
Everyone Knows!

A few minutes later,

Bella finished preparing herself and changed into office clothes. She wore a turtleneck to stay warm, afraid the fever would reappear. She also wore straight trousers because she planned to visit a mining site today.

After grabbing her bag and coat, she rushed to Dax's room to check on him, only to find that her son was not there. The bed was neatly made, and there were no traces of use.

She feels terrible. Her son had already woken up, while she was only waking up now.

'Why didn't Noora wake me up?' She wondered, puzzled. It was strange. Noora was always so disciplined about waking her up at seven for breakfast, especially if she knew she had plans to go to the office.

Bella headed down to the dining table, hoping to find Dax there. Walking to the first floor, she turned on her cell phone. Suddenly, her phone began to vibrate nonstop, and multiple notifications popped up on the screen.

She was stunned. 

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