
Colony of Ants


At 10.22 PM, a hushed rap sounded from the front door, and Chen Ru, who had been waiting, instantly leaped to his feet and hastened to open it, allowing Ma Yuhan to slip inside. 

"No one saw you, right?" Chen Ru whispered anxiously.

Ma Yuhan shook his head decisively. "No, don't worry, Chen-Ge. My parents have already left for Grandpa's house, and Yanyan is sound asleep. I will not put our plan into jeopardy."

Song Zhuyu walked out of his room just in time to catch Ma Yuhan's reassurance. "Good," he smiled, ruffling Ma Yuhan's hair before tugging the hood of his jacket up so that it concealed his crimson hair. "Let's go. Lead the way for us, boy."

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