
Taking Action

"You will have to go all out if you want to fight with me. But if you don't want to fight with me, I would like to suggest that you get out of the ring and allow another person inside." Alfie stated in a deep voice as he looked at Scarlet.

Scarlet was unhappy after hearing what Alfie had said. But since this guy wanted her to go all out, she had to do that. It was not only to teach this guy a lesson, but she also understood that if she did not go all out, it was going to be impossible for her to be able to defeat Alfie.

Thinking about the time that he had been having much trouble to be able to land even a single attack on Jaden, she definitely could not allow something like that to happen again. She had her own pride, and she was not going to allow it to be trampled upon.

She took a step forward and approached Alfie. Alfie on the other hand did not retreat, but instead, looked pleased by the fact that Scarlet seemed to be taking him seriously. But even then, there was not even an ounce of emotion on his face after a slight reaction.

The moment that the gap between the two of them was reduced to less than 1m, Scarlet took the initiative to attack. She launched a punch with her full strength this time, but even then, she made sure not to target the vital areas.

Looking at the punch coming towards him, Alfie took a single step backwards with his left leg, before bending his right leg a little. With that, he had already taken his fighting stance.

When the punch was about to land on his face, he simply twisted his head to the right, dodging the punch quite easily. His movements were extremely fluid, and there was no any excessive movement at all.

Scarlet was surprised when she realized that Alfie was capable of reacting even when she attacked with her full strength. But even then, she did not intend to give him a chance to strike back at all. The same hand that had been used to attack suddenly bent, and an elbow descended towards Alfie's shoulder.

Alfie was also surprised by that sudden movement, but even then, he reacted swiftly, shifting his body towards the left, managing to narrowly dodge the attack.

But he had just managed to dodge that attack when suddenly, a kick came towards his face. It seemed that this lady was intending to hit his face. This was something that Alfie was not happy about.

Facing the kick from Scarlet, Alfie raised his left hand, managing to parry the attack. This time, here utilized his strength in order to be able to parry the attack from Scarlet. And due to the force that was applied when parrying the attack, Scarlet was forced to the left.

She almost fell to the ground had it not been for the fact that she stabilized herself quickly. But she had just managed to stabilize herself when suddenly, Alfie attacked. He launched a punch towards her stomach.

Scarlet had already expected that she was going to be attacked since this was a fight. But even then, the speed that Alfie possessed when he attacked completely exceeded her estimation. But even then, she managed to react, barely dodging the attack.

She did not try to block the attack at all. She understood that the strength that Alfie possessed was definitely not something that she could deal with easily. And for that reason, it was better for her to avoid the attacks if possible. In case there was no any other option, then she would have no choice but to block the attacks. But now that there was another option of dodging, she took it.

The moment that she managed to dodge the attack, she took a few steps backwards, retreating. But Alfie did not give her a chance of retreating at all, and immediately followed her with another punch. This time, the punch was heading towards her face.

It might be true that Scarlet did not really care much about makeup and so on, but even then, she was a girl. So of course, she really cared about her face. And now that there was somebody that was trying to attack her face, how could she not get angry about it?

Although she was angry, she knew that she had to react. And so, swiftly, she managed to twist her body slightly, dodging the attack. At the same time, she kicked towards Alfie, forcing Alfie to retreat in order to evade the attack.

Outside the ring, everybody that was watching the battle between the two of them was amazed. Harry had never expected that there was actually going to be a possibility that Scarlet was going to be able to fight with Alfie for this long.

Previously, it only took a few attacks from Alfie to be able to defeat Lucas and the others. Although he understood that Scarlet was strong, he still possessed the prejudice against Scarlet considering that she was a lady. So, he believed that Alfie was going to be able to take care of her in just a while.

But the two of them had been fighting for more than 5 minutes now, and none of them had managed to land an attack on the other. Although it was clear that Alfie possessed an advantage in the exchange between the two of them, but even then, the advantage was not clear enough.

This was something that made him frown. If they did not crush Scarlet, and only managed to win by a small margin, how was he supposed to be bragging in front of her?

Lucas and the others that belonged to Scarlet's group could not help but get a little worried. Of course they could tell that currently, Scarlet was at a disadvantage. It was only due to her nimble movements that she was able to survive this long. Otherwise, had she not been fast enough, she would have definitely been defeated by now.

Just looking at the strength that was possessed by Alfie, they understood that it was impossible for her to be able to compete against him in terms of physical strength. The only thing that Scarlet could depend on at the moment in order to be able to defeat Alfie was strategy.

Among the entire group, the one that was extremely nervous was none other than Lucas. Had it not been for the fact that he was not capable of dealing with Alfie, he would have already gone ahead to deal with the guy for trying to attack Scarlet.

After all, each and every attack that Alfie was throwing at Scarlet was extremely dangerous, and if any of them managed to land on Scarlet, she was going to be injured. With the way that he was obsessed with Scarlet, how could he allow another person to injure her?

But he understood that there was nothing that he could do at the moment. It might be true that he was stronger than Harry, but even then, the difference between the two of them was not that big. And so, it was going to be quite easy for Harry to be able to prevent him from getting involved in the fight in the ring.

Even though it was true that the others in the group possessed good combat strength, they definitely could not be able to deal with Harry's group in a short time to go and assist Scarlet. Even if they managed to assist Scarlet so that she could defeat Alfie, they would definitely not celebrate about it.

After all, they would have still lost in a one-on-one fight. At the same time, Lucas understood Scarlet quite well. If they decided to get involved in the fight, they would definitely end up irritating her.

Jaden on the other hand had been observing the battle from a close distance. The moment that the fight between Alfie and Scarlet began, he approached the ring, and stood outside. He was going to take action in case there was a need for him to do that.

But before that, he would just continue observing the battle between the two of them. And to say the truth, he could not help but be amazed about the abilities of the two of them.

According to his estimation, the two of them were definitely not that much older than him. But even then, the skills that they possessed were definitely above the ones that he possessed before he received the system and the rewards.

But now that he possessed the system, this was going to be his advantage. It might be true that he could not compete with Scarlet and Alfie when it came to how they had managed to get this skilled, but even then, they could not compete with his luck when it came to obtaining the system, right?

As the battle between the two of them waged on, the two of them began sweating due to the high intensity movements. But from Jaden's observation, he could already tell that Scarlet was already reaching her limit.

She possessed quite high stamina, but even then, due to the fact that she was making rapid movements in order to be able to evade the attacks from Alfie, she was consuming the stamina at an incredible speed. So of course, she was going to be the one that got tired first.

Alfie on the other hand, although he was currently sweating, his breathing was stable. This was a complete contrast to Scarlet who was already breathing heavily.

Suddenly, while everybody was watching the battle going on inside the ring, Jaden jumped into the ring. This immediately made everybody tense up, while Harry was immediately infuriated, and got ready to take action. The two fighting in the ring were also surprised by Jaden's actions.

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