
Chapter 57 : Grades of Pokemon Tide

Sabrina nodded and said, "Damian Silph, you will need to guard Silph Co. I'll have my Mr. Mimes keep an eye. Keep a couple of Elite Trainers and a few Advanced and Intermediate Trainers to keep an eye on your building. The rest will reinforce the Army. As for others, you don't need to worry too much. The League will be keeping an eye on Team Wraith's movements.

For now, start moving the armies. We need everyone to be in the right place before the tide arrives. Koichi, Damian Silph and Officer Jenny, you three should begin placing traps outside the city. Prepare as if it is a full power tide. Nurse Joy, please ensure that you are well prepared to deal with the casualties the war will cause.

Eliza, you will be supervising the army. Since we don't know which Pokemons will hit from which direction, all four army divisions have to be well-balanced. Place two-thirds of our army in the North, East and North Eastern borders. The rest will be deployed on the other side.

Keep the Trainers who aren't a part of the army as backups for now. Segregate them as per the types they specialize in. Once the tide begins and we know which Pokemons are in every direction, we will dispatch them to reinforce the army and join the war to ensure maximum effectiveness..."

Sabrina quickly passed the orders to prepare for the war. Everyone nodded and immediately began their work.

At the same time, information was spread in the city by the leaders themselves. The people who had been very tense for a couple of days relaxed after knowing that the tide was much weaker than usual.

Orion and the other trainees became aware as well. A weird expression appeared on Orion's face as he thought, 'That's weird… The Tide is coming just from the northeast. That was where I was plundering and caused several deaths. Could it be related or is it just a coincidence?'

"What are you thinking?" Seeing a thoughtful expression on Orion's face, Emma became curious. He shook his head and replied, "Nothing specific. Did they decide the danger level?"

Emma nodded and answered, "Yes. It will most likely be an Orange Alert. Some say that even a Blue Alert could be issued. As for the Grade of the Tide, it's speculated to be a Grade A Tide."

Orion replied, "I see. In that case, we don't have any reason to be worried."

Emma nodded. While there still would be deaths among the ones fighting, the civilians and trainers under the age of 15 will stay safe as long as they take the proper precautions.

Hazel, who was overhearing their conversation, asked, "Emma, I understand the danger levels, but what do you mean by Grade A?"

Hazel was a trainee just like Orion and Emma. She used to generally be quiet just like Emma. As a result, the two had become friends over the last couple of years.

Emma explained, "Well, Grade and Danger Level are the two ways to identify the strength of a Pokemon Tide. The danger level is a relative metric while Grade is a fixed metric.

The Grade of a Tide is decided solely by the Pokemons constituting the Tide. There are 7 different Grades. They are Grade E, D, C, B, A, S and Z.

Grade E is assigned to the tides that don't have any Elite Pokemons and have under 100 thousand Pokemons. Grade D is the same but is assigned to a tide with more than 100 thousand Pokemons.

Grades C and B are assigned to the tides that are led by Elite Pokemons. If there are less than 10 Elite Pokemons, then it is categorized as Grade C, otherwise, it is Grade B.

Tides led by Pseudo Champion Pokemons are classified as Grade A. Tides led by Champion Pokemons are classified as Grade S. Tides led by Guardian Pokemons are classified as Grade Z.

The Grade of a Tide stays fixed as opposed to the Danger Level. For example, we are issuing only an Orange Alert for this tide. If this tide had instead moved towards a smaller town, then they would have issued a Purple Alert. If it was headed towards a small village, then they would be forced to issue a Black Alert and escape from the village.

Hazel's eyes widened. She asked, "There are so many more classifications? This is so confusing!"

Orion chuckled and said, "That's just the beginning. Each Grade has further classifications."

Hazel asked, "What further classifications? And why do they make it so complicated?"

Orion answered, "It isn't complicated. It is to access the danger level appropriately and ensure that the defence isn't inadequate. For example, Grade D is further Classified as Grade D, Grade DD and Grade DDD if a Pokemon Tide has 100 thousand to 200 thousand Pokemons, 200 thousand to 1 million Pokemons and more than 1 million Pokemons respectively.

It can be categorized even further by using '-' and '+' signs. For instance, DD- is used for a tide that has 200 thousand to 400 thousand Pokemons while DD+ is used for a tide that has 750 thousand to 1 million Pokemons.

At times, a Tide might be higher or lower rate even if they don't fit in those grades as per normal definitions."

Hazel became even more confused. Even Emma was surprised by the last sentence and asked, "How can a tide be classified as lower or higher than usual?"

Orion answered, "There was an incident that happened in Johto around 115 years ago. The Pokemon Tide a town was facing didn't have any Elite Pokemons and was hence declared as Grade D. That town should have been able to resist a Grade D tide with ease. However, it collapsed because the tide was made of more than a billion Rattata and Raticate.

After that incident, the League increased the flexibility of each Grade and that particular Tide was recategorized as Grade S."

Emma muttered in shock, "A billion Rattata and Raticate?"

Hazel exclaimed, "That's so creepy!"

Orion chuckled and said, "It sure is. Anyway, I'll see you later. Thanks for the information."

He turned around and began walking. What the three of them didn't know was that there was another Grade created for Pokemon Tides. It was the only Grade that wasn't denoted by a letter and instead had an entire word.

Very few people were aware of this particular Grade. And, the reason why it could stay this way was because almost everyone who faced that Grade of Tide was long dead! The only ones who could escape alive were top-tier Trainers in the Pokemon League.

This Grade was called Grade Doomsday! It was used when Legendary Pokemons were involved. Throughout human history, there wasn't a single instance when humanity had won against a tide led by a Legendary Pokemon!

A Pokemon Tide led by a Legendary Pokemon meant guaranteed destruction! It would directly cause a Black Alert. If this information spread, it would cause massive panic among the humans. It was why the League did everything it could to keep this information hidden.


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