
Back on the Grind

"Hey, dude?" One of the patrolling White Fang guards called out to his patrol partner.

Both being young men who signed up to join the White Fang after returning to Menagerie. They had expected a more intense post, but they knew guarding Kuo Kuana was important too. Especially now, since an apparent technological revolution swept through the town.

"Yeah, bro?" The other guard answered, trying to stay awake after the long shift.

"Is it me.. or are those two hotties training with Madam Titty Kitty Ghislaine herself?" The first guard asked incredulously.

Only to get smacked upside the head by his friend.

"First of all.. Don't call her that. If Sienna hears that, we'll both have to clean the latrines with our toothbrushes. And yeah? Haven't you heard? They're staying with the Belladonna family. That black haired girl is responsible for the wind turbines, solar panels, firearms and a bunch of the other stuff that Kuo Kuana's begun to use." The other guard's voice tinged with respect.

"Wait, really? Guess I'm out of the loop. I just know a ton of stuff's been happening. Like Lady Blake getting a tutor." The first guard admitted, sheepishly looking away as his friend looked at him as if he were stupid.

He very well might be.

"UH-HUH.. That's her, dip-ass. You only stay up-to date with news when it involves girls. Come to think of it.. Didn't you join the White Fang to score?" The second guard prodded.

"....Welp, I think we patrolled enough over here. Let's go to the docks!" The first guard ignored the judging glare from his friend and mechanically turned away.

Meanwhile, down at the beach, Yin was sparring with Ghislaine. Her fists blurred as they attacked the dark skinned beauty, making loud metallic 'CLANG' noises every time Ghislaine parried her. With frustration evident on her face, Yin delivered a low sweet kick to pressure the swordmaster, just to get kicked in the face by her sandals. A large groove carved out in the sand by Yin's body as she slid back from the force.

"Shit.. I'm not that much slower than you." Yin muttered while wiping the sand off her face.

"Mhm. Problem isn't strength or speed. It's your fighting style." Ghislaine remarked, glancing over at Shia and Blake, who were sparring themselves.

It was going just as she expected it to. With Shia completely dominating Blake, who was struggling to even stay on her own two feet. Every hit, even holding back as much as she could, would send the poor cat Faunus flying. On the bright side, this was improving her dodging skills, so Ghislaine saw no issue with continuing as they are.

"What? Those moves are practiced. What's wrong with them?" Yin asked, getting Ghislaine's attention once more.

The Tiger Faunus looked up at the afternoon sky and hummed to herself in thought. Then, as if she had an idea, she smiled and walked up to Yin and straightened her posture.

"Relax. Let me show you. Here." Ghislaine then got behind her and put her hand on her hips.

"I.. uh.. Yeah, okay..?" Yin blinked, releasing the tension in her muscles while Ghislaine moved her body, as if playing with an action figure.

Soon enough, she was put into a more relaxed, yet bestial looking stance. Though Ghislaine was still behind her, seeming to be lost in thought. "Try punching." Ghislaine demanded, keeping her hands on Yin's upper arms.

Yin nodded and throwing punches, though now being manually corrected by Ghislaine. They were fiercer, while still following some technique, her punches became more refined, yet now holding a savageness to them. On the hundreth punch, Yin was surprised to see a notification appear in front of her.

[Martial Style created: Black Dragon arts]

She was almost so surprised she nearly missed the fact that Ghislaine was now holding her legs and helping her kick too. Yin lowered her foot to the ground and stared at the Tiger King, who was looking at her with an intense gleam in her eye.

"You are very.. interesting. You learn.. Or perhaps your body learns things very fast." Ghislaine muttered while shamelessly feeling up Yin's arms, legs and hips.

"Rather than that.. How'd you even do that? I'm pretty confident in hand to hand fighting, but it feels like you helped me rebuild from the ground up.." Yin asked, seeing the white pair of ears on her head twitch in delight.

Ghislaine stood up with a small satisfied smile and nodded. "You held yourself back. Learning new moves is good. But everyone has a different fighting style that suits them. Martial arts are used by humans, who use techniques to beat and subdue other humans, and by humans who use techniques and power to destroy Grimm. You, are not a human. Better. The moves are mechanical, precise.. Waste for you to keep using it. Instincts and technique are hard to master together.. No human I've seen can do it. Faunus have it easier." Ghislaine explained the best way she could, taking a seat on a rock and patting her lap.

"Come. Sit." She gestured.

'Well I'm glad we're becoming closer..' Yin shrugged and sat on her lap, feeling her arms wrap around her stomach.

"Look at Blake." Ghislaine pointed at Blake, who was backflipping and leaping away from the rather explosive hits from Shia.

"Her instincts as a cat Faunus help her with fighting. All she needs is to train and learn techniques. For Shia.. she needs to increase speed and learn techniques. Over time, they'll blend together with their instincts. You, were fighting your instincts. Listen to them." Ghislaine explained, seemingly content as she rested her chin atop Yin's head while watching her ahoge sway due to the soft breeze.

"How long you think it'll take to get them up to an acceptable level?" Yin asked, hearing a low hum escape Ghislaine's throat.

"A lot of Grimm killing and real combat against people would be needed. Which is why the caliber of warriors gets higher during war-time. The weak get weeded out and the strong rise above. Not many can do it." Ghislaine's words would have discouraged most, but Yin instantly thought of a fantastic way to do that in a short time.

'Time to finally visit that dungeon then.'

"Hey! Mittens! Lola! You can stop sparring!" Shia and Blake paused and looked over to Yin, who had shouted at them.

"M..itten-Oh because I'm a cat..." Blake grumbled, though Shia looked confused. "Eh..? Lola?"

"Yeah, sparring's over. Shia, that one dungeon you found? The one with the black mark? We're going there tomorrow." Yin declared as she stood up, almost tripping due to Ghislaine's tail wrapped around her hips.

"Ah. Sorry. I got comfortable." Ghislaine apologized as she too stood up.

Yin pet her tail with a slight nod, "No problem. Let's head back for now. I'm not sure what to expect in the dungeon but it doesn't hurt to prepare."

As they began to walk back, Blake cleared her throat and sent a few inquisitive glances at Yin.

"You know you could just speak up, Blake. What's on your mind?" Blake hid an embarrassed blush and looked away before answering.

"What are these.. 'dungeons' anyway? I've never heard of them."

"Really..? You'd think stone doors out in the wilderness would attract attention.." Yin hummed thoughtfully, seeing Shia nod in agreement.

"They're not exactly subtle either! Finding them was way easier than the.. uh.. ones we found before." Shia clarified, sharing a look of understanding with Yin.

"Mm..? You mean the Ruins? The ones all across Remnant?" This time, Ghislaine asked.

She hadn't seemed as interested in the conversation earlier, though, to be fair to her, she usually only speaks up when it involves fighting. Or, in Yin's case, her dry attempts at flirting.

"Ruins?" Yin asked, taking a keen interest in the possible history behind the dungeon doors.

If they had always been there, there ought to be some sort of documentation of them. As far as she knew, they were magical in nature and led to a completely separate world. That zombie city dungeon was a little too realistic for it to only be a created dungeon solely for her.

"Yup. Old ruins. Been here since... forever? Nobody can get in. No digging around it, no blowing through it, no drilling.. Nothing. You.. can enter them?" Ghislaine looked at Yin with a small, nearly imperceptive smile.

"I can. We all can, if you're with me. It'll solve that 'training' issue you were talking about earlie-rrr.." Ghislaine pulled Yin's body into hers, as if she'd won a large stuffed animal at some carnival.


'I-Is she purring..?' Yin looked up at Ghislaine, who looked as if she found her favorite toy after losing it for years.

"You are very very interesting.. I want-no need to come along. I need this.." Ghislaine stated as Shia threw herself onto her defiantly.

"Ah! Hey you hugged Yin enough! It's my tuuurn!" Shia demanded while attempting to play tug of war with Ghislaine.

*Sigh* "Blake.. Note this down. Popularity can be a double edged sword." Yin ignored the somewhat cute display of a girl and a grown woman fighting over her and looked at Blake.

"Why do I need to note it down..? I'm not going to be popular." Blake denied with a shake of her head.

Yin shot her a smug grin, "Your Mom's got a whole bakery. You look just like her. Do the math. Whether you like it or not, the Bellabooty will shine through."

"Urgh... Please no.."

-The Next Day, Belladonna Manor-

Yin woke up to a floral perfume. One she'd associated with the Manor. More specifically, one she associated with Kali. As soon as she opened her eyes, the MILF White Fang leader filled her vision. Kali was seated on her bed, smiling down at her as she woke up.

"What is.. Kali?" Yin shook of the post-sleep fugue and stared at the older Faunus woman.

"Good morning, Dear. Just opening up the blinds to wake you up. Though I do admit.. I got a little absent-minded while looking at that face. You look so much like your Mother, after all." Kali smiled, rubbing the top of Yin's head before standing up.

"You won't find me complaining. Just surprised is all." Yin shrugged and sat up, popping and cracking her back and joints.

"Aha~ Glad to hear it. Do you mind if I ask you something though? About Blake's future 'popularity'?" Kali's smile somewhat changed mid-sentence.

Yin looked at the woman and casually slid her sheets to the side before fixing her clothes. "Was I wrong? After all, she looks like you, right? She's going to grab some attention no matter what she does."

"Fufufu~ Ah, if only you were a few years older.. I'm not mad about the comment, actually. You're right! I was actually thinking.. You plan to go to Beacon, no? If you did.. Please consider helping Blake get out of her shell when she herself attends. Her Dad might not agree but I know her getting a boyfriend or girlfriend is simply inevitable once she leaves our little island. All I want, is for you to vet them. Or, maybe even be said girlfriend? Wouldn't that be nice?" Kali cooed.

"Is Blake planning to go to Beacon in the first place..? I thought she wanted to join up with the White Fang." Yin asked while standing up, ignoring the hint at dating her daughter.

"Well, if that plan of yours works, the White Fang's offensive operations won't really be as needed as before. In fact, we'd be recognized as a legitimate army, won't we? If Blake wants to officially join said army, she'd need to complete combat school. Plus, in Vale she could get another perspective and maybe even change some things from within. She's started talking about going to Ghira and I, but it's still up in the air." Kali replied.

"Well.. if I bother attending, maybe. At this point I could easily be a teacher. Actually.. I'll be in Vale around that time anyway. Yang's going to attend the same year as Blake." Yin added while walking out of her room.

"Ah we'll talk about it more later. I believe your gang is ready and waiting outside." Kali smiled before walking off, with a noticable sway in her hips.

'Try again in two years, Kali..' Yin smirked and took her leave.

-One hour later-

Finding the door was as easy as Shia had explained it to be. It was a white stone walkway leading down, where a stone door stood. A black 'Yin' symbol present in the middle of the doorframe. It almost seemed to draw the eyes in, with how dark the emblem was.

As soon as they opened the door, they were met with a night sky, though with the bright light of neon lights and screens nearly blinding them. Appearing on a decimated roof, Yin nearly hopped in excitement once she saw the notification.

[C-rank Dungeon: Arasaka Tower entered

Raid Arasaka tower!

Bosses killed: 0/1

Special objectives fulfilled: 0/3

'Wake the fuck up, Samurai. We got a city to burn']

[AN: Yeaaaa boi! Btw when I said I was unmotivated to do RWBY it was like.. Say you play a game, like Elden Ring for 6 weeks straight?

Eventually, you get a bit tired of it. That's what I mean. Trying to avoid burnout.

Also I'm thinking of putting up a Patreon and doing a Lucoa multiverse fic. More easy-going.. less of a solidified plan, just writing whatever the fuck looks entertaining in my head. Idk.. opinions? Thanks for reading]

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