
The Search 2

** 4 Hours Ago ** 

Lustville aka The city of Sin had already been reduced to a wasteland . This was due to the troops sent to recover Prince Jake . 

Some people survived especially those in 6th to 9th district levels after the puppet Gena sent exploded . However that wasn't the end.

30 minutes later . The real demon elites all saint levels arrived and wreaked havoc under the command of Prince Tyson. He was a large figure with battle hardened muscles and multiple scars that told tales. He did not have the flaming hair but rather normal blue hair . However he did inherit his father's eyes and skin tone.

Prince Tyson arrived and looked at his half brother , full of burns and struggling to breathe . His expression was full of disgust as he saw his brother in such a predicament.

He looked at one of his attendants and beckoned him. 

" Take this failure to the infirmary and treat him to the full of your capabilities. I want him fully healed in two days. And while you are at it send the message of his defeat to the king . " The demon bowed .

" Yes sire " He then used magic to levitate Jake's body as he headed to the infirmary. 

He then ordered his demon elites to kill everyone on sight.

" However do not touch those in the 8th and 9th District , they are after all royalty and we wouldn't want war with other kingdoms right now. Rather capture them and do not harm them . We will use them as leverage later " He said.

The demons obeyed his orders. Screams could be heard everywhere as the streets were painted red by the survivors . Everyone was killed even their own kinsmen who had come here to work as courtesan. It didn't matter whether you were old , young , infant , male , female , pregnant or mentally challenged as all were equal before the blade.

As for the noblemen and royalties they were captured alive and chained like slaves. Resistance was there but it was futile and since most nobles and royalties only trained to apprentice or at most master level , they were easily subdued. Even their bodyguards who were at most grand master level were easily subdued.

Prince Tyson watched the state of this royalties with undisguised disgust . This were the future kings and queens of their respective kingdoms? 

Most of them were unusually obese as they had eaten quite well . Even the quite fit ones were still unusually weak. This was why most of their respective kingdoms did not prosper . They had weak leaders easily prone to their own desire such as lust .

Prince Tyson was a sadist who loathed obese creatures and in his head he thoroughly wanted to train them to be more fit . He wanted to restructure them so that when they are released to their respective kingdoms they can pose more of a threat and make his conquests more lively. 

But for that he needed permission from his father . So he asked another attendant of his to deliver this message to the king.

An hour later , message arrived followed by a surprise visitor.

The attendant went to Prince Tyson's tent and knelt down.

" Speak. " Tyson said authoritatively.

" His majesty has given you the go ahead to do anything with the royals however conquering those said kingdoms will also be your liberty . " Tyson nodded with satisfaction.

He cruelly devised making them work manually to rebuild this magnificent city . He would also furthermore make it a place of entertainment however not for lust but for killing. He wanted to build a coliseum where warriors could fight to the death.

" There's another thing my Prince. " 

" What is it ? " 

" You have been selected as the rightful heir of the throne " The attendant said. He expected the Prince to be ecstatic but the opposite happened.

Tyson frowned . He never wished for the throne as he hated the politics that came with it. He would rather fight and kill in the battlefield than be tied to a country. 

That was why despite hating his half - brother . He more than anything wanted to him to live so he could have that position . 

" The queen has also been exiled and your mother has replaced her in that position "

This time a deadly aura leaked from him making the attendant sweat bullets.

" Repeat !! " 

" Your mother has become the queen " The attendant answered fearfully. 

Tyson was livid . He loved his mother dearly and it was that love that made him hate the position she always wanted , the queen .

Unlike her mother , he knew the horror the queen had to face. Her mother only knew the passionate king that had a hint of sadism as she was a concubine. 

The queen however had to deal with the King's horrible mood swings and try her best to make sure the king doesn't make a stupid decision that will cost the kingdom. She was also abused by her husband who wanted to vent his stress on someone.

Concubines had it easier. They could easily raise their children and enjoy their life.

This is why Tyson understood the hate the queen had with the concubines , she was jealous.

He also deeply admired her . It wasn't the king that kept the kingdom running but the queen.

Tyson now deeply feared for her mother. She was to learn that the King and Prince Jake were just two sides of the same coin. Both overly arrogant and prideful , always making bad decisions. The only difference was that the king had battle experience and loved strength but Jake loved the pleasure's of life.

" The former queen is also here . She wishes to investigate where the child of the prophecy and Gena escaped. " The attendant said.

Tyson stood up . 

" Lead me to her " The attendant did as he was told.

Tyson found that the queen was blocked by his guards.

" What is happening . Don't you know who she is !! " Tyson said to the guards with a furious expression. The guards shivered in fear

Jasmine however saved them.

" Leave them , it is my fault for coming here when I have been branded. " Jasmine said showing a brand on her arm.

" Regardless of that they should show respect to you " Tyson said.

" I presume you are here for your son ? " Tyson asked.

Jasmine shook her head. She had a sad expression on her face.

" I just want to track the woman who did this to my son and kill him " Jasmine said. It came out more like a demand because she knew either way she would have her way.

Tyson seeing Jasmine's attitude slightly smiled. It seemed not even being dethroned could remove her arrogance. He also knew that she told him first because she knew that he at most had a neutral favorability with her so it all depended on his mood .

" Very well then . You can track them down " Tyson said .

Jasmine nodded and walked straight to her first destination. But she was stopped with a question.

" Knowing the king well he has given you a task to do so as to return back to the kingdom , if i may ask what is it ? " Tyson asked.

" To capture and bring back the child of the prophecy " She responded .

" .... You won't do that right " Tyson said. He had noticed the somber expression she had given about her son. The expression of someone who wasn't going to be seen again. 

" Life there isn't worth it when he still breathes. You of all people should understand. " She said before walking away .

Tyson wanted to try and coax her to taking back her position and save his mother. But it seemed he couldn't influence her. She had already made up her mind.

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