
The Bottle

"I get it kid... you're hurt... but the solace you neED... wouldn't be found in a BOttle,"

"A bottle doesn't solve problems, it can only contain them... and that too for a limited time,"

"And with alcohol that weak, the pain will be back tomorrow morning with a splitting hangover,"

Jason just kept listening thinking how ironic it was for a guy holding a bottle of what seemed like cheap liquor and already dead drunk, advising him not to fall into a spiral of alcoholism.

"Trust me… I know,"

"Years ago… when I caught my wife cheating…- on me, with my best friend,"

"I turned to the bottle... because I didn't want to deal with the betraYAl or lose myself to my anger… but as I fell in love with the bottle…"

"I lost sight of everything else and this gave her an opportunity to divorce me, and take almost everything I own!"

"Even my chilDRen!!!"

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