times they men would be killed; the children would be made into slaves and women into prostitutes. Their countries would never last for more than a few years. 


John returned to his country and he was unimplemented. He let his android sell some rarer items without giving any care to the rules of the countries as per the cost. He smiled and looked at them and went back to his home. The international situation had a new king and that was him.


John went and looked at the house and ordered the people to prepare more food. He informed Rosemary and Violet to come to him and went looked at her. He looked at them and their works. They were not perfect workers and the android were the stronger ones. John looked at them and smiled and said, "I am the owner of the metals incorporation. What you have done is not useful to me and is not enough to make you the one in-charge of everything. It would be better to work in my country."


Violet said, "That was not you said sir."


John said, "Metal incorporation is more than what you can ever join and it would be better to join a bigger company. If you do not want, I can pay for wasting your time and you can leave."


Violet said, "Sure." She stood up and left leaving the card. John called an android and said, "Violet. Make sure that you hand over everything to him. Same for you Rosemary, that is if you want to leave."


Rosemary said, "I will stay in the company."


Violet said, "Do you want to be under someone else."


Rosemary said, "I had to wait for five years without any use. Should I still keep socializing doing more accounting to make my daily needs. There is no other company as big as Metal incorporation and we cannot get the chance to work in such a company."


Violet said, "I will not work in such place under someone."


Rosemary said, "The world will not wait for you."


John said, "Rosemary can work under number 19 and take care of the works under him. if you are able to make some merits, I can give you a whole branch under your control."


Rosemary said, "Thank you sir."


The android 11 took both of them to the side and took the resources given to them and gave them the right price for their works. John did not know what to do as the world was as easy as in his previous life. He had become stronger and he had become the strongest in the world. He could control if needed and kill if needed. He was always the strong. The only thing was that the world did not know about it and he did not show it.



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