
chapter 19

Sierra pov.

I gazed at him, my heart heavy with uncertainty, as a sinister smile twisted his face.

"Will you come willingly, my dear, or shall I carry you?" he asked, his words laced with a dark undertone.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I locked eyes with him. In a trance-like state, I found myself stepping closer to him, my hand instinctively grabbing hold of his collar as I erupted in anguish.

"You're the reason he's dead!" I shouted, my voice filled with raw pain.

The image of Henry's lifeless body flashed before my eyes, shattering my soul. I despised the fact that he had suffered because of me, that his life had been snuffed out.

He reached out, attempting to touch my face, but I recoiled, refusing his contact.

"I love you, Mate. I did it to ensure nothing and no one could come between us," he said, his voice trembling with misplaced affection.

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