
Daring girl

Mia's friend, Rayne soon found her at the top of the rooftop with her hands wide spread, completely unaware of the scene she was making.

Rayne knew that the rumors going around was fake, since Mia would never take her life over something so insignificant. Yes, she was well aware it was Mia's own hard work, but she knew Mia wasn't so shallow. Was it probably because of a problem at home?

"Mia! Mia! You idiot, get down from there. What's wrong with you, why are you doing this?"

No reply from the person on the edge of the rooftop.

"Mia, so now you want to die huh? You want to leave everyone behind? Your mother, me, your little mischievous cat.... What was it's name again? Robby, yes Robby, you'll leave us all behind huh?"

No reply. It was almost as if Mia was a statue. Rayne tried to convince her in so many ways but she didn't budge from the edge of the roof. What else was she expected to do? 

Just when the girl was racking her brain to find things to say to her friend, a tall shadow loomed over her from behind, before she could turn to take a look, she heard a deep voice say.

"Stay back," 

A man had appeared in the scene making his way slowly towards Mia.

He was wearing a black leather jacket, that blew up in the wind as he moved closer to the edge of the rooftop, his legs were long and slender, walking a step at a time to not make too much noise and alert the girl attempting suicide. He couldn't belive the first thing that welcome him into the University was some senseless girl trying to kill herself on the rooftop! 

Mia had just had her fill of fresh air, she breathed out a long sigh of relief. It always helped to ease her temper every time, but just when she was about to move, a hand suddenly roughly pulled her arm as she was tugged backwards. The ear pods fell off her ears as she was pulled mid air.

She felt herself land on a strong rigid surface, as she was lying just on top of what she felt was a... Wait what was it? She moved her arms around feeling what she was lying on before opening her eyes and looking.

She gasped in disbelief. 'A man's chest?'

She looked up her brown eyes widening. Just then the wind seemed to stop, and everything else faded into the background.

The first thing coming in her sight was his thin lips with a beautiful cupids bow that rose up to a straight nose, her sight followed it up to the point it made a v shape into thick brows, then landing on the eyes, light intense gray, set underneath the perfectly shaped brows glowing deep into an unfathomable depth.

Her gaze lingered in those pair of gray eyes that seemed to speak a language of their own, no not a language probably a song, a melodious one that drew her in, drawing her into a mysterious tone that she was all too willing to dive in, the tone as beautiful as it was full of mystery, it created a sweet sensation in her bones that seemed to march their way into her veins landing straight in her heart then bursting forth in a beautiful colorful flurry that morphed into a thousand tiny butterflies fluttering in her stomach, a ticklish sensation.

It suddenly gave her an inspiration to write a song about those eyes.

Ice cold. Was the word she could associate with the man. And in that moment, she seemed to be forgetting the position she was in, as she stared dazedly at the person that had suddenly pulled her.

Her brown eyes slightly squinted as her plump lips tugged up in a smile making two dips appear on her cheeks.

The man's skin was flawless, she wondered how it would feel to touch it, and she did. Her hands moved across his face her fingers slightly pinching his cheeks, his skin was extremely soft and smooth like having silk between your fingers. Just like a baby's behind.

The man's thick black brows frowned at her actions, before suddenly pulling her hands off his face with an annoyed expression. He held her slender hands away from his face as he hated being touch by anyone. However, it seemed the girl atop of him was not just suicidal but a psychopath because she was still struggling to attempt to touch his face despite his grip on her wrists!

Mia's smile grew wider at the feel of his fingers around her wrists, she ignored his sharp piercing glares and spoke,"You look so cold and unrealistic," She said in a voice that almost sounded like a whisper. But her words only made his cold glares intensify.

"Get off me." He said in a calm collected voice, his breath landing on her face in such close proximity that made the butterflies in her stomach flutter even more. When she didn't move, he moved in an attempt to get up, but she persisted, putting her weight further down and pushing his chest in place. 

To Mia, the man wasn't real and was just a figment of her imagination and she believed if she move away, he would disappear. She had dreamt of those pair of gray eyes many times in the past, and now that she was seeing them, she didn't want him to disappear. His eyes alone was inspiring her to write another song about gray.

Neil looked at the psychopath who was refusing to get off of him with controlled annoyance. He was on a mission and most not bust his covers by strangling someone's daughter to death for being a fool. Despite his annoyed expression, the girl continued to look down at him with a smile. Normally, people would crawl away whenever he gave them that look but this one was smiling like a fool she was. He raised his brows as her smile widen. 

Mia was smiling because she thought that perhaps standing on the rooftop had allowed her to summon a dark angle. So how could she just let him get away when he wasn't here to stay forever? Not everytime one gets to see someone from their imagination. What if he disappeared back into the underworld never to be seen again? Then it would be her lost for releasing him!

Mia thought as her arms, which were resting on his firm chest crossed over each other, placing her chin in her palms staring in a daze like a high school girl fawning over a crush. She had been humiliated today in school but looking at his cold face made her feel like everything that had happened was unrealistic. She would remain in her imagination until she could no longer think of her stupidity in class today!

Neil attempted to move for the second time, but she pinned him down in place again. Frowning slightly while smacking his chest, "Stay still, gray eyes. You are not real so don't give me that glaring look and let me take my frustration out on looking at those eyes of yours."

Neil couldn't believe the crazy girl had just dared to hit his chest while telling him shit. How daring of her to ignore his warning glares. His eyes darkened slightly. "I will count to three, if you don't fucking get off of me, I will_"

Mia clasped her hand over his mouth before he could complete his words. She then pursed her lips, "Hush, you're distracting my focus. I am still looking at your eyes. Why are you getting mad, you_" Her own words were also cut short by a hand smacking her on the head and calling angrily.

"Good job, you idiot, first you try to kill yourself and then you are refusing to get off of the stranger who saved your life?"

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