

"This bastard is clearly a traitor! How could you still plead for me to let him go, my silly sister?"

Quinton slammed the table furiously and shouted an order to his men outside, "Get in here! Drag this turncoat out and feed him to the fish! I don't ever want to see him again!"

"Calm down, Quinton! Why are you screaming for blood all of a sudden?"

Joanna sighed helplessly. She was completely unaccustomed to the cruel and vicious side of her brother, having only known him as a gentle and polite man. But then she thought of the arduous life he must have had to suffer through since he was a child, and the violent outburst failed to anger her. Instead, she just felt sorry for him.

In this situation, the only thing she could do as his sister was to tolerate and try to understand him. Later, at a more suitable time, she would be his "tranquilizer" and try to keep him under control.

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