
Chapter 40 – Our Targets.

We decided to strike a deal with Crushing Hooves tribe. We will help them out in their revenge.

"Still, we now have a problem. Are your people often going out to get food?" – asked GreyHunt.

"We have no choice. Minotaurs eat a lot." – said the female minotaur Uruni.

"Shit. Then this is bad. There is a good chance somebody will find you before your revenge gets done. If people saw you or your kind while trying to get the food outside, they maybe end up doing something like we did, fallowing you here and that would mean game over." – said GreyHunt.

"Isn't there any other hiding spots you can use?"

"…. No, nothing comes to the mind. Making this hiding spot myself already took quiet some time to make. So even if we find another spot, it would take some time until I made the hiding spot" – said the female minotaur.

"Wait, you made it? I mean this place inside of the mine?" – asked GreyHunt.

"Yea. I'm quite good at making things and equipment. Besides being the second strongest in our tribe after my sister, I was doing also blacksmith. I made weapons for our tribe and other stuff." 

"Oh, wasn't expecting that." – said GreyHunt.

"Still, the situation is bad. We don't know how long it will take for people to find this place. It would the best if you stay hidden to make sure nobody spots you, but you need to go out and get food." 

"Hm…. How about we get you the food?" – said GreyHunt.


"That is good idea! Nobody will pay us any mind, since we would just regular adventures just hunting around and we have a lot of money on us! We can buy food from the city and deliver it here." – said Shri.

"Yea. This maybe our only option if we don't want to get your people spotted. How much would we need to bring?" – asked GreyHunt.

"Hm…. There is about 24 of us all in here. We need to get at least 3-4 food portion that a human would usually eat day for each one of us. We can handle not eating for up to 2 days max, if we aren't doing anything. So, you would have to come every third day and give us food. We are fine with both vegetables and meat, as long as it edible." – said the female minotaur.

"Honesty, we were quiet starving for quiet some time, so it would be good idea if you bring at least 8-10 of those giants boars that live around here." 

"The dense forest boars? Got it." – said GreyHunt.

(They are quite strong, but beating 10 of them shouldn't take us too long. Seem quite easy enough.) – though GreyHunt.

[The sub quest has been generated.]

[Sub Quest: Minotaurs Wrath – Food Problem]

[Minotaurs are struggling with a food supply because they need to stay hidden.]

[Make sure that the minotaurs won't starve to death by brining them food at least every third day.]

[Reward: Improve the rewards from the [Minotaurs Wrath] quest / Favorability with Crushing Hooves tribe increase.]

[Failure penalty: Decrees of the reward from the quest [Minotaurs Wrath] / Decrees Favorability with Crushing Hooves tribe.]


(Another quest?) – though GreyHunt.

(Sub quest? What is it? I never heard of anything called sub quest or anything. Yet another new thing we discover by the look of things.) – though GreyHunt with excited look.

"Don't worry. Its not like we have any option anyway since if we want you not to be discovered." – said GreyHunt.

"…Better keep your word." - said the female minotaur.

After the discussion ended, the Purple Hyena guild left the hidden dungeon before leaving the mine itself.


"Okay. Spit it out. Why do you want to work with them?" – asked GreyHunt after leaving the mine.


"Well, there are multiple reason. I was planning on telling you anyway, so listen up." – said ClownFrog.

"The first reason is allies."

"I realized that having connection with different people like NPCs can give you nice benefits and they themselves can offer a help. These minotaurs are VERY powerful and even their boss is on whole another level. Having somebody like them be on our side is worth it."

"We will fight sooner or later the people of this kingdom and having somebody as powerful as them would be very beneficial to us all."

"On top of that, what if we were to make a deal with another different species of monsters? Since we are the bad guys there is possibility, we will do that, so by having the minotaurs trust, we maybe have easier time making deals with them."

"Hm… Make sense. It's like with that adventure guild leader we meet. You had connection with her and that ended up giving us quest and even those powerful pendants." – said GreyHunt.

"Yeb. But this is not all." – said ClownFrog.

"The second reason is our targets. I know that Joshua Emerald is the mayor as well as the well known merchant here. I found about this while trying to gather information about any good jobs we can do."

"This place, the Emerald city is one of the main sources of the income to this country."

"So, what do you think would happened if something were to happened to this place?"


"You want to fuck them over, fuck over this country." – said GreyHunt.

"…. Oh…. So, if we by any chance doing this quest will make the city suffer or something, then this country will take damage. Since we are planning on fighting this whole country in the first place, then stabbing them like that would be worth it." – said Oron.

"EXTACTLY! Besides, I really want to fuck this city myself. The people here are total greedy bastards that tried to scam us over and over, even the fuking weapon shop owner and the alchemist shop, so we will kill 2 birds with one stone." – said ClownFrog.

"…Yea. They are fuking greedy. The prices of those freaking potions man…. Fuck me. Okay, lets fuck them." – said Shri.

"And that is not all!" – said ClownFrog.

"The third reason. If we make a big mess out of this city, then players besides us maybe be left with no other choice but to go to the capital city." – said ClownFrog.


"Wait but wouldn't that….Oh. You fucker. The lowest level monsters near capital are level 100 and the people who got here are around level 85. If they don't have any proper settlement or shops where they need to buy necessary stuff, then they will have no option but to go somewhere else, even it means entering the area with monsters with level 100 and above. And those monsters with level 100 and above are where the difficulty gets higher. The average player would end up dying multiple times over and over again while trying to hunt there."

"The growth of the players that would come here like us would end up unbearable for them."

"You mother fucker. If people would find about this, they would so fuking hate us! I like this plan very much! You bitch!" – said excited GreyHunt.

"I knew you would like it you bastard! So, are you up to it?" – said ClownFrog.

"Of course. Messing up the city, getting new friends and trolling other players. This sound devilish like hell." – said GreyHunt.

"I'm up to it as well. I really want to screw up those shitty merchants!" – said Shri with devilish smile.

"Wait, I how do we mess up the city in the first place?" – asked Oron.

"Well, that is the part we need to figure out. Honestly, this idea just popped up to my mind. So, I'm not still sure about if we can even do this." – said ClownFrog.

"Oh, I see. I kind of though you already has something in mind." – said Oron.

"NOPE. But hey, this place is total shit hole, so we may be able to exploit some things here and there to cause some chaos. However, we also need to be careful not be catched or anything, since we are still not ready to take on this country by us four."– said ClownFrog.

"…Well, honestly it maybe worth trying to find the way to fuck this city in one way or another. I'm down for it." – said Oron.

"Good. Well then, time to get to the work ladies." – said ClownFrog.

As per our agreement with the minotaurs, we hunted down the 10 dense forest boars and gave their meat to the minotaurs.

After words we decided to head straight back to the city and gather the info about our targets as well as info about that Joshua Emerald guy.

We pretty much spend rest of the day gathering info and even the half of the next day, trying to find the info.

Here is what we found.

First is the Joshua Emerald.

The Emerald City was originally a small town, however over time the settlement grew bigger and bigger.


It was the mine. The amount of riches the mine could provide, ranging from metals to rare jewels manage to not only get attention of the king but the many different merchants.

The riches that could be found in there were beyond any ordinally mine. The small town at that time ended up becoming a center of trade of not only valuable jewels but the spot where many different merchants would end up conducting their trades.

Thanks to the support from the king and the merchants, the town quickly grew in size and became city.

The mine ended up drying up after the 50 long years, but the Emerald city ended gathering a lot of merchants in the end. Many of these merchants decided to open up their business in there and not only that. The city it self became a very important place for the merchants to meet up, since many different merchants were doing their business there, attracting people and other merchants as well.

Even after the mine dried up, the merchants stayed since that place became popular place for the merchants.

After the mine was dried up, the new form of income for the city were merchants.

Before anybody noticed, the city it self became the city of merchants.

By the way, the mine in question is the same mine that minotaurs use as their hiding place.

Anyway, the Emerald family was the family in the control of that place, even before it became a city and to this day, the Emerald family are the ones still in control. Nobody ever replaced them or anything.

Joshua Emerald was apparently both respected noble as well as merchant. He handle many different business himself.

Thanks to him, the amount of wealth the city was able to gain increased ever since he took over as the mayor.

Not only that, but thanks to him, the city began once again growing.

He not only had respect from his people but also their support, an ideal leader for some.

"Ideal Leader" my ass!

Thanks to the minotaurs we know that he did a dirty business. On top of that, there is a good chance this wasn't his only dirty business he did. Some of the stories about him sounded too good to be true.

There is a good chance that the face he showed to the public was fake, but we have yet to find out the whole truth.

Anyway, he is dead right now, but digging up the information about him maybe useful. It may end up something that we can even use for our advantage.

Next is the Joshua Emerald friend and ally.

Hjin Sun.

He is also a noble, but not only that, but as it turns out he is also in control of the adventure guild.

He apparently handles very many different things, but the most note worthy thing he handle are mercenaries and escort services. Many different merchants often hire the mercenaries or/and escort for their safety.

On the surface he may seem like an honest guy, but something seemed off.

After a bit more investigating, we found out that sometimes the people that didn't hired the escort were attacked and killed the next day when they were on the road.

On surface it may seemed like they were unlucky, but some people say that it was doing Hjin Sun.

Apparently, his man approached one of the merchants and asked if wanted to hire them, but the man refused. The next day, the man was ambushed and killed.

There is a good chance that this story is true, but there were no witness or evidence left behind.

He is very suspicious fella that we have to watch out for.

The other ally of the Joshua Emerald was a famous merchant that lives in the Emerald city called Marcel The Golden Merchant.

That guy specializes in handling many valuable jewelries, gold, old relicts and all other valuable stuff.

Pretty much, he deals in high tier goods.

As of right now, he is the richest merchant in the whole city.

At first, we couldn't find anything about him either, but then we found out something off.

He was growing too fast in power. He was gaining too much money in abnormal rate. Even if he was dealing with high tier goods, his income was bit too big.

No matter how you would look at this, there was something off about him.

There is no good explanation for his abnormal gain. No matter how you look at this, there is a very good chance he was doing shady and/or illegal business behind the scene. He even worked with Joshua Emerald when hiring the minotaurs to do their dirty work, so we do know that he already did something shady.

Marcel The Golden Merchant, Hjin Sun and Joshua Emerald are all partners and everybody knows that.

A good people in the eyes of many.

But in reality, these people maybe the straight up bastards.


Wouldn't taking them down make us good guys then? I mean, they maybe a very evil people just pretending to be good and all.

Huh. We maybe unexpectedly doing a good thing? Well, we will still mess up this city if we good a chance, so it doesn't really make us a good people and all.

Anyway, our last target, the daughter of the Joshua Emerald.

Ellise Emerald.

Honestly, we were at lost with this one.

A beautiful noble with kind hearth and even talented merchant just like her dad.

We couldn't find anything wrong about her. Not even a bad rumor or something that could tell us anything if she was doing something "Evil".

Was she really "Good Person"? Honestly, I was bit confused about her.

Well, we will kill her anyway, no matter if she is "Good Person" or "Bad Person". She is already our target.

We gathered some basic info about our targets and I can say definitely, that the quest will be hard.

The quest rank is B+ -???.

We don't know how hard the quest really is. This quest rank could be just B+ or A or even something higher.

This is not only the problem.

Our 3 targets are well known people, meaning that getting to them and killing them without being catched will be extremely hard.

But, it's nice.

We haven't had any real challenge for a long time, so everybody is excited, even me.

However, we obviously need to prepare, meaning leveling up like crazy and continue gathering info about our targets.

So, once we are ready, we will make our move.







Minotaurs are half man half bull monsters. 

Minotaurs are consider as demi human monsters.

Minotaurs stands at least 4 meters tall with the female standing up to at least 5 to 6 meters tall.

They boost in great strength and durability, making them extremely formidable opponents that are not only hard to kill but can also kill you.

Usually, this race mostly consist of the males, but sometimes a female is born.

The female minotaurs poses hooves and horns like regular minotaurs, but unlike them, they do not posses a head of the bull but instead a human like head and face.

Female minotaurs are much stronger that regular minotaurs. Males minotaurs usually couldn't even stand up to the females at all.

Usually, the strongest minotaur lead the others and often the one who leads them are the female minotaurs, since they are usually the strongest in the group.

The ratio of the females and male minotaurs in the groups.

Males: 85%

Female: 15%

Sometimes there are the groups of minotaurs that doesn't have a single female in the group since most of the time the males minotaurs are born.

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