
chapter 44

Sierra pov.

As I gazed around the room, a sense of emptiness settled in my heart, and I couldn't help but wonder where Alex had disappeared to. She had been gone for a while now, and her absence left me with unanswered questions.

Leaving the bed, I decided to explore the surroundings. The solitude offered me a rare sense of peace and comfort, a respite from the constant questions and concerns that had haunted me.

Happiness washed over me, like a gentle wave, and I yearned for this feeling to last forever. Each moment of tranquility only intensified my desire for an unending escape.

Venturing into the living room, I noticed the absence of Alex's parents, likely busy with their work. John, too, seemed to be nowhere in sight. I settled onto the couch, relishing the cool breeze that flowed in through the open window, making me feel like I had transcended to another world.

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