

[Hours later]

The wind once against whistled in the Katze plains as the two members of the black scripture watched over Excalibur, The Strongest human had chosen to sit down and lean against the sword, finding out that the sword won't bend or lean as he leaned on it, making him curious how the magic keeping it grounded works.

"Shouldn't we try to use the body in order to pull the sword out?"

The one man army threw out that suggestion, causing his comrade to look at him in a bit of surprise.

"You realise that would be heresy, right? Shurshana doesn't look kindly to such acts"

The strongest human replied, had he been one of the more fanatical members of their group, no doubt his comrades would have been accused of heresy for even thinking about that. Although he can't be completely surprised, he's slightly similar to his sister at times.

"I suppose it would be, but waiting here for hours is boring me, plus it would be beneficial to find out everything we can about this so we can give a proper report"

The Strongest human hummed in response, the argument his comrade was presenting was certainly logical, plus it was the dead body of an enemy so it should be fine, he took a glance at the body whilst contemplating, when something happened.

The body lay flat on its stomach on the ground, with an oddly small pool of blood beneath it, its arm twitched just slightly, causing the black scripture member to open his eyes wide and quickly stood up.

"what is it?"

His comrade asked as he looked at him with curiosity.

"the body… it just moved!"

He said with a bit of doubt, wondering if that had been his imagination, he wasn't used to doing nothing for long periods of time so a hallucination wasn't out of the question, plus this is the Katze plains so it was possible for your eyes to play tricks on you.

"You sure, it–"

His words were cut short as Arthur began to stand up, his movements were slow and sluggish as he lifted himself off the floor, the two black scripture members quickly jumped back a couple of metres and observed.

"Did Zesshi mess up?!"

Strongest human asked, his body tensed as he became battle ready.

"No, that can't be, She never fails to kill her target. It's possible he was faking, or there's something that revived him"

One man army responded, neither of them dwelled on being shocked or asking how but instead focused on providing possible answers to this situation and prepare themselves to fight, both of them were keenly aware that the man was powerful, after all Zesshi had to use a spell to kill him and he matched her in physical prowess, something neither of them were capable of.

The logical answer would be to retreat. However, neither of them wanted to do that and also because they wouldn't be able to. Shivers ran down their spines as their vision became blurred, and an intense and menacing aura drowned their senses.


Arthur screamed the pain present in his voice, his voice harshly piercing their ears like nails on a chalkboard, the pain of being impaled through the chest had made itself known and it was unimaginable, he couldn't properly compare it as this was the first time he's felt such a degree of pain in his entire life. he clutched his chest in hopes of making it stop.


He screamed profanities as he felt the pain, paying absolutely zero attention to the people before him.

His outburst had their hearts pounding against their chests and both felt as if they were being asphyxiated, as they seemingly struggled to breathe, their instinct screamed at them to flee yet their legs were firmly rooted where they were.

After a few seconds the pain subsided, however what came next was the feeling of anger that surged from within his heart, he wanted his revenge against Zesshi however what he was angry about was the fact he lost.

"Didn't think I'd hate losing to such a degree"

Arthur spoke, his face showing his anger clearly, yet his voice betrayed that expression as it was more tame and subdued, his demon lord's Haki flared, letting its full brunt slam against the individuals before him had they been any weaker, they would have died from the shock alone.

Arthur tore open his bloodied armour and threw it on the floor before tearing off the multiple layers of cloth padding and clothing underneath, it was something that surprised him when he was putting it on.

Having torn off his clothing leaving himself half naked with his torso revealed he touched his chest, there was no scar, not even a scratch. Seeing that there was no lasting damage, he turned his attention to the two spectators.


He didn't even speak, as he used cleave and dismantle and their bodies were torn to ribbons, like a butcher at a slaughterhouse and like a professional chef, he sliced their bodies into hundreds of bloody and gory pieces of flesh and bone that were seasoned in a crimson sauce.

Had he been a cannibal they'd make an excellent stew or grilled meat pieces.

"Time to return to my country"

He said to himself as he thought of a way to get there quickly, flying Raijin needed him to tag a place before teleporting there, however he thought of using that other skill but also quickly realised.

"My body will freeze If I use it for too long… but at the same I'm immortal now"

He thought, or rather weighed the options, if he was willing to endure the pain of being frozen? Plus the ability doesn't really make him faster; he'll still be moving at normal speed.

"screw it's a cool at ass ability, so I'm using it"

He decided, before heaving a sigh Preparing himself, before he spoke.

"Severed Universe"


The Re-estize Kingdom was experiencing a time of great turmoil, creating great unease amongst the citizens. The streets of the capital were oddly quiet with hardly any one outside aside from a few adventurers and street vendors who did not have enough capital not to sell their products for a while.

The reason for the unease of the capital was the fact that a cold war had begun to brew, stirring possibilities of a full on three way civil war.

The king and his forces had made it to the capital without issue however prior to arriving at the capital, Marquis Blumrush pulled his forces, giving the excuse he needed to ensure the safety of his territory first before getting into a possible civil war, of course that was but lie as with an hour he it was found that he joined force with Barbro and his forces that occupied the capital.

With both Blumrush and Bulloupe supporting Babro the king was left with Margrave Urovana, Marquis Pespea and Marquis Raeven's forces, but unfortunately once it became apparent to everyone that a civil war was afoot, their allegiances were tested.

Urovana and Pespea, stayed loyal to the king as well as the forces of Marquis Raeven, Raven's adventurer troupe that had taken charge of his army, determined he'd still be loyal to the king and the army remained within his Majesty's command.

Within the short time they had arrived, news of the princess rallying, some adventurers and civilians against Barbro had reached them,causing the limited amount of forces of house Aindra who hadn't been dispatched to the war to quickly support the princess, at the Behest of Lakyus's mother, since their lord wasn't present.

It was thanks to her reputation that she also had a significant amount of civilians willing to fight for her and some adventurers that sought to gain fame, or fortune or simply because they believed that the princess was the best bet at their home country prospering plus Renner having Blue rose's support helped a great deal.

Plus the Goldilocks organisation(new name for Eight fingers), the very same organisation that supplied the army with weapons was at her beck and call, supplying her with weapons, potions and mercenaries.

Plus Brain being on her side made it so her force could compete with Gazeff not to mention she had Arthur, a person every soldier that had been on the war with Baharuth feared and respected, although he currently wasn't present.

Renner let out a tired sigh, the sun had just recently struck high noon, yet in such a short span of time, a civil war was silently brewing, she hadn't expected to use resources from Goldilocks for such a stupid thing.

'I'll have to eliminate both my father and my brother'

At this point there was no reason to have her father take back the throne from Barbro, as this was the perfect opportunity to ascend the throne, of course she couldn't ask Lakyus to kill the king or anything of the sort.

'Edstrom could do it but, I need the blame to be definitely place on Barbro'

She thought this meant that she needed to frame Barbro without any suspicion being directed at her side, not even by Lakyus.

Currently she was in a sort of study and the city she was in was still the capital unfortunately, although the cool breeze from the ocean was refreshing this was of course thanks to the fact that she and her forces were closer to the port city Re-Lobell.

'When is he getting here?'

She thought, inadvertently committing to a double meaning question she had called for Brain, since it became apparent to her that Arthur didn't return from the war, she wasn't worried for him, however it was imperative that she knew what he's up to.

There's been some rumours of him ending the entire Baharuth army and she needed proper confirmation from Brain.

Or another way of phrasing it would be she wanted to hear about Arthur, she's been silently enduring her loneliness, Brain's report on what Arthur has done should make it at least bearable.

Another sigh left her mouth, although she was in a type of study, she was alone, since Lakyus is a part of her forces, her and her team are somewhere mingling with the soldiers which was important, while Edstrom was currently keeping an eye on Barbro in case he makes a rash move.

She was supposed to be strategising but she couldn't properly think at least not until Brain gets here.


She heard the door closed causing her to look up, expecting to see Brain Unglaus however who she saw caused her to stand up in surprise.

Her heart fluttered in joy as she saw the man she has been missing for the past few days. It hadn't been a full week since the war with Baharuth had started yet she had needed his presence.

"Hello princess"


She went around the desk as she hurried to meet him, going for a hug. She overlooked the fact he was half naked, as she was more focused on the fact he was here rather than what his clothes looked like.

The two embraced, however due to his current body temperature his touch felt like she hugged a cold corpse, the sudden and unexpected cold caused her to shiver.

"Arthur, you're–"

Her words were cut short as his lips gently collided with hers, Arthur held her tight as he felt her warmth while also sharing with her a passionate kiss.

"Arthur what's–"

Renner, unprepared by his sudden ferociousness, tried to pull back and speak; however , Arthur gave her no speech as he continued his kiss, inserting his tongue in her mouth.

His cold body was quickly warmed by the passion as his blood began to properly pump, seeing his assertiveness Renner obliged as she wrapped her arm around his neck as well as her leg around his waist.

An intense passion burned within her as if a dam had burst, as her hands greedily held on to his hair tightly while their tongue danced in a furious and wet dance.

Her heart beat like a drum as her carnal desires were fully realised, the heat of their passion quickly made if so clothes were unnecessary and Arthur grabbed her dress from behind as he licked and Slobbered all over her neck.


With barely any effort on his part he tore the dress address apart, however It was unfortunate that they were disturbed.

The door clicked open and The blue haired swordsman entered.

"Princess, I heard you call–"

The blue haired martia artist was quick to close the door as he had walked in on a rather private moment.


A/N: wrote this quite hastily. Hopefully, there aren't too many errors.

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