
Shouldn't We Eliminate Them All?


I took a deep breath and let it all out.

It was honestly a bit nervous situation.

Although I was happy to attract Instructor Darius's attention, I couldn't help but feel nervous around him. It must be natural.

But he was right. I needed to rest my body now.

While thinking about my last experience, I went to the changing room and after finishing exited the Weapons Training Hall.

Today, we had only two classes, the second one being much longer. 

So, now, since I was free, I decided to finish what I couldn't finish yesterday. Yes, I went directly to register myself for the courses.

And as I predicted, there were no students in the line, only two or three students, already in front of the registration area. They must be people like me - who don't like crowds, or they are just timid people.

I approached the registration area, feeling a sense of relief at the lack of a long line. As I waited for my turn, I glanced around the room, noticing a few other students scattered about, each occupied with their own tasks.

The registration process was relatively straightforward. I filled out the necessary forms, indicating my chosen courses for the semester, and handed them to the attendant behind the counter. They quickly processed my registration, issuing me a schedule with my selected courses and their respective times.

With my registration complete, I thanked the attendant and headed out of the building, feeling a sense of accomplishment at having taken care of this task. Now, I could focus on preparing for the semester ahead without any lingering worries about course selection.

Fortunately, the courses I chose would start the next week, which means I would have plenty of time to prepare. 

With the task done, I returned to my room. After changing my clothes one more time, I headed to the Meditation Room.

I plan to increase my realm till the next week during my free time.

However, it will certainly take a couple of months before I reach the peak of Nebula Tier. Two months at least, Four months at most.

Now, let's start cultivating.

We have an interesting class the day after tomorrow too. Tomorrow is Aetheric Theories and Combat Training again.


______ ___

Two days passed in a flash. And now, it was the first class for today - the Beastology Class. Some even call it Monstrology. (I think the author adopted it from Zoology.)

Anyway, returning to class, I focused on the person who was standing at the center of the circle which was formed by students.

She was a young woman, dressed in casual attire, her hair falling in loose waves around her shoulders. Her soft features and warm smile gave her a gentle, approachable aura that instantly drew the attention of everyone in the field.

I couldn't help but notice how nearly all the boys in the class were staring at her with a deep gaze, clearly captivated by her presence. It was no surprise, given her cute and innocent appearance, which seemed to contrast with the fierce subject matter of the class.

"Good morning, everyone," the instructor greeted us cheerfully, her voice soft yet clear. "Welcome to Beastology Class. My name is Professor Elara, and I'll be your instructor for this semester."

As she spoke, her gaze swept over the room, meeting each student's eyes with a warm smile. I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over me in her presence as if I were in the presence of a caring older sister.


Am I being influenced by the others beside me?

"In this class, we'll be exploring the fascinating world of magical creatures, from the majestic griffins to the elusive phoenixes," Professor Elara continued, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "We'll learn about their habitats, behavior patterns, and magical properties, as well as how to interact with them safely and responsibly."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "But more importantly, we'll also delve into the ethical considerations surrounding our interactions with magical creatures. As Awakeners, it's our responsibility to ensure the well-being of the people, but it doesn't mean we should mindlessly kill the magical beasts for our own gain. We must learn to coexist with them and respect their habitats and rights."

"Professor, I have a question!" Suddenly, a student shouted.

"Yes, you may ask." The professor faced the student and said with a gentle smile.

"Are you saying we shouldn't kill magic beasts?" The student asked. "They attack villages and towns, kill people of any race, and destroy everything! Shouldn't we eliminate them all for the safety of our world?"

Professor Elara's smile didn't waver as she addressed the student's concern. "That's a valid question, and one that's been debated for centuries. While it's true that some magical creatures can pose a threat to human settlements, it's important to remember that they are not inherently evil."

She paused, her gaze sweeping over the class. "Many magical creatures act out of instinct or self-preservation, rather than malice. It's our responsibility as Awakeners to find ways to coexist with them peacefully, rather than resorting to violence as the first option."

"But what about the safety of our people?" Another student interjected, voicing the concerns of many in the class. "Shouldn't that be our top priority?"

Professor Elara nodded in understanding. "Of course, the safety of our communities is paramount. However, there are often alternative solutions to dealing with magical creatures that don't involve violence. For example, we can employ protective barriers or deterrents to keep them away from populated areas, or establish designated habitats where they can roam freely without posing a threat to humans."

She paused, her expression thoughtful. "Ultimately, it's about finding a balance between protecting our people and respecting the rights of magical creatures. It's a complex issue, and one that we'll explore in more detail throughout the semester."

"Now, let's start the lesson. Today we will be learning about the classification of magical creatures and their ranks," Professor Elara announced, her voice carrying across the field.

Then she started explaining the topic. "Just like us, the Awakeners have their own ranking system, the magic creatures also have their own."

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