
Taking Down The Monkey

As the three of them made their way toward the academy, Adrian's suspicions were confirmed. The street leading up to the academy's entrance was teeming with movement—an army of weremonkeys. Their hulking, twisted forms patrolled the area, their glowing eyes darting through the shadows, and their sharp claws scraping the ground as they prowled.

Aurelia's breath caught in her throat as she caught sight of them, but she kept silent, trusting Adrian and Aria to know what to do. Aria stood at Adrian's side, watching the creatures with a calm, calculating gaze. She had seen these monsters before, their presence confirming the severity of the situation.

Adrian, however, remained unfazed.

He had anticipated this—he knew the academy would be sealed off, both to prevent anyone from entering and to keep the students and personnel safe. The building was on full lockdown, meaning there was no ordinary way in or out.

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