
Chapter 42 : The Grand Heist - Second Attempt!

The Oddish colony were having a peaceful day when they suddenly felt tremors and numerous of them were hit by the bulldoze. Though it didn't kill anyone, it gravely injured several of the young Oddish in the colony. Just like the Victreebel colony, a couple of Vileplume and several Glooms came rushing towards the direction of the Bulldoze but didn't find anyone.

The colony was soon hit by several more Bulldozes, each coming from a different direction, causing a sense of panic in the colony. As compared to the Victreebel colony, they were slightly weaker. They only had 6 Vileplumes, the strongest of which was only at level 35.

"Vileplume! Vileplume! Vileplume!"

The strongest Vileplume immediately took charge. She was in a foul mood due to her peaceful day being disturbed. She divided the colony into several units and immediately established a perimeter around her colony.

Their movements allowed Orion to pinpoint the location of their actual colony. He instructed Rhydon to begin digging a tunnel. However, this time, he dug a tunnel that was 45 meters under the ground, 10 meters deeper than what Vileplumes could normally feel with their feet.

Having been discovered the previous time, Rhydon, Kadabra and Machoke were very alert. Thankfully, they weren't discovered this time. Orion and his Pokemons moved right under the centre of the colony. The only issue was that there were 45 meters of hard ground between them and the colony.

Orion analyzed, 'If the distance was smaller, I'd have made Rhydon use Drill Run straight to the surface and hit a strong Pokemon while he was at it. But, if I do it from 45 meters away, anyone would dodge. Oh well, luckily I have other ways.'

Orion sat on the ground and took out a paper. It was a rough map of the colony that he had drawn while the Pokemons rushed out from it. He said, "Kadabra, poke holes in the locations where you can sense the presence of Pokemons above the ground."

Kadabra nodded and his eyes began glowing with Psychic energy once again as he focused 45 meters above the ground. He pointed a finger towards the paper and small holes began appearing.

Near the centre, there were only a few holes. Orion calculated, '5 are near the centre. There are still over 25 that could reach the centre within a few seconds. And, there are so many in the perimeter around the colony that the holes have torn the paper…

I can't let my team be swamped by them. I will need to quickly swoop in, steal the shit and leave before those 25 could rush back in.'

Orion took a deep breath. He looked at his Pokemons and asked, "Are you guys ready?"

Everyone nodded. There was a hint of excitement and alertness in their movements. Orion said, "Good. Kadabra, which one of the enemies is the strongest?"

Kadabra quickly pointed towards one of the holes. It was the hole right at the centre of the colony. Orion smiled and said, "Good. Rhydon, prepare your strongest Rock Blast. You will hit him with all you got. Kadabra, you will follow up with Psybeam. Machoke, you'll use Bullet Punch to send these 4 flying away before they can understand what is happening."

Hearing Orion's instructions, Rhydon and Machoke began building their energy. When they were ready, Kadabra teleported the entire group!

In the colony, the Pokemons were still in panic. Though the attacks had stopped, they felt that it was just the calm before the storm. They expected to be attacked by a huge army of Ground type Pokemons from every direction. The leading Vileplume was constantly sending orders to ensure that their colony was prepared for an assault.

As she was speaking, "Vileplume, Vileplume, Vilepl???"

She was surprised as she suddenly sensed something behind her. She immediately looked behind, but was hit by 4 rocks straight in the face! She was sent flying as she screamed, "VILEPLUUMMEEE!"

At the same time, Machoke made a move and hit the 4 Glooms around her with Bullet Punch before they could understand what was happening. All four were launched into the air and crashed into the ground a few dozen meters away.

The Vileplume who was hit took a lot of damage from the Rock Blast but was still awake. Though the attack wasn't super effective, Rhydon was several levels higher than her. Her scream had attracted everyone. Unfortunately for her, she was hit by a super effective Psybeam while she was in the air. Even though she was still alive, the attack finally knocked her out!

As for Orion, he ignored the Pokemons and his eyes quickly scanned the area for any valuables! He quickly found a few and said loudly while pointing at them, "Kadabra, teleport those berries and the other stuff there into the tunnel! Teleport the shiny stuff first!"

Kadabra noticed the berries and some shiny stuff. He focused on them and immediately began teleporting them to the underground tunnel. While he was doing so, the other Pokemons snapped out of their shock and rushed towards Orion and his team.

One Vileplume launched a Sludge Bomb towards Orion's team. To Orion's surprise, another Vileplume, who was still some distance away, used Moonblast! Several Glooms and Oddish began using Stun Spore, Poison Powder and Sleep Powder, polluting the air. In addition, he felt a couple of Pokemons building up energy for Solar Beam!

Orion instructed, "Machoke, use Protect to cover everyone. Rhydon, give them another Bulldoze. Kadabra, that's enough. Teleport us underground."

Rhydon lifted his leg and slammed it into the ground, sending a Bulldoze which hit everyone who was rushing towards him, slowing them down. Right after, Machoke moved to the front and used Protect. The incoming sludge bomb and Moonblast hit the shield around Machoke and were stopped. Moments later, Kadabra's Psychic Energy covered everyone and teleported Orion and his Pokemons underground. A couple of seconds after they teleported, two Solar Beams hit the spot that Orion was previously standing on.

Orion thought, 'That sight was scary… Even though Kadabra has Magic Coat, there is no way it would have helped much in this situation as there were attacking moves mixed in there as well…

I'll need to change my plans. All it'd take is one miscalculation and I will have to pay dearly. That said, I can worry about it later.'

A wide smile appeared on Orion's face as his eyes fell on the 'loot' Kadabra had plundered. Orion's Pokemons were excited as well. However, Orion knew that there was a chance that they might be somehow attacked here as well.

He suppressed his excitement and quickly began storing everything in his bag. Understanding his urgency, his Pokemons helped as well. Within a minute, everything was packed and Kadabra teleported the team into the underground room they had created slightly away from the colony.

As Orion had expected, the Vileplumes, Glooms and Oddish found the tunnel entry within a few minutes and filled the entire tunnel with Stun Spore, Poison Powder and Sleep Powder. Unfortunately for them, the 'robbers' had long evacuated. They could only lick their wounds and continue with their lives.

As for Orion, he quickly began moving to the city in order to check what he had gotten.


A/N : If you want to, you can support me on Pat reon.

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Pat reon has 12 additional chapters right now.

Thank you Johnny, Howellsy, Blue Line and Aaron for supporting me on Pat reon.

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