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The realization finally dawned upon Yibo, and the moment it did, Jia saw the arrogant smirk disappear off his face. His hand instinctively reached to his pocket, who began sweating on his forehead.

Jia placed her open palm before him. "Will you please hand over the handkerchief? I believe it holds very important evidence, which I will submit for forensic investigation."

"Why should I submit anything to you? It's my handkerchief. This is all just a way for you to incriminate me!"

"Resistance is futile and it will only make things a lot harder if you don't cooperate."

Mingshen laughed. "Now that's the look of seeing a real ghost~"

Yibo still hadn't confessed but his refusal to hand over his handkerchief was more than enough.

"Unbelievable…" Anhe collapsed back.

Mr. Geng crashed into Yibo, closing his fist to punch his face when Jia pulled him back.

"Stay back."

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