
Fall Of The East

Leo joining 'The Uprising' in their rebellion was a largely muted event.

His interactions were mostly limited to his men and Dumpy, which was why not many noticed him fighting for the cause publically.

Nonetheless, with him slaying dozens of enemies from the shadows, the fight for Briarhelm ended much faster than it would otherwise have taken, with the uprising securing a definite victory come log-out time.

While most players logged out having real life duties to attend to, Leo stayed back as he took the administration of the city into his own hands.

The first thing he did was close the city gates, cutting off any incoming military reinforcements, and once the gates were secured, he moved swiftly to round up all members of the Duke's old guard, imprisoning them at the Ducal manor.

There, they were presented with two straightforward choices:

The first was to resist the rebellion and face death.

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