
We're 'Loaning' Them

I'm just going to say… This is the second disappointment I have today.

I was expecting to see more exotic types of ingredients in this batch but it was basically the same thing coupled with the more normal organic ingredients.

I suppose I set my expectations too high…

Well… I ended up making use of them to the fullest and came up with quite a lot of different recipes that turned out pretty good even if I do say so myself.

I also made quite a few other condiments and sauces which I shared with Tyle and he tried to replicate.

While it feels like his creations were actually getting palatable, it still feels like there's 'something missing'.

The good thing was that the people who have not tasted my food actually felt that his food was the best they had eaten so that's a good sign I would say.

But when he uses the condiments or sauces I made, it basically transforms the food he made into almost the same quality as mine.

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