
Vol 1: Climate

Hello, there. This auxiliary chapter covers one of the three minor but essential elements of volume one's narration which are climate, geography and the landmarks of Royalty Pack AND as well as minor spoilers. They are irrelevant sounding but crucial. To keep the word count of every chapter checked, giving them the enough chance they deserved in the story was impossible...

• Challenging Climate?

So for us to first start with the climate, then we have to mention how, luckily, it wasn't one of the challenges Max had to face in Royalty Pack in volume one. The weather was in the middle of switching between stormy rainy season to dry and cool winter when he arrived.

• How's the Pattern?

For a very long time, Royalty Pack's moderate weather pattern resembled that of coastal areas, told by the entirely graveled land spread everywhere, indicating that there could be an ocean nearby; we can't be so sure when we are in a fantasy world.

When the blue moon rises, the clouds have to vanish and when the sun rises, the clouds have to block its full rays. It Sounds quite supernatural and mysterious.

• Effects of the Climate

The settlement had an annual average temperature that was neither too cold nor too hot. For that reason, its effects on the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the settlement was not prominent as they could wear whatever they wanted, eat whatever they wanted and live happily as a result.

But having two big mountains, that is the Left Shoulder's mountain and the Right Shoulder's mountain, natural disasters Royalty Pack normally had to face were devastating storms during the rainy season that always came along with mighty thunders and big tornadoes.

Even with those two mighty mountains, the settlement wasn't extremely hot during the summers. Very contradicting.

In conclusion, as far as volume one is concerned, climate didn't force the inhabitants of Royalty Pack to become fighters, wild warriors, heroes or anything as such.

Next is Geography. Reading it would shed more light on how to picture Royalty Pack, therefore making us feel how the story is indeed intended to be.

Jaxmaacreators' thoughts
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