
Chamber of Madness

I was requested by few people not to make the experimentation scenes graphic. Well, I was not intending to anyway. But I have made a few changes to how they will be presented.


A lot of information is [REDACTED] and only a few scenes are mentioned in this chapter which have little significance in the grand scheme of things. Any other important scenes related to this will be mentioned in the form of flashbacks or mentions as required.


Feel free to skip, though I feel there should be no problems now for anyone compared to how it was written earlier.



Third Person PoV:


[SCP Foundation Operative Log:


Operator: Freeman




Location: [REDACTED]


Mission: Investigate and Secure the Anomalous Entity on Site:[REDACTED]


Our team received reports of a possible anomaly related to a demonic summoning ritual in a remote location. The intel suggested that a group of cultists had successfully summoned a demonic entity.


Upon arrival at the site, we found a dimly lit chamber adorned with occult symbols and remnants of a ritual circle. In the centre of the circle was a white haired young girl, seemingly unharmed. The cultists, however, were nowhere to be found.


There were pools of blood scattered around the room. Based on prior experience, it is possible that the summoned entity, who will henceforth be titled as SCP:9602, was responsible for the assumed demise of the cultists who summoned it…]



Agent Richard Harris, a seasoned veteran in the SCP Foundation, studied the dimly lit chamber through the observation window. In the centre of the room lay a small figure, seemingly unconscious. The entity was secured with thick restraints, bound by the Foundation's utmost security protocols.


"SCP:9602-the Eldritch Offspring, still shows no signs of awakening," Agent Harris reported to his superior, Dr. Emily Turner. The room buzzed with the sound of machinery and the hum of containment fields, creating an eerie atmosphere around the dormant entity.


"Have there been any changes since the last examination?" Dr. Turner inquired, her gaze fixed on the mysterious being within the chamber.


"No, Doctor. The entity remains in a comatose state, and our attempts to probe its origin or true nature have yielded no substantial results," Agent Harris explained, adjusting his glasses. 


Dr. Turner sighed, her curiosity and frustration evident. "Keep monitoring it closely. We can't afford any surprises when dealing with anomalies. Document every detail, and notify me immediately if there's any change in its condition."



Within the confines of a secure chamber, SCP:9602 lay unconscious on a cold, metallic surface. The pale glow of overhead lights cast an eerie pallor upon her features, accentuating the demonic horns that protruded from her forehead.


Her white hair spilled across the examination table like a cascade of ethereal strands.


Researchers were moving in the chamber equipped with monitoring devices, each displaying vital signs and energy readings. The SCP operatives, clad in clinical attire, observed the mysterious being with a mix of caution and curiosity. Dr. [REDACTED], adjusted his glasses as he consulted the notes on SCP-9602's peculiar case.


His voice reverberated through the chamber as he addressed the team.


"Subject designation SCP-9602: We've conducted numerous tests, yet her origin remains shrouded in mystery. Previous attempts to unravel the enigma surrounding her have been met with limited success. It seems the subject can summon objects or individuals, as evidenced by the anomalous occurrences during her unconscious state.


 But SCP:9602 will be transported to Site-XX for phase-2 experimentation soon."



Incident Report - [REDACTED]



Location: Site-[REDACTED]


Event Summary:


Several days ago, an unprecedented energy reading emanating from SCP-9602 was detected by the Foundation's monitoring systems. This energy signature was distinct from previous incidents involving SCP-9602, where summoned entities ranged from benign soft toys to [REDACTED].


The nature of this anomaly remained unclear until SCP-9602 regained consciousness a day later. SCP:9602 displayed a cold and aloof demeanour reminiscent of previously studied god-like entities that regard mortals with indifference, akin to ants.


However, SCP:9602's initial awakening was marked by irrational behaviour, resulting in [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] incidents within Site-[REDACTED]. The severity and unpredictability of these events prompted the classification of SCP-9602 to Keter.


After causing these incidents, specialized containment teams were deployed and SCP-9602 was successfully apprehended without any significant resistance. This lack of resistance seemed surprising and contrary to prior behaviour. Caution is advised proceeding forward.


SCP:9602's ability to cause significant disturbances without apparent motive during her initial waking period raised concerns about potential threats to Foundation personnel and containment breaches.

Therefore, additional measures were implemented to ensure the secure containment of SCP-9602.


Subsequent interviews with SCP:9602 revealed her self-identification as an Eldritch Demon and claimed to be the daughter of an Apollyon-class entity named Tabula Smaragdina. SCP:9602 claimed her name to be 'Lilith Nyxshade'.


During subsequent interactions, Foundation researchers discovered that SCP:9602 could be pacified with sweets. This unusual trait provided an unexpected avenue for behavioral control and containment.


Further analysis of SCP:9602's abilities and connections to other anomalous entities became a priority for Phase-2 experimentation as well as the possibility of harnessing her power for containment of other anomalies, if SCP:9602 lack of resistance permits this.


As part of ongoing research, SCP:9602 will be subjected to a series of experiments to better understand the extent of her abilities, her connection to the eldritch realm, and any potential information regarding the Apollyon-class entity, Tabula Smaragdina.


Future reports will detail the outcomes of Phase-2 experimentation and any developments in SCP:9602's behaviour or capabilities. Only operatives with clearance level-4 or higher will be allowed to access information related to SCP:9602 henceforth.


End of Incident Report.



Experimental Log-1


Subject forcibly exposed to overwhelming levels of chaotic [REDACTED] surpassing safe human limits, in an attempt to cause internal instability. Goals not met as the [REDACTED] caused little to no damage.



Subject exposed to intensified levels of strains obtained from [REDACTED], successfully causing excruciating pain to her heteromorphic form. Continuous exposure of increasing strain levels led to physical convulsions and wounds across anatomy. Now titled [RXO3], this strain can be used for further experimentation.



Inhibitors implanted to suppress the subject's inherent powers. Experimentation failure….



Experimental Log-35


Procedures were made to extract fragments of subjects true form for further study. Procedures faced significant difficulty due to inability of humans to successfully withstand the sight of the subjects true form...



Continuation of prior experiment after addendum-23:


Subject subjected to intense pain as [REDACTED] were surgically extracted from her form.

[REDACTED] removal resulted in temporarily weakened magical defences, leaving subject susceptible to subsequent experiments. Physical deterioration became apparent as the corrosion manifested in the form of disfigured, ethereal lesions.


This procedure must be conducted during any further experimentation.





SCP-[REDACTED]'s telepathic abilities were used in an attempt to infiltrate SCP:9602's mindscape. Resulted in failure as SCP-[REDACTED] was unable to penetrate SCP:9602's formidable mental defences.


As it was found that SCP:9602 offers no further resistance to any manner of experimentation, it is requested to be reclassified as Euclid. Further manner of experimentation into vision and physique will be considered.






Lilith PoV:


Once again, the all too familiar darkness greets me as I open my eyes. Yes, I was definitely blind now as I was supposed to have been. It had been quite a while since I handed things off to my newly split personality.


My true eldritch self experienced all the experimentation just as I had planned. Well, I can't keep referring to my other self in such a crude manner all the time. She goes by the name 'Nyx' while I obviously identify more with the name 'Lilith'.


Ultimately, we are one and the same as the individual 'Lilith Nyxshade', but this is just how we prefer being referred to when one of us will be in charge of controlling the body in the future.


Now, I have to catch up to what's been going on around here. First off, let's deal with the whole blindness issue. Haa, I am used to the darkness anyway due to floating around in that void.

Despite this, I have already had enough of being stranded in the dark. I calmed my mind and tapped into my body's instinct's letting my innate senses to take hold, and voila.


I was able to 'see' once more. Well, not 'seeing' exactly but I could experience the information that my surroundings carried nonetheless. This was a racial skill called 'reality sense'.


Of course it was not limited to just provide an alternate visual method. The senses extended into obtaining information in more dimensions, sensing abnormalities in time and space, observing souls and quite a bit more that I will have to explore myself.


You know, some standard stuff that eldritch horrors and demonic beings are attuned to. The only drawback was that prolonged use of reality sense did seem to put a strain on my body, especially as [Curse of Ailments] came into play and reduced my physical stats.


But it was fine as long as I used it in moderation. As long as I rested my mind and body periodically, I can keep using the skill. It's sort of like prolonged exercise causes muscle pain and this pain can be alleviated through rest. Nevertheless, despite its minor drawback, it will be immensely useful in possible fights.


Since I woke up now and swapped places with Nyx-chan, and taking into account that my chosen debuff's have come into play, it is about time that Ainz should make an appearance. That is how I had set things up.


As planned earlier, I am not going to withdraw any information regarding the trauma that Nyx-chan experienced, only allowing myself to instinctually display it as the situation arises.


I have simply withdrawn a report of a few necessary events that transpired leaving the rest for whenever required.


Now, I want to run some 'experiments' of my own on the SCP personnel, but I can't retaliated until the narrative is completed and Ainz rescues me. Which will be soon, taking up to a week at max.


One odd thing I observed in the few memories I had parsed through is my SCP designation. They seem to have filed me as SCP-9602. This is odd as that panel in the void referred to me as [soul:9602]. Does the number 9602 have any other significance?


I don't have enough information to uncover that mystery yet so let's put it aside. But I must say, for all the abuse Nyx-chan must have experienced, I still look as charming as ever.


Look, I am definitely not lying as those tentacles waving about in the corners of the cell I am in seem to agree.


Reality sense is really taking effect as intended. Thanks to it, rather than spoiling my eyes observing a monotonous cell like I should have if I had proper working vision, I can calm my mind down by observing these little cuties playing about.


It seems like they want to come closer and be petted like a cat or dog but are scared to bridge the distance between us due to our difference in standing.

So all they can do is flail around in an attempt to flatter me as others sing beautiful melodies that would drive a human insane enough to eat himself piece by piece if he entered this cell and was able to listen to them.


Hmph, mortals. They have no appreciation for quality art and music. I should totally get a few 'cute' pets of my own. It's decided. Upon making this decision, I calmly waited for Ainz to show up as enjoyed the singing of the 'children' surrounding me in this chamber of madness.



Sorry for the delay! I was a bit under the weather so the chapter release was delayed. Feel free to suggest any 'cute' pets/summons you might want her to have. Emphasis on the 'cute' part. You know bits of her personality and what she might desire by this point. Hope you enjoy the chapter!~

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