

Soft mists of air escaped through Jia's lips as her feet tapped against the ground, marching her jogging speed with Mingshen's. Mingshen increased the pace and length of his strides and Jia started to fall behind. But she didn't let him.

"I think you are treating this as a race," she scowled.

"And you are losing," he winked.

She narrowed her eyes. "Do not challenge me, Yang Mingshen."

He sexily raises his brow. He then looked at a distance and said, "Let's see who reaches that swing first."

They stopped and Jia huffed a bit breathlessly.

"Aish, you are already lacking oxygen~ Do you really want to humiliate yourself with this teensy race?"

She sneered. "Seems like somebody is afraid of his own proposition now."

They stopped, ready to start their race. Mingshen tilted his head. "What will the winner get?"

"If I win, which I will for sure - you will take your words back about my…" she pressed her lips, unwilling to mention it.

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