
From this moment onward, you are not my wife, nor my consort, and certainly not the queen of this kingdom, Sophia Mary

A hushed silence fell over the crowd as Ragnar continued, his words ringing clear and resolute.

"Today, I declare the dissolution of our union. Witnessed by the citizens of Central Gamaaloth, I hereby sever all ties that bind you to me. From this moment onward, you are not my wife, nor my consort, and certainly not the queen of this kingdom, Sophia Mary."

His proclamation echoed across the courtyard, leaving an uneasy stillness in its wake. The gathered crowd exchanged murmurs and shocked whispers, unable to fully comprehend the gravity of Ragnar's decision.

The stone, usually inert and simply decorative, now seemed almost alive, pulsating with an unseen energy that caused Ragnar visible discomfort.

The wind picked up suddenly, growing strong and forceful, though not quite strong enough to sweep them off their feet.

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